C# 如何更改在BaseTest-setup方法下调用的类的属性值

C# 如何更改在BaseTest-setup方法下调用的类的属性值,c#,selenium-webdriver,nunit,C#,Selenium Webdriver,Nunit,资源:c#,努努努特,硒,VS 2017,restSharp 1) 这是我的测试类,继承的BaseTest类 [TestFixture] public class ABCTest : BaseTest { [Test] [Retry(Constant.IterationRunsInCaseFailure)] public void ABC_Output() { Common.ExecuteTest(ABC.CheckAdd

资源:c#,努努努特,硒,VS 2017,restSharp

1) 这是我的测试类,继承的BaseTest类

public class ABCTest : BaseTest
    public void ABC_Output()
        Common.ExecuteTest(ABC.CheckAdd, GetType().Name, MethodName);
2) 这是基类,将在任何测试之前首先执行

public class BaseTest
    public void Init()
        if (Driver.BaseAddress.Contains("dev.com"))
            Assert.Fail("Please check URL  ");

// I am calling this "TokenGenerate" method to get token and other stuff.
//since it's defined under "set up" method I am not sure how to change the property values.

        string url = TokenRequest.TokenGenerate();

3) 这是我感兴趣的“TokenGenerate”方法下的“TokenRequest”类

public class TokenRequest
    public static string TokenGenerate()
        var client = new RestClient("any url ");
        var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

        //  I want change the value of this PostMe properties for few test cases. since it's a executed under"BaseTest" and called before any test so I am not sure how to change these properties "Name, ProxyUrl etc" according to test. 

        var postMe = new PostMe()
            Name = "ABC ABC",
            ManagementId = "ABC ABC",                
            ProxyUrl = ABC,
            SourceFilename = ABC,
4) 这是要运行的测试的实际实现,在这里可以避免。 我有这样的测试用例,它们都使用PostMe属性的默认值,但是我想更改这个测试用例的值

public class ABC
    public static bool CheckAdd()
        return true;            



public class TokenRequest
        public PostMe PostMe { get; set; }

        public TokenRequest()
            PostMe = new PostMe()
                Name = "ABC ABC",
                ManagementId = "ABC ABC",
                ProxyUrl = ABC,
                SourceFilename = ABC,
            }; ;

        public TokenRequest(PostMe postMe)
            PostMe = postMe;

        public static string TokenGenerate()
            var client = new RestClient("any url ");
            var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            //  I want change the value of this PostMe properties for few test cases. since it's a executed under"BaseTest" and called before any test so I am not sure how to change these properties "Name, ProxyUrl etc" according to test. 

            var postMe = PostMe;
public class TokenRequest
        public PostMe PostMe { get; set; }

        public TokenRequest()
            PostMe = new PostMe()
                Name = "ABC ABC",
                ManagementId = "ABC ABC",
                ProxyUrl = ABC,
                SourceFilename = ABC,
            }; ;

        public TokenRequest(PostMe postMe)
            PostMe = postMe;

        public static string TokenGenerate()
            var client = new RestClient("any url ");
            var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

            //  I want change the value of this PostMe properties for few test cases. since it's a executed under"BaseTest" and called before any test so I am not sure how to change these properties "Name, ProxyUrl etc" according to test. 

            var postMe = PostMe;