Javascript 将SVG路径转换为相对命令

Javascript 将SVG路径转换为相对命令,javascript,svg,Javascript,Svg,给定SVG路径元素,如何将所有路径命令转换为相对坐标?例如,转换此路径(包括每个命令,绝对和相对,交错): 进入此等效路径: <path d="m3,7 l10,0 m-10 10 l10,0 v10 h10 v10 h10 c0,6 5,10 10,10 c0,5 5,10 10,10 s10,10 10,10 s-10,10 10,10 q-23,-27 0,-20 q20,-5 0,-10



<path d="m3,7 l10,0 m-10 10 l10,0 v10 h10 v10 h10
         c0,6 5,10 10,10    c0,5 5,10 10,10
         s10,10 10,10       s-10,10 10,10
         q-23,-27 0,-20     q20,-5 0,-10
         t-3,-7             t0-15
         a5,5 45 1 0 -30,-5 a5,5 20 0 1 -10,-10



function convertToRelative(path) {
  function set(type) {
    var args = [], 1)
      , rcmd = 'createSVGPathSeg'+ type +'Rel'
      , rseg = path[rcmd].apply(path, args);
    segs.replaceItem(rseg, i);
  var dx, dy, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, segs = path.pathSegList;
  for (var x = 0, y = 0, i = 0, len = segs.numberOfItems; i < len; i++) {
    var seg = segs.getItem(i)
      , c   = seg.pathSegTypeAsLetter;
    if (/[MLHVCSQTAZz]/.test(c)) {
      if ('x1' in seg) x1 = seg.x1 - x;
      if ('x2' in seg) x2 = seg.x2 - x;
      if ('y1' in seg) y1 = seg.y1 - y;
      if ('y2' in seg) y2 = seg.y2 - y;
      if ('x'  in seg) dx = -x + (x = seg.x);
      if ('y'  in seg) dy = -y + (y = seg.y);
      switch (c) {
        case 'M': set('Moveto',dx,dy);                   break;
        case 'L': set('Lineto',dx,dy);                   break;
        case 'H': set('LinetoHorizontal',dx);            break;
        case 'V': set('LinetoVertical',dy);              break;
        case 'C': set('CurvetoCubic',dx,dy,x1,y1,x2,y2); break;
        case 'S': set('CurvetoCubicSmooth',dx,dy,x2,y2); break;
        case 'Q': set('CurvetoQuadratic',dx,dy,x1,y1);   break;
        case 'T': set('CurvetoQuadraticSmooth',dx,dy);   break;
        case 'A': set('Arc',dx,dy,seg.r1,seg.r2,seg.angle,
                      seg.largeArcFlag,seg.sweepFlag);   break;
        case 'Z': case 'z': x = x0; y = y0; break;
    else {
      if ('x' in seg) x += seg.x;
      if ('y' in seg) y += seg.y;
    // store the start of a subpath
    if (c == 'M' || c == 'm') {
      x0 = x;
      y0 = y;
  path.setAttribute('d', path.getAttribute('d').replace(/Z/g, 'z'));

我还制作了一个小的phantomjs shell实用程序,它以这种方式转换svg中的所有路径(为了更好地衡量,在相同的要点中有一个对应的路径)。


现在已经被弃用了:由于在Chrome(和其他浏览器)中上述API弃用后,这个答案不再正确,我将切换到Snap hack,或者它的兄弟Rafael中的类似解决方案:值得注意的是:至少这里链接的Snap.SVG版本()不会保留输入的坐标精度,但所有坐标的精度都将舍入到3位小数。
function convertToRelative(path) {
  function set(type) {
    var args = [], 1)
      , rcmd = 'createSVGPathSeg'+ type +'Rel'
      , rseg = path[rcmd].apply(path, args);
    segs.replaceItem(rseg, i);
  var dx, dy, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, segs = path.pathSegList;
  for (var x = 0, y = 0, i = 0, len = segs.numberOfItems; i < len; i++) {
    var seg = segs.getItem(i)
      , c   = seg.pathSegTypeAsLetter;
    if (/[MLHVCSQTAZz]/.test(c)) {
      if ('x1' in seg) x1 = seg.x1 - x;
      if ('x2' in seg) x2 = seg.x2 - x;
      if ('y1' in seg) y1 = seg.y1 - y;
      if ('y2' in seg) y2 = seg.y2 - y;
      if ('x'  in seg) dx = -x + (x = seg.x);
      if ('y'  in seg) dy = -y + (y = seg.y);
      switch (c) {
        case 'M': set('Moveto',dx,dy);                   break;
        case 'L': set('Lineto',dx,dy);                   break;
        case 'H': set('LinetoHorizontal',dx);            break;
        case 'V': set('LinetoVertical',dy);              break;
        case 'C': set('CurvetoCubic',dx,dy,x1,y1,x2,y2); break;
        case 'S': set('CurvetoCubicSmooth',dx,dy,x2,y2); break;
        case 'Q': set('CurvetoQuadratic',dx,dy,x1,y1);   break;
        case 'T': set('CurvetoQuadraticSmooth',dx,dy);   break;
        case 'A': set('Arc',dx,dy,seg.r1,seg.r2,seg.angle,
                      seg.largeArcFlag,seg.sweepFlag);   break;
        case 'Z': case 'z': x = x0; y = y0; break;
    else {
      if ('x' in seg) x += seg.x;
      if ('y' in seg) y += seg.y;
    // store the start of a subpath
    if (c == 'M' || c == 'm') {
      x0 = x;
      y0 = y;
  path.setAttribute('d', path.getAttribute('d').replace(/Z/g, 'z'));
var path = document.querySelector('path');
// m 3 7 l 10 0 m -10 10 l 10 0 v 10 h 10 v 10 h 10 c 0 6 5 10 10 10 c 0 5 5 10 10 10 s 10 10 10 10 s -10 10 10 10 q -23 -27 0 -20 q 20 -5 0 -10 t -3 -7 t 0 -15 a 5 5 45 1 0 -30 -5 a 5 5 20 0 1 -10 -10 z
var rel = Snap.path.toRelative(abspathstring);