在Visual Studio for Windows 10 Mobile中构建和部署cordova应用程序-调试器抛出javascript运行时错误

在Visual Studio for Windows 10 Mobile中构建和部署cordova应用程序-调试器抛出javascript运行时错误,javascript,cordova,visual-studio-2015,runtime-error,windows-10-mobile,Javascript,Cordova,Visual Studio 2015,Runtime Error,Windows 10 Mobile,当我为Cordova Windows 10 Mobile构建javascript应用程序并使用Visual studio 2015进行调试时(但在此之前,从网页包配置运行模块绑定,即webpack--bail--progress--profile使用Task Runner Explorer插件),应用程序大部分时间都会构建和部署,因此我可以运行它并查看加载屏幕(css动画在登录到应用程序窗体之前出现),但在调试时,我会收到JavaScript运行时错误,如: 'WWAHost.exe' (Scr

当我为Cordova Windows 10 Mobile构建javascript应用程序并使用Visual studio 2015进行调试时(但在此之前,从网页包配置运行模块绑定,即
使用Task Runner Explorer插件),应用程序大部分时间都会构建和部署,因此我可以运行它并查看加载屏幕(css动画在登录到应用程序窗体之前出现),但在调试时,我会收到JavaScript运行时错误,如:

'WWAHost.exe' (Script): Loaded 'Script Code (MSAppHost/3.0)'. 
'WWAHost.exe' (Script): Loaded 'ms-appx-web://com.pg.apptracking1617vendor341/www/vendor/app.31001d2eb956c2104cb7.js'. 
Exception was thrown at line 1861, column 3 in eval code
0x800a1389 - JavaScript runtime error: Number.prototype.toPrecision: 'this' is not a Number object
Exception was thrown at line 2397, column 5 in eval code
0x800a1608 - JavaScript runtime error: String.prototype.endsWith: first argument cannot be a RegExp
Exception was thrown at line 2401, column 7 in eval code
0x800a1608 - JavaScript runtime error: String.prototype.endsWith: first argument cannot be a RegExp
Exception was thrown at line 2397, column 5 in eval code
0x800a1608 - JavaScript runtime error: String.prototype.includes: first argument cannot be a RegExp
Exception was thrown at line 2401, column 7 in eval code
0x800a1608 - JavaScript runtime error: String.prototype.includes: first argument cannot be a RegExp
Exception was thrown at line 2397, column 5 in eval code
0x800a1608 - JavaScript runtime error: String.prototype.startsWith: first argument cannot be a RegExp
Exception was thrown at line 2401, column 7 in eval code
0x800a1608 - JavaScript runtime error: String.prototype.startsWith: first argument cannot be a RegExp
Exception was thrown at line 2603, column 3 in eval code
0x800a1389 - JavaScript runtime error: Number expected
Exception was thrown at line 2735, column 33 in eval code
0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: 2
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 48 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference
Exception was thrown at line 2836, column 3 in eval code
0x800a1396 - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.sort: argument is not a JavaScript object
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 48 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.sort: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 11 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.forEach: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 11 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.map: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 11 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.filter: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 11 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.some: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 11 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.every: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 11 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.reduce: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 11 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.reduceRight: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 48 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.indexOf: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 2788, column 48 in eval code
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Array.prototype.lastIndexOf: 'this' is null or undefined
Exception was thrown at line 3283, column 39 in eval code
0x800a1398 - JavaScript runtime error: RegExp.prototype.toString: 'this' is not a RegExp object
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid
Exception was thrown at line 5114, column 7 in eval code
0x800a13da - JavaScript runtime error: Typed array constructor argument is invalid

请注意,这是适用于Windows 10 Mobile的Cordova应用程序,因此由于“远程模式”,不需要额外的“安全脚本”,AFAIK

是否有人在为Windows 10 Mobile构建Cordova应用程序时遇到过理智/类似的问题


Hey@Leo MSFT,您能告诉我,我应该在哪里查找问题吗?