Javascript 如何更新计数器并用单击按钮替换文本

Javascript 如何更新计数器并用单击按钮替换文本,javascript,django,django-forms,Javascript,Django,Django Forms,我有一个表单,人们可以通过一个按钮添加更多的输入 javascript函数克隆了“origin item”,但我似乎无法让函数正确更新\id\u nested-TOTAL\u表单中的值,\uuuuuuu前缀没有被计数器编号替换,它只是复制并添加\uuu前缀,而不是1或2等等 有人知道这个函数有什么问题吗 在此处找到脚本: 名称 变量前缀='嵌套'; var MAX_FORMS='1000'; var MIN_FORMS=1; /* *在此处对给定项目执行任何增强 *例如,添加日期选择器小部件


javascript函数克隆了“origin item”,但我似乎无法让函数正确更新
\id\u nested-TOTAL\u表单中的值




变量前缀='嵌套'; var MAX_FORMS='1000'; var MIN_FORMS=1; /* *在此处对给定项目执行任何增强 *例如,添加日期选择器小部件、弹出窗口等。 */ 功能增强项(项){ $('.btn.delete',item).popover({ 抵销:10 }); } 函数增强项(){ $('.item')。每个(函数(){ 加强项目(本); }); } /* *enhanceItem()的反面 */ 功能项目(项目){ $('.btn.delete',item).unbind(); } 函数项(){ $('.item')。每个(函数(){ (本)项目; }); } $(文档).ready(函数(){ 增强项(); }); 函数getFormCount(){ 返回parseInt($('#id'+prefix+'-TOTAL_FORMS').val(); } 函数updateFormCount(newValue){ $('#id'+prefix+'-TOTAL_FORMS').val(newValue); } /* * ==================================================== *一般说明:“表格”和“项目”在某种程度上可以互换使用。 * ==================================================== */ $.fn.clearForm=函数(){ 返回此值。每个(函数(){ var type=this.type,tag=this.tagName.toLowerCase(); 如果(标记=='form') 返回$(':input',this.clearForm(); 如果(类型=='text'| |类型=='password'| |标记=='textarea') 这个值=“”; else if(类型=='复选框'| |类型=='收音机') 此项检查=错误; else if(标记==“选择”) this.selectedIndex=-1; }); }; /* *给定一个元素,此函数将替换给定的字符串/regex *在元素中使用另一个指定的替换(新的_值) */ 函数更新元素(el、target_regex、replacement){ var id_regex=目标_regex; 如果($(el).attr(“for”)){ $(el).attr(“for”,$(el).attr(“for”).replace(id_regex,replacement)); } 如果(标高id){,替换); //更新隐藏ID的值 //此隐藏ID表示模型实例的ID var hidden_ID_patt=new RegExp('ID_('+prefix+'-\\d+-ID'); //仅在ID存在时更新(即,如果存在相应的模型实例) if(隐藏的识别号和部分测试(el.ID)){ $(el).val(新值+1); } } 如果({,replacement); } } /* *给定一个元素,此函数将替换(第一次?)出现的数字 *跟在特定前缀后面的(例如“exampleprefix-n”) *在元素中使用另一个指定的数字(新的_值) *其中n是一个数字 */ 函数updateElementIndex(el、前缀、新值){ var id_regex=new RegExp(“(“+前缀+”-\\d+-)”); var替换=前缀+'-'+新的_值+'-'; 更新元素(此,id_regex,替换); } 函数重新应用增强功能(){ //应用一些新的增强功能 减少项目(); 增强项(); } /* *btn=触发此操作的按钮(或链接或某些源对象) *prefix=表单集中使用的前缀(?) */ 函数附加项(btn,前缀){ var formCount=getFormCount(); //在继续此函数之前,您可能希望/希望执行一些验证 //即在添加项目之前 //在本例中,我将其限制为最大表单数 if(表格计数<最大表格数){ //从第一个项目克隆项目(不带事件处理程序) //var item=$(“.item:first”).clone(false).get(0); //克隆源项 var item=$(“#原始项”).clone(false).get(0); $(项目).removeAttr(“id”); $(项目).removeClass(“隐藏”); //明确其价值观 $(':input',item).clearForm(); //将其插入最后一项之后 $(item).removeAttr('id').hide().insertAfter(“form.item:last”).slideDown(300); $(':输入,标签',项)。每个(函数(){ //重新标记/重命名所有相关位 //“_前缀__”来自#源项 //参见“空表格”:形式 var target_regex=new RegExp('('+前缀+'-'前缀'-); 变量替换=前缀+'-'+formCount+'-'; 更新元素(此、目标、替换); //删除错误类 $(此).removeClass(“错误”); }); 重新应用增强功能(); //更新表格总数(在管理表格中) updateFormCount(formCount+1); } 否则{ //可以使用其他技术而不是JS警报通知用户 提醒(“对不起,您最多只能有“+MAX_FORMS+”个目标。”); } } /* *重新标记所有项目 */ 函数relabelItems(){ var forms=$('.item');//获取所有表单 //更新表格总数(可能比以前少1张) $('#id'+prefix+'-TOTAL#u FORMS').val(FORMS.length); var i=0; //检查表单并设置它们的索引、名称和ID for(formCount=forms.length;i<input id="id_nested-TOTAL_FORMS" name="nested-TOTAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="1"> <input id="id_nested-INITIAL_FORMS" name="nested-INITIAL_FORMS" type="hidden" value="0"> <input id="id_nested-MAX_NUM_FORMS" name="nested-MAX_NUM_FORMS" type="hidden" value="1000"> <div id="origin-item" class="hide item"> <div id="div_id_nested-__prefix__-name"> <label for="id_nested-__prefix__-name">Name</label> <div class="controls col-lg-10"> <input id="id_nested-__prefix__-name" name="nested-__prefix__-name" type="text" /> </div> </div> <p><a id="add-new-item" href="#">Add new person</a></p> <script type="text/javascript"> var prefix = 'nested'; var MAX_FORMS = '1000'; var MIN_FORMS = 1; /* * Perform any enhancements you'd like to a given item here * e.g. add datepicker widgets, popovers etc. */ function enhanceItem(item) { $('.btn.delete', item).popover({ offset: 10 }); } function enhanceItems() { $('.item').each(function() { enhanceItem(this); }); } /* * The opposite of enhanceItem() */ function diminishItem(item) { $('.btn.delete', item).unbind(); } function diminishItems() { $('.item').each(function() { diminishItem(this); }); } $(document).ready(function() { enhanceItems(); }); function getFormCount() { return parseInt($('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val()); } function updateFormCount(newValue) { $('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val(newValue); } /* * ==================================================== * General Notes: 'Form' and 'Item' are used somewhat interchangeably. * ==================================================== */ $.fn.clearForm = function() { return this.each(function() { var type = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tag == 'form') return $(':input',this).clearForm(); if (type == 'text' || type == 'password' || tag == 'textarea') this.value = ''; else if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio') this.checked = false; else if (tag == 'select') this.selectedIndex = -1; }); }; /* * Given an element, this function replaces a given string/regex * with another specified replacement (new_value) within the element */ function updateElement(el, target_regex, replacement) { var id_regex = target_regex; if ($(el).attr("for")) { $(el).attr("for", $(el).attr("for").replace(id_regex, replacement)); } if ( { =, replacement); // Update the value of the hidden ID // This hidden ID represents the ID of the model instance var hidden_ID_patt = new RegExp('id_(' + prefix + '-\\d+)-id'); // Only update if an ID exists (i.e. if a corresponding model instance exists) if (hidden_ID_patt.test( { $(el).val(new_value + 1); } } if ( { =, replacement); } } /* * Given an element, this function replaces (the first?) occurence of a number * that follows a specific prefix (e.g. 'exampleprefix-n') * with another specified number (new_value) within the element * where n is a number */ function updateElementIndex(el, prefix, new_value) { var id_regex = new RegExp('(' + prefix + '-\\d+-)'); var replacement = prefix + '-' + new_value + '-'; updateElement(this, id_regex, replacement); } function reapplyEnhancements() { // Apply some fresh enhancements diminishItems(); enhanceItems(); } /* * btn = the button (or link or some source object) that instigated this action * prefix = the prefix used in the formset (?) */ function addItem(btn, prefix) { var formCount = getFormCount(); // You might like/want to do some validation before proceeding in this function // i.e. before adding an item // In this case, I'm limiting it to max number of forms if (formCount < MAX_FORMS) { // Clone a item (without event handlers) from the first item //var item = $(".item:first").clone(false).get(0); // Clone the origin item var item = $("#origin-item").clone(false).get(0); $(item).removeAttr("id"); $(item).removeClass("hide"); // Clear its values $(':input', item).clearForm(); // Insert it after the last item $(item).removeAttr('id').hide().insertAfter("form .item:last").slideDown(300); $(':input, label', item).each(function() { // Relabel/rename all the relevant bits // '__prefix__' comes from #origin-item // see 'empty_form': var target_regex = new RegExp('(' + prefix + '-__prefix__-)'); var replacement = prefix + '-' + formCount + '-'; updateElement(this, target_regex, replacement); // Remove error classes $(this).removeClass("error"); }); reapplyEnhancements(); // Update the total form count (in the management form) updateFormCount(formCount + 1); } else { // Feel free to notify the user using some other technique instead of an JS alert alert("Sorry, you can only have a maximum of " + MAX_FORMS + " goals."); } } /* * Relabel all items */ function relabelItems() { var forms = $('.item'); // Get all the forms // Update the total number of forms (likely 1 less than before) $('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val(forms.length); var i = 0; // Go through the forms and set their indices, names and IDs for (formCount = forms.length; i < formCount; i++) { $(":input, label", forms.get(i)).each(function() { updateElementIndex(this, prefix, i); }); } } /* * Removes an item from a list of items */ function removeItem(btn, prefix) { var formCount = getFormCount(); // Do some validation before proceeding // In this case, just make sure there is at least one item if (formCount > MIN_FORMS) { var item = $(btn).parents('.item'); // Delete the item $("*", item).fadeOut(); $(item).animate({'backgroundColor':'#fb6c6c'}, 300).slideUp('slow', function() { $(item).remove(); relabelItems(); }); // Apply enhancements enhanceItems(); } else { // Feel free to notify the user using some other technique instead of an JS alert alert("Come on now, you need to have at least a minimum of " + MIN_FORMS + " item(s)."); } } // JavaScript to create a new items/entries $(document).ready(function() { $('#add-new-item').click(function(e) { addItem(this, prefix); return false; }); $('a.delete').live("click", function(e) { removeItem(this, prefix); return false; }); }); </script>
$('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val(newValue);
var target_regex = new RegExp('(' + prefix + '-__prefix__-)');