
将流引用与java组件mule关联,mule,mule-studio,Mule,Mule Studio,我有一个主流,它从一个http端点开始,然后是一个实现接口的soap组件,然后是一个实现接口的java组件1。现在,我想添加一个flow ref,然后添加一个实现相同接口的java组件2。我遇到了找不到入口的问题 我现在关注这个教程blogs.mulesoft.org/mule-school-invoking-component-methods-using-entry-point-resolvers/ 下面是我的流程 <flow name="CreateAccountFlow1" doc:

我有一个主流,它从一个http端点开始,然后是一个实现接口的soap组件,然后是一个实现接口的java组件1。现在,我想添加一个flow ref,然后添加一个实现相同接口的java组件2。我遇到了找不到入口的问题 我现在关注这个教程blogs.mulesoft.org/mule-school-invoking-component-methods-using-entry-point-resolvers/


<flow name="CreateAccountFlow1" doc:name="CreateAccountFlow1"> 
    <http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" 
            doc:name="HTTP" path="bank"/> 
    <cxf:jaxws-service doc:name="SOAP" serviceClass="com.essai2.AccountService"/> 
    <component class="com.essai2.AccountRequest" doc:name="Java"/> 
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/> 
    <flow-ref name="Projet2Flow1" doc:name="Flow Reference"/> 
    <component class="com.essai2.AccountResponse" doc:name="Java"/> 
    <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/> 


添加mule配置和Java组件以获得更多帮助。这是我的XML配置flow从flow-ref返回的有效负载的类别是什么。请确保flow-ref之后的组件中有一个方法可以匹配有效负载的参数类型。请问我http结果的类型是什么?它是http响应吗?如果是这样,我是否应该使用httpresponse to object transformer将信息传递给java组件?
In mule there are many ways to invoke a Java component.

1. Entry point resolver 
2. Implemnt mule Life Cycle API i.e callable
3. Invoke component.

when ever Mule finds Java component as message processors in a flow, tries to execute above three methods .

In the java component if you have created any methods with param same as mule message payload , Entry Point resolver is used.

eg :  class XYZ{
      method1(String s1){

      method2(List<String> S2){

If Mule Message Payload has type String then method1 is invoked, if message payload has List of String , method2 is invoked during run time.

2. If you can invoke the Java component in the flow irrespective of type of the payload, should implement Callable interface which overrides onCall() method.

for eg : class XYS implements Callable{
  onCall(MuleEventConext muleEventConext){


using MuleEvent Conext you can extract the payload and process it.

3. Using Invoke component, you can create the object of the Class and invoke explicitly the method with appropriate Parameters passed.