Php OJS 3.3.0-6不发送电子邮件

Php OJS 3.3.0-6不发送电子邮件,php,smtp,ojs,Php,Smtp,Ojs,我的OJS系统正在发送电子邮件。我将OJS升级到3.3.0-5,然后升级到3.3.0-6,但没有人在发送电子邮件。CentOS 7和SELinux中的服务器已关闭。我使用简单的php脚本测试了PHPMailer,以使用在中注册的同一帐户发送电子邮件,它正在工作。任何人都可以帮助我,求你了!中的电子邮件配置部分是: [email] ; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail() smtp = O

我的OJS系统正在发送电子邮件。我将OJS升级到3.3.0-5,然后升级到3.3.0-6,但没有人在发送电子邮件。CentOS 7和SELinux中的服务器已关闭。我使用简单的php脚本测试了PHPMailer,以使用在中注册的同一帐户发送电子邮件,它正在工作。任何人都可以帮助我,求你了!中的电子邮件配置部分是:


; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()
smtp = On

; SMTP server settings
smtp_server =
smtp_port = 587

; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported smtp_auth: ssl, tls (see PHPMailer SMTPSecure)
smtp_auth = starttls
smtp_username = ""
smtp_password = "mypassword"

; Supported smtp_authtype: RAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN, XOAUTH2 (see PHPMailer AuthType)
; (Leave blank to try them in that order)
smtp_authtype = LOGIN

; The following are required for smtp_authtype = XOAUTH2 (e.g. GMail OAuth)
; (See
; smtp_oauth_provider = Google
; smtp_oauth_email =
; smtp_oauth_clientid =
; smtp_oauth_clientsecret =
; smtp_oauth_refreshtoken =

; Enable suppressing verification of SMTP certificate in PHPMailer
; Note: this is not recommended per PHPMailer documentation
smtp_suppress_cert_check = Off

; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
allow_envelope_sender = On

; Default envelope sender to use if none is specified elsewhere
default_envelope_sender = ""

; Force the default envelope sender (if present)
; This is useful if setting up a site-wide no-reply address
; The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
force_default_envelope_sender = On

; Force a DMARC compliant from header (RFC5322.From)
; If any of your users have email addresses in domains not under your control
; you may need to set this to be compliant with DMARC policies published by
; those 3rd party domains.
; Setting this will move the users address into the reply-to field and the
; from field wil be rewritten with the default_envelope_sender.
; To use this you must set force_default_enveloper_sender = On and
; default_envelope_sender must be set to a valid address in a domain you own.
force_dmarc_compliant_from = On

; The display name to use with a DMARC compliant from header
; By default the DMARC compliant from will have an empty name but this can
; be changed by adding a text here.
; You can use '%n' to insert the users name from the original from header
; and '%s' to insert the localized sitename.
dmarc_compliant_from_displayname = '%n via %s'

; Amount of time required between attempts to send non-editorial emails
; in seconds. This can be used to help prevent email relaying via OJS.
time_between_emails = 3600

; Maximum number of recipients that can be included in a single email
; (either as To:, Cc:, or Bcc: addresses) for a non-privileged user
max_recipients = 10

; If enabled, email addresses must be validated before login is possible.
require_validation = Off

; Maximum number of days before an unvalidated account expires and is deleted
validation_timeout = 14
编辑: 最近,我激活了日志的完整调试,我注意到smtp客户端成功连接并验证了smtp服务器,cliento也正确发送了电子邮件“发件人”、“收件人”和“回复收件人”,数据电子邮件也是如此。但是,通信状态在5分钟内没有活动,此后,服务器smtp会错误地关闭连接,如图所示
