Php 是否按字符数将MySQL字段拆分为最接近的完整单词?

Php 是否按字符数将MySQL字段拆分为最接近的完整单词?,php,mysql,sql,string,split,Php,Mysql,Sql,String,Split,我有一个MySQL字段,用于标记格式的博客文章的正文。由于我使用的API,我只能发送3000个字符的块,但是我的一些帖子多达4500个字符,其中有2000多个字符,所以我不想手动拆分它们 我试图找出一个函数来检查列中每个字段的字符长度,如果超过3000个字符,该函数将把超过3000个字符(四舍五入到最接近的单词)的内容拆分为第二列。这超出了我以前处理过的功能范围,因此我希望朝着正确的方向推进。以下是我到目前为止所做工作的基础: SELECT `Body` from `blogposts` WHE



SELECT `Body` from `blogposts`
WHERE char_length(Body) > 3000
Body2 = SUBSTRING(`Body`, 3001, char_length(Body))
Body = SUBSTRING(`Body`, 1, 3000)

1) 如何将其放在最近一个单词的末尾(在3000个字符以下四舍五入),而不是正好在第3000个字符处拆分

2) 如果它试图用文字进行处理,它会在文本中的markdown/html上分解,例如将





update   `blogposts`

set     `Body2` = substring(`Body`,3000-instr(reverse(left(`Body`,3000)),' ')+1) 
       ,`Body` = left(`Body`,3000-instr(reverse(left(`Body`,3000)),' '))  

where   char_length(Body) > 3000

set @Body = 'My name is Inigo Montoya! You''ve killed my father, prepare to die!';

select  left(@Body,30-instr(reverse(left(@Body,30)),' '))         as field_1
       ,substring(@Body,30-instr(reverse(left(@Body,30)),' ')+1)  as field_2



$bodyText; // That came from SQL Ex Query : SELECT body FROM blogposts
$bodyParts = [];
$lengthOfBody = strlen($bodyText);
if($lengthOfBody > 3000){
    $forLoopInt = ceil($lengthOfBody / 3000); // For example if your body text have 3500 characters it will be 2
    echo $forLoopInt;
    for($i = 0; $i<= $forLoopInt - 2; $i++){
        $bodyParts[] = substr($bodyText, ($i) * 3000 , 3000);
    // lets fetch the last part
    $bodyParts[] = substr( $bodyText,($forLoopInt - 1) * 3000); 
    $bodyParts[] = $bodyText;
/* anyway if your body text have characters lower than 3000 , bodyParts array will contain just 1 element, if not it will have Ceil(Length of body / 3000) elements in it. */

create table `blogposts` (`Body` varchar(3000),`Body2`  varchar(3000));
insert into blogposts (`Body`) values

 ('Hello darkness, my old friend'                          )
,('I''ve come to talk with you again'                      )
,('Because a vision softly creeping'                       )
,('Left its seeds while I was sleeping'                    )
,('And the vision that was planted in my brain'            )
,('Still remains'                                          )
,('Within the sound of silence'                            )
,('In restless dreams I walked alone'                      )
,('Narrow streets of cobblestone'                          )
,('''Neath the halo of a street lamp'                      )
,('I turned my collar to the cold and damp'                )
,('When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light' )
,('That split the night'                                   )
,('And touched the sound of silence'                       )
,('And in the naked light I saw'                           )
,('Ten thousand people, maybe more'                        )
,('People talking without speaking'                        )
,('People hearing without listening'                       )
,('People writing songs that voices never share'           )
,('And no one dared'                                       )
,('Disturb the sound of silence'                           )
select  left(`Body`,30-instr(reverse(left(`Body`,30)),' '))         as Body
       ,substring(`Body`,30-instr(reverse(left(`Body`,30)),' ')+1)  as Body2

from    `blogposts`

where   char_length(Body) > 30
| Body                         | Body2                     |
| I've come to talk with you   | again                     |
| Because a vision softly      | creeping                  |
| Left its seeds while I was   | sleeping                  |
| And the vision that was      | planted in my brain       |
| In restless dreams I walked  | alone                     |
| 'Neath the halo of a street  | lamp                      |
| I turned my collar to the    | cold and damp             |
| When my eyes were stabbed by | the flash of a neon light |
| And touched the sound of     | silence                   |
| Ten thousand people, maybe   | more                      |
| People talking without       | speaking                  |
| People hearing without       | listening                 |
| People writing songs that    | voices never share        |
update  `blogposts`

set     `Body2` = substring(`Body`,30-instr(reverse(left(`Body`,30)),' ')+1) 
       ,`Body`  = left(`Body`,30-instr(reverse(left(`Body`,30)),' '))        

where   char_length(`Body`) > 30
select  `Body`

from    `blogposts`

where   `Body2` is not null
| Body                         | Body2                     |
| I've come to talk with you   | again                     |
| Because a vision softly      | creeping                  |
| Left its seeds while I was   | sleeping                  |
| And the vision that was      | planted in my brain       |
| In restless dreams I walked  | alone                     |
| 'Neath the halo of a street  | lamp                      |
| I turned my collar to the    | cold and damp             |
| When my eyes were stabbed by | the flash of a neon light |
| And touched the sound of     | silence                   |
| Ten thousand people, maybe   | more                      |
| People talking without       | speaking                  |
| People hearing without       | listening                 |
| People writing songs that    | voices never share        |
$bodyText; // That came from SQL Ex Query : SELECT body FROM blogposts
$bodyParts = [];
$lengthOfBody = strlen($bodyText);
if($lengthOfBody > 3000){
    $forLoopInt = ceil($lengthOfBody / 3000); // For example if your body text have 3500 characters it will be 2
    echo $forLoopInt;
    for($i = 0; $i<= $forLoopInt - 2; $i++){
        $bodyParts[] = substr($bodyText, ($i) * 3000 , 3000);
    // lets fetch the last part
    $bodyParts[] = substr( $bodyText,($forLoopInt - 1) * 3000); 
    $bodyParts[] = $bodyText;
/* anyway if your body text have characters lower than 3000 , bodyParts array will contain just 1 element, if not it will have Ceil(Length of body / 3000) elements in it. */