Scheme 方案Rswap功能

Scheme 方案Rswap功能,scheme,Scheme,有人能帮我完成这个功能吗 使用类似于swap递归版本的scheme函数 (reswap '((h i)(j k) l (m n o))) 应该回来 ((k j) (i h) (n m o) l) ; 及 应该回来 (c (b a) g ((f e) d) (i h))) 哈哈,这看起来是个好问题,但我得到的只是 (define (swap lst) ; if the list is empty or has a single element (cond ((or (nul



(reswap '((h i)(j k) l (m n o)))

((k j) (i h) (n m o) l) ;


(c (b a) g ((f e) d) (i h))) 


(define (swap lst)
    ; if the list is empty or has a single element
    (cond ((or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst)))
    ; then return that list
    ; by first adding the second element
     (cons (cadr lst)
           (cons (car lst)
                 (swap (cddr lst)))))))


(define (rswap lst)

  ;; Create a helper function to do the recursive work.
  (define (helper in out)

    ;; If the input is not a list, simply return it.
    ;; There is nothing to be done to rswap it.
    (if (not (list? in))

      ;; If in is an empty list, simply return the out.
      (if (null? in)

        ;; If in is a list with only one item, append
        ;; the result of calling rswap on the item to 
        ;; out and return it.
        (if (null? (cdr in))
          (append out (list (rswap (car in))))

          ;; This is where the recursion continues.
          ;; Take two items off in before the next call.
          ;; rswap the two items and add them to out.
            (cddr in)
            (append out (list (rswap (cadr in)) (rswap (car in)))))))))

  (helper lst '()))

你试过什么吗?如果是的话,请展示你试过的。你能看一下吗?(DEFINE(rswap lst)(COND((or)(NULL?lst)(NULL?(CDR lst)))lst);如果列表为空或单个元素,则将返回该列表(否则(CONS(CONS(CONS(CDR(CAR(CDR lst))))(CAR(CAR(CDR lst)))(CONS(CDR(CAR lst))(C$;获取第二个元素,然后添加第一个元素(rswap(CDDR lst))))))
(define (rswap lst)

  ;; Create a helper function to do the recursive work.
  (define (helper in out)

    ;; If the input is not a list, simply return it.
    ;; There is nothing to be done to rswap it.
    (if (not (list? in))

      ;; If in is an empty list, simply return the out.
      (if (null? in)

        ;; If in is a list with only one item, append
        ;; the result of calling rswap on the item to 
        ;; out and return it.
        (if (null? (cdr in))
          (append out (list (rswap (car in))))

          ;; This is where the recursion continues.
          ;; Take two items off in before the next call.
          ;; rswap the two items and add them to out.
            (cddr in)
            (append out (list (rswap (cadr in)) (rswap (car in)))))))))

  (helper lst '()))