Spring boot 断路器弹簧试验

Spring boot 断路器弹簧试验,spring-boot,junit5,spring-retry,circuit-breaker,Spring Boot,Junit5,Spring Retry,Circuit Breaker,我在我的一个Spring Boot应用程序中使用Spring Retry断路器,如下所示: @CircuitBreaker(include = CustomException.class, maxAttempts = 3, openTimeout = 2000L, resetTimeout = 4000L) StudentResponse getStudentInfo(String studentId) { StudentResponse res = studentReposito

我在我的一个Spring Boot应用程序中使用Spring Retry断路器,如下所示:

   @CircuitBreaker(include = CustomException.class, maxAttempts = 3, openTimeout = 2000L, resetTimeout = 4000L)
StudentResponse getStudentInfo(String studentId) {
    StudentResponse res = studentRepository.getInfoByStudentId(studentId);
    return res;

StudentResponse recoverStudentInfo(CustomException ex, String studentId) {
    throw new StudentApiException("In recovery...");
现在我尝试使用Junit 5作为测试工具:

    public class StudentServiceTest {

    StudentService studentService;

    StudentRepository studentRepository;

    public void testCircuitBreakGetStudentInfo(){
        String id = "id";
        StudentResponse res = this.studentService.getStudentInfo(id);
        verify(studentRepository, times(3)).getInfoByStudentId(id); // this is telling that there has been 1 interaction with the mock


    public void testCircuitBreakGetStudentInfo(){
        String id = "id";
            ()->{ this.studentService.getStudentInfo(id); }); // this is also telling that there has been 1 interaction with the mock instead of 3