Tags Informix-基于id连接包含在同一列中的数据

Tags Informix-基于id连接包含在同一列中的数据,tags,concatenation,informix,Tags,Concatenation,Informix,我需要根据Informix中的id将同一字段中的字符串连接起来。我意识到这可以在MSSQL中轻松完成 以下是我当前表格的一个示例: id | doc_num | page_num | description ------------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 1 | This is the story about 1 | 1 | 2 | a girl named Daisy.



id | doc_num | page_num | description
1  |  1      |    1     | This is the story about
1  |  1      |    2     | a girl named Daisy.    
1  |  2      |    1     | Daisy had a dog named
1  |  2      |    2     | Rover.
2  |  1      |    1     | This story is about Bob.
2  |  2      |    1     | Bob is a DBA who works
2  |  2      |    2     | at an important company
2  |  2      |    3     | that develops important
2  |  2      |    4     | software.

id |  description
1  |  This is a story about a girl named Daisy.
   |  Daisy has a dog named Rover.
2  |  This story is about Bob.  Bob is a DB who works at an
   |  important company that develops important software.

因为我正在运行Informix 12,所以它使用rank()over()sys_connect_by_path()。

欢迎使用堆栈溢出,并且通过研究DBA堆栈交换解决了您的问题。如果“可以在MS SQL中轻松实现”来展示您在那里的实现方式,这将是明智的——它也可能会引导人们向您建议在Informix中实现这一点的正确方法。此外,提及版本号和平台对任何DBMS都有帮助。(例如,对于Informix,至少说“Windows上的Informix 12.10”。有时,它需要更具体;最好说“Informix 12.10.FC9”。)通常,添加标记会得到更好/更快的帮助。