Amazon web services 使用gulp部署到elastic beanstalk-静态文件权限问题

Amazon web services 使用gulp部署到elastic beanstalk-静态文件权限问题,amazon-web-services,deployment,gulp,amazon-elastic-beanstalk,Amazon Web Services,Deployment,Gulp,Amazon Elastic Beanstalk,最近,我不得不从使用eb deploy改为使用gulp任务将我的项目部署到AWS elastic beanstalk 原因是我需要将ES6文件转换为ES5。我不想将转换后的文件提交到我们的git中,eb deploy使用git archive命令来进行zip部署 转换和部署工作正常,我遇到了静态文件的问题 gulp.task('ebDeploy', function() { return gulp.src([ './.ebextensions/**',

eb deploy
改为使用gulp任务将我的项目部署到AWS elastic beanstalk

eb deploy
使用git archive命令来进行zip部署


gulp.task('ebDeploy', function() {
    return gulp.src([
        './.ebextensions/**',                   // Include the .ebextensions folder
        './**/*.js',                            // Match all .js files
        '!./es6/**/*',                          // Exclude files in /es6 dir
        '!node_modules', '!node_modules/**',    // Exclude the node_modules folder and contained files
        '*.js',                                 // Include JS Files in the base dir
        'package.json',                         // Include this specific file in base dir
        './config/**',                          // Include everything under /config
        './public/**', './public/**/*',         // Include everything under /public
        './views/**/*.ejs'                      // Include all .ejs files under /views
    ], { base: './' })
            //name: 'my-application', // optional: If not set, the name from package.json will be used
            //version: '1.0.0', // optional: If not set, the version from package.json will be used
            timestamp: true, // optional: If set to false, the zip will not have a timestamp
            waitForDeploy: true, // optional: if set to false the task will end as soon as it starts deploying
            amazon: {
               // accessKeyId: "< your access key (fyi, the 'short' one) >", // optional
               // secretAccessKey: "< your secret access key (fyi, the 'long' one) >", // optional
               // signatureVersion: "v4", // optional
                region: 'eu-west-2',
                bucket: 'elasticbeanstalk',
                applicationName: 'foo',
                environmentName: 'bar'
06:49:28.81 server.js:98 | Global Error Handler
06:49:28.81 server.js:99 | { Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat '/var/app/current/public/css/default.css'
    at Error (native)
  errno: -13,
  code: 'EACCES',
  syscall: 'stat',
  path: '/var/app/current/public/css/default.css',
  expose: false,
  statusCode: 500,
  status: 500 }

