mvc Redis的ASP.NET输出缓存提供程序不';t商店 mvc Redis的ASP.NET输出缓存提供程序不';t商店,,redis,outputcache, Mvc,Redis,Outputcache,我不知道如何排除故障,但我正在尝试通过Redis输出缓存提供程序实现ASP.NET输出缓存 我们已经设置了Redis服务器(非azure),我可以存储缓存以供一般使用。 但是,当我尝试设置ASP.NET输出缓存时,它似乎没有将任何内容保存到缓存中 我已通过Nuget安装了Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCacheProvider。 Web.Config的设置如下所示: <caching> <outputCache defaultProvider="


我们已经设置了Redis服务器(非azure),我可以存储缓存以供一般使用。 但是,当我尝试设置ASP.NET输出缓存时,它似乎没有将任何内容保存到缓存中

我已通过Nuget安装了Microsoft.Web.RedisOutputCacheProvider。 Web.Config的设置如下所示:

      <outputCache defaultProvider="MyRedisOutputCache">
          <add name="MyRedisOutputCache" type="Microsoft.Web.Redis.RedisOutputCacheProvider" host="ServerName" port="6464" accessKey="PasswordToRedis" />




<!-- For more details check --><!-- Either use 'connectionString' OR 'settingsClassName' and 'settingsMethodName' OR use 'host','port','accessKey','ssl','connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds' and 'operationTimeoutInMilliseconds'. --><!-- 'databaseId' and 'applicationName' can be used with both options. --><!--
          <add name="MyRedisOutputCache" 
            host = "" [String]
            port = "" [number]
            accessKey = "" [String]
            ssl = "false" [true|false]
            databaseId = "0" [number]
            applicationName = "" [String]
            connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds = "5000" [number]
            operationTimeoutInMilliseconds = "1000" [number]
            connectionString = "<Valid StackExchange.Redis connection string>" [String]
            settingsClassName = "<Assembly qualified class name that contains settings method specified below. Which basically return 'connectionString' value>" [String]
            settingsMethodName = "<Settings method should be defined in settingsClass. It should be public, static, does not take any parameters and should have a return type of 'String', which is basically 'connectionString' value.>" [String]
            loggingClassName = "<Assembly qualified class name that contains logging method specified below>" [String]
            loggingMethodName = "<Logging method should be defined in loggingClass. It should be public, static, does not take any parameters and should have a return type of System.IO.TextWriter.>" [String]
            redisSerializerType = "<Assembly qualified class name that implements Microsoft.Web.Redis.ISerializer>" [String]




因此,要使用RedisOutputCacheProvider v3.0.144,您需要卸载Exchange.Redis.Strongname.dll(版本1.2.6)并通过Nuget安装Exchange.Redis.dll(版本2.0.601)

<!-- For more details check --><!-- Either use 'connectionString' OR 'settingsClassName' and 'settingsMethodName' OR use 'host','port','accessKey','ssl','connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds' and 'operationTimeoutInMilliseconds'. --><!-- 'databaseId' and 'applicationName' can be used with both options. --><!--
          <add name="MyRedisOutputCache" 
            host = "" [String]
            port = "" [number]
            accessKey = "" [String]
            ssl = "false" [true|false]
            databaseId = "0" [number]
            applicationName = "" [String]
            connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds = "5000" [number]
            operationTimeoutInMilliseconds = "1000" [number]
            connectionString = "<Valid StackExchange.Redis connection string>" [String]
            settingsClassName = "<Assembly qualified class name that contains settings method specified below. Which basically return 'connectionString' value>" [String]
            settingsMethodName = "<Settings method should be defined in settingsClass. It should be public, static, does not take any parameters and should have a return type of 'String', which is basically 'connectionString' value.>" [String]
            loggingClassName = "<Assembly qualified class name that contains logging method specified below>" [String]
            loggingMethodName = "<Logging method should be defined in loggingClass. It should be public, static, does not take any parameters and should have a return type of System.IO.TextWriter.>" [String]
            redisSerializerType = "<Assembly qualified class name that implements Microsoft.Web.Redis.ISerializer>" [String]