
Azure门户热键,azure,azureportal,Azure,Azureportal,Azure门户以前有这些非常有用的快捷方式,最近我发现其中一些不起作用。有人知道他们是完全改变了还是被移除了?如果更改了,更新的列表在哪里 Hub Menu – when you are focused on the left hand ‘hub’ in the portal: H – shows the portal start board (as customised by you!) # doesnt work N – shows the notification hub and any


Hub Menu – when you are focused on the left hand ‘hub’ in the portal:
H – shows the portal start board (as customised by you!) # doesnt work
N – shows the notification hub and any recent notifications # works as "C" now
A – shows the active journey hub – this is a starting point for any sets of blades you have opened (a VM’s configuration, etc) # doesnt work
/ – show the search hub # works as earlier
B – shows the billing hub (all your subscriptions and credit left) # opens some navigation sidebar
C – shows the Create/New Hub blade # works as earlier

Blade Navigation – If you have several blades open (e.g. VMs, a VM, a VM’s setting) you can navigate between the individual blades (i.e. between the blades in an active journey)
J – move the input focus to the prior blade # doesnt work
K – move the input focus to the next blade # doesnt work
F – move the input focus to first blade # doesnt work
L- move the input focus to the last blade # doesnt work

Support icon on top right corner --> Keyboard shortcuts or press "?"
