Cookies @哈皮/贝尔(不和谐)-->@hapi/cookie认证切换

Cookies @哈皮/贝尔(不和谐)-->@hapi/cookie认证切换,cookies,oauth,hapi,Cookies,Oauth,Hapi,我正在构建一个hapi(v18.4.0)API,我想根据Discord OAuth2服务对用户进行身份验证。我使用@hapi/bell(v11.1.0)来处理OAuth2握手 我可以通过Discord进行身份验证,但我无法让@hapi/cookie(v10.1.2)接管身份验证职责。我可以看到正在创建cookie,但我唯一看到调用cookie validateFunc函数的时间是使用“注销”路由。我相信我已经为在localhost上开发设置了所有必要的标志 基本上我无法让cookie auth策

我正在构建一个hapi(v18.4.0)API,我想根据Discord OAuth2服务对用户进行身份验证。我使用@hapi/bell(v11.1.0)来处理OAuth2握手

我可以通过Discord进行身份验证,但我无法让@hapi/cookie(v10.1.2)接管身份验证职责。我可以看到正在创建cookie,但我唯一看到调用cookie validateFunc函数的时间是使用“注销”路由。我相信我已经为在localhost上开发设置了所有必要的标志

基本上我无法让cookie auth策略工作。我很惊讶,当我转到需要身份验证的路由时,没有看到调用validateFunc

下面是我的身份验证策略设置、cookie validateFunc功能、登录/注销路由和测试路由


exports.plugin = {
  name: 'auth',
  dependencies: ['hapi-mongodb', 'bell', '@hapi/cookie'],
  register: (server, options) => {

    server.auth.strategy('session', 'cookie', {
      cookie: {
        name: 'sid-demo',
        password: SECRET_KEY,
        isSecure: false,
        isSameSite: 'Lax'
      redirectTo: '/demo-server/api/v1/auth/login', //If there is no session, redirect here
      validateFunc: async (request, session) => {

        console.log("validating cookie...");
        const db = request.mongo.db;
        const ObjectID = request.mongo.ObjectID;

        try {
          const user = await db.collection(usersTable).findOne({ _id: new ObjectID( });
          if (!user) {
            console.log("no user found, cookie invalid");
            return { valid: false };

          return { valid: true, credentials: user };

        catch (err) {
          console.log("Validation error:", err);
          return { valid: false };        

    server.auth.strategy('discord', 'bell', {
      provider: 'discord',
      password: SECRET_KEY,
      clientId: DISCORD_CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: DISCORD_SECRET,
      isSecure: false,
      isSameSite: 'Lax'
发现问题。。。 我需要设置API根目录的路径

cookie: {
        name: 'sid-demo',
        password: SECRET_KEY, //Use something more secure in production
        path: '/demo-server', // <--- This was what fixed the issue
        isSecure: false,
        isSameSite: 'Lax'
密码:SECRET\u KEY,//在生产中使用更安全的密码
exports.plugin = {
  name: 'routes-default',
  dependencies: ['auth'],
  register: (server, options) => {

      method: 'GET',
      path: '/demo-server',
      handler: (request, h) => {

        return h.response({ result: 'Welcome to demo-server!' }).code(200);
      config: {
        description: 'This is default route for the API.',
        response: {
          status: {}
        tags: ['default','test']

      method: 'GET',
      path: '/demo-server/restricted',
      handler: (request, h) => {

        return h.response({ message: 'Ok, You are authorized.' }).code(200);

      config: {
        auth: {
          mode: 'try'
        description: 'This is a default route used for testing the jwt authentication.',
        response: {
          status: {}
        tags: ['default','test','auth']
cookie: {
        name: 'sid-demo',
        password: SECRET_KEY, //Use something more secure in production
        path: '/demo-server', // <--- This was what fixed the issue
        isSecure: false,
        isSameSite: 'Lax'