C# 实体框架。要添加到任何集合类型的泛型实体方法

C# 实体框架。要添加到任何集合类型的泛型实体方法,c#,entity-framework,generic-programming,C#,Entity Framework,Generic Programming,我试图找出如何创建一个通用实体对象。我有大约5种不同的实体类型,它们共享公共属性 我创建了一个抽象类TableBase&Interfaces,允许我处理实体的父级和子级: public interface IHasChildren { IEnumerable<object> Children { get; } } public interface IHasParent{ Object Parent { get; } } public abstract cl



    public interface IHasChildren
    IEnumerable<object> Children { get; }

public interface IHasParent{
    Object Parent { get; }

public abstract class TblBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
      properties such as 
      int ParentID
      int COID
      bool IsSelected
      bool IsExpanded

//tblLine is one of my 5 entity type classes which build up a hierarchy
       public partial class tblLine : TblBase, IHasChildren, IHasParent
            public virtual ObservableCollection<tblGroup> tblGroups { get; set; }
            public virtual tblProject tblProject { get; set; }


public static bool AddNode<T>(ProjectEntities DBContext, LocalUser User, T ParentEntity) where T:TblBase, new()
    var BaseEntity = (TblBase)ParentEntity;
    var ChildType = ((IHasChildren)ParentEntity).Children.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];

    T NewNode = new T
        ParentID = BaseEntity.ID,
        COID = User.ID,
        IsSelected = true,
        IsExpanded = true

//may want to call DBContext.SaveChanges() here if no further actions to be taken
    return true;
公共静态bool AddNode(ProjectEntities DBContext,LocalUser User,T ParentEntity),其中T:TblBase,new() { var BaseEntity=(TblBase)ParentEntity; var ChildType=((IHasChildren)ParentEntity).Children.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0]; T NewNode=newt { ParentID=BaseEntity.ID, COID=User.ID, IsSelected=true, IsExpanded=true }; DBContext.Set().Add(NewNode); //如果没有进一步的操作,可能需要在此处调用DBContext.SaveChanges() 返回true; }
那样向AddNode添加泛型参数呢。在这种情况下,您可以传递所需的类型。我已经尝试过了。看看下面的结果,你能发布一下tblLine是如何声明的吗?我已经把它添加到问题@user1672994中了,它不会让我做一个新的t hey。表示它没有新的约束。我得到一个异常,即只有特定类型的实体才能添加到集合中。而且TblBase对象无法添加到其中。很抱歉,我不知道
public static bool AddNode<T>(ProjectEntities DBContext, LocalUser User, T ParentEntity) where T:TblBase, new()
    var BaseEntity = (TblBase)ParentEntity;
    var ChildType = ((IHasChildren)ParentEntity).Children.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];

    T NewNode = new T
        ParentID = BaseEntity.ID,
        COID = User.ID,
        IsSelected = true,
        IsExpanded = true

//may want to call DBContext.SaveChanges() here if no further actions to be taken
    return true;