C# 带两个参数的排序列表

C# 带两个参数的排序列表,c#,.net,list,sorting,C#,.net,List,Sorting,我有个问题。我有一个函数,几乎在任何地方都可以使用 public void Transfusion(PatientQueue patientQ, List<Event> scheduler) { Console.Write("\n### TRANSFUSION ###\nBefore Transfusion: " + BloodLevel); var p1 = patientQ.RemovePatient();


       public void Transfusion(PatientQueue patientQ, List<Event> scheduler)
        Console.Write("\n### TRANSFUSION ###\nBefore Transfusion: " + BloodLevel);
        var p1 = patientQ.RemovePatient();            // Take 1st patient from Queue and get him into var p1 
        Console.Write("\tNeed " + p1.BloodUnits + " blood units..");
        // Remodeling of scheduler, making UT units first in scheduler
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nPOSORTOWANY SCHEDULER: \n\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < p1.BloodUnits; i++)
            BloodStorageList.RemoveAt(0); // Removes blood Unit from the System
            scheduler.RemoveAt(0); // Removes information about utilisation from Scheduler
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nPO USUNIECIU: \n\n");
        BloodLevel = BloodLevel - p1.BloodUnits; // Reduce BloodLevel
        Console.WriteLine("\tAfter Transfusion: " + BloodLevel);






using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Question_Answer_Console_App
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var people = new List<Person>()
                new Person() { Name = "Mathew", Password = "2345" },
                new Person() { Name = "Mathew", Password = "1234" },
                new Person() { Name = "John", Password = "5678" },
                new Person() { Name = "Mark", Password = "5678" },
                new Person() { Name = "Luke", Password = "0987" },
                new Person() { Name = "John", Password = "6534" }

            var names = people.OrderBy(person => person.Name).Select(person => person.Name).ToList();
            var passwords = people.OrderBy(person => person.Password).Select(person => person.Password).ToList();
            var sortPeople = new List<Person>();
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Count(); i++) sortPeople.Add(new Person() { Name = names[i], Password = passwords[i] });  

            foreach (var person in sortPeople) Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} : {person.Password}");
    public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Password { get; set; }


按类型排序的结果,然后事件时间将是aUT:2 aUT:5 BS:3 QS:6 WT:4我已经解决了我的问题,我创建了返回列表对象的函数,现在一切正常。非常感谢你的帮助@MichaelPuckettII@TyRRRax它在函数中工作的原因是您正在返回一个新列表。运行linq查询时,即使返回到列表,也不会修改原始引用,只会修改新引用。您必须使用任何更新机制更新调度程序。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Question_Answer_Console_App
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var people = new List<Person>()
                new Person() { Name = "Mathew", Password = "2345" },
                new Person() { Name = "Mathew", Password = "1234" },
                new Person() { Name = "John", Password = "5678" },
                new Person() { Name = "Mark", Password = "5678" },
                new Person() { Name = "Luke", Password = "0987" },
                new Person() { Name = "John", Password = "6534" }

            var names = people.OrderBy(person => person.Name).Select(person => person.Name).ToList();
            var passwords = people.OrderBy(person => person.Password).Select(person => person.Password).ToList();
            var sortPeople = new List<Person>();
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Count(); i++) sortPeople.Add(new Person() { Name = names[i], Password = passwords[i] });  

            foreach (var person in sortPeople) Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} : {person.Password}");
    public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Password { get; set; }