C# 在c中迭代json元素#

C# 在c中迭代json元素#,c#,json,dynamic,C#,Json,Dynamic,我已从服务返回以下json: { responseHeader: { status: 0, QTime: 1 }, spellcheck: { suggestions: [ "at", { numFound: 2, startOffset: 0, endOffset: 2, suggestion: [


   responseHeader: {
      status: 0,
      QTime: 1
   spellcheck: {
     suggestions: [
            numFound: 2,
            startOffset: 0,
            endOffset: 2,
            suggestion: [
               "at least five tons of glitter alone had gone into it before them and",
                "at them the designer of the gun had clearly not been instructed to beat"
       "(at least five tons of glitter alone had gone into it before them and)"
  • 我需要在c#中创建一个列表,列出“suggestion”元素中的内容。最好的方法是什么
  • 哪些元素没有被“”包围。所有json元素不都应该被“”包围吗? 谢谢
  • 编辑: 这是基于dcastro的回答

     dynamic resultChildren = result.spellcheck.suggestions.Children();
     foreach (dynamic child in resultChildren)
           var suggestionObj = child as JObject;
                    if (suggestionObj != null)
                        var subArr = suggestionObj.Value<JArray>("suggestion");
                        strings.AddRange(subArr.Select(suggestion =>               suggestion.ToString()));
    dynamic resultChildren=result.spellcheck.suggestions.Children();
    var suggestionbj=作为作业对象的子对象;
    var Subar=建议价值(“建议”);

       "responseHeader": {
          "status": 0,
          "QTime": 1
       "spellcheck": {
         "suggestions": [
                "numFound": 2,
                "startOffset": 0,
                "endOffset": 2,
                "suggestion": ["at least five tons of glitter alone had gone into it before them and", "at them the designer of the gun had clearly not been instructed to beat"]
  • 是的,所有键都应该用双引号括起来
  • 你的“建议”结构毫无意义。。。你不应该有一个定义良好的“建议”对象数组吗?现在,您已经有了一个字符串(“at”、“collation”)和其他json对象(带有numFound的对象,等等)的混合数组
  • 在那里有一个字符串“at”的目的是什么?它不是一个json键,它只是一个字符串
  • 编辑


           JObject obj = JObject.Parse(json);
           var suggestionsArr = obj["spellcheck"].Value<JArray>("suggestions");
           var strings = new List<string>();
           foreach (var suggestionElem in suggestionsArr)
               var suggestionObj = suggestionElem as JObject;
               if (suggestionObj != null)
                   var subArr = suggestionObj.Value<JArray>("suggestion");
                   strings.AddRange(subArr.Select(suggestion => suggestion.ToString()));
