C# 使用WinForms for TableLayoutPanel在C中创建动态控制器名称

C# 使用WinForms for TableLayoutPanel在C中创建动态控制器名称,c#,.net,winforms,visual-studio,C#,.net,Winforms,Visual Studio,在开发一个从SQL Server数据库中提取测试用例、运行和结果的小应用程序时,我在尝试在WinForms的TableLayoutPanel中创建动态控制器名称的方法中遇到了一个难题。当用户选择特定的测试用例时,我将动态创建行,从那里TableLayoutPanel将打开另一个窗口,其中预加载了测试步骤和两个单选按钮,以指示测试是否通过。我的问题是,当我选择步骤右侧的一个单选按钮时,每次都会得到相同的控制台读数。我需要能够确定用户按下了哪一个单选按钮,这样我就可以确定它在哪一行,以及随后哪个测试

在开发一个从SQL Server数据库中提取测试用例、运行和结果的小应用程序时,我在尝试在WinForms的TableLayoutPanel中创建动态控制器名称的方法中遇到了一个难题。当用户选择特定的测试用例时,我将动态创建行,从那里TableLayoutPanel将打开另一个窗口,其中预加载了测试步骤和两个单选按钮,以指示测试是否通过。我的问题是,当我选择步骤右侧的一个单选按钮时,每次都会得到相同的控制台读数。我需要能够确定用户按下了哪一个单选按钮,这样我就可以确定它在哪一行,以及随后哪个测试通过或失败。我的主要代码如下:





private void addRowToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs anotherEvent)

        tableLayoutTest.RowStyles.Clear();  // Clear row styles to ensure a clean start when adding to the TableLayoutPanel

        List<RadioButton> listOfRadioControls = new List<RadioButton>(); // Create array of radio buttons
        List<UserCustomStep> listOfStepControls = new List<UserCustomStep>(); // Create array of custom controls

        for (int i = 0; i <  5; i++)
            UserCustomStep step = new UserCustomStep(Counter, "Step: " + i + " Push the button to elicit a response.");  // Creates new user custom step control instance

            RadioButton pass = new RadioButton();
            pass.Text = "Pass";
            pass.AutoSize = true;

            RadioButton fail = new RadioButton();
            fail.Text = "Fail";
            fail.AutoSize = true;
            fail.Margin = new Padding(3,3,20,3);  // Needed to see the fail button without having to scroll over

            listOfStepControls.Add(step);  // Add step to UserCustomStep array

            listOfRadioControls.Add(pass);  // Add radio buttons to the RadioButton array

            listOfRadioControls[i * 2].CheckedChanged += (s, e) => // Subscribes the pass radio button to listen for when a user has clicked on it
                Console.WriteLine("Pass " + i + " was clicked");

            listOfRadioControls[(i * 2) + 1].CheckedChanged += (s, e) => // Subscribes the fail radio button to listen for when a user has clicked on it
                Console.WriteLine("Fail " + i + " was clicked");

            tableLayoutTest.Controls.Add(listOfStepControls[i], 0, i);  // Adds CustomStep to first column
            tableLayoutTest.Controls.Add(listOfRadioControls[i*2], 1, i);  // Adds Pass Radio Button to second column
            tableLayoutTest.Controls.Add(listOfRadioControls[(i * 2) + 1], 2, i); // Add Fail Raido Button to third column

            Counter++;  // Increment couter to add subsequent steps underneath the previous ones.


RadioButton (pass+id) = new RadioButton();