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从R中的Excel数据创建地图多边形_Excel_Leaflet_Rstudio_Google Earth - Fatal编程技术网


从R中的Excel数据创建地图多边形,excel,leaflet,rstudio,google-earth,Excel,Leaflet,Rstudio,Google Earth,我有一个lat-long坐标列表,每个坐标都有相应的方位角(方向),例如: 对于每个独特的单元,我想创建一个三角形多边形,该多边形朝向相应单元的方位角方向,宽度为65度,半径为2km。我想生成类似于下面所示的形状 有谁能告诉我,我如何开始编码,循环遍历文件中的每个条目,以及如何生成一个包含每个条目的多边形的google earth文件?大约有9000个单元格需要多边形,但如果我能为一个小样本工作,我将非常高兴 这是我在论坛上写的一篇关于六边形瓷砖的脚本。有些调用是对GIS API的,但我认为您



有谁能告诉我,我如何开始编码,循环遍历文件中的每个条目,以及如何生成一个包含每个条目的多边形的google earth文件?大约有9000个单元格需要多边形,但如果我能为一个小样本工作,我将非常高兴

这是我在论坛上写的一篇关于六边形瓷砖的脚本。有些调用是对GIS API的,但我认为您可能可以提取所需的VBA代码:

        .. VB script to create some hexagon tiles.
        It creates tiles of a given radius (circle around a tile), not side length. If you want side length you will need to do the math and updte the code.
        Here is the Comments from the .map file:
        Creating a drawing of hexagon tiles:
        R - radius
        Radius of circumscribed circle around tile
        a - Apothem:
        Distance from centroid perpendicular to a side
        a = R * cos(1/2 * 360/n) (n=6 for a hexagon
        A set of hexagon tiles would be a series of six sided
        "circles" centered on two point grids (1 & 2). Both grids
        would have the spacing of:
        in X --- 3R
        in Y --- 2a
        Grid 2 would be offset from grid 1 by:
        in X ---- 3R/2
        in Y ---- 2a/2
        To test script delete all objects in A then
        run the script.
        This sample was only tested with a lat/long drawing. I'm not
        sure of all the ramifications of using a projected drawing.
        To use with your data set the start point (upper left) in the script and desired radius.
        Set precision and run Normailize Topology when done to join
        the tiles.
        Code was based on the FreeStuff sample scripts ScriptRandomPoints
        and ScriptSpatialOperations.
        Please post any problems you find with this code.
        Hmmm.. the attachments option is gone? :-?
        Send me your address via email and send the .map file if you'd like.
        Here's the code:
            Sub Main
            ' test lat/long drawing
            ' ** ** delete all objects in A to test
            set drawing = Application.ActiveDocument.ComponentSet("A")
            set objects = drawing.ObjectSet
            sides = 6
            pi = 3.14159
            R = 2.5 ' radius in degrees
            interiorAngle = (360/6) * (pi / 180) ' in radians
            a = abs(R * cos(0.5 * interiorAngle)) ' apothem
            ' pick/make a start point - upper left
            Set startPoint = Application.NewPoint
            startPoint.X = -25
            startPoint.Y = 73.6602540378444
            ' grid (4x3x2)
            for i = 0 to 3
            for j = 0 to 2
            ' -- create point grid 1
            Set point = Application.NewPoint
            point.X = startPoint.X + (i * 3 * R)
            point.Y = startPoint.Y - (j * 2 * a)
            ' objects.Add Application.NewGeom(GeomPoint, point) ' centroid
            Set pointSet = Application.NewPointSet
            For k = 0 To sides -1
            Set pt = Application.NewPoint
            ' calculate angle
            angle = (k*2*Pi/sides)' - (360/sides)/2
            ' obtain point on circle
            pt.X = point.X + R*Cos(angle)
            pt.Y = point.Y + R*Sin(angle)
            objects.Add Application.NewGeom(GeomArea, pointSet)
            ' -- create point grid 2
            Set point = Application.NewPoint
            point.X = startPoint.X + (i * 3 * R) + ((3 * R)/2)
            point.Y = startPoint.Y - (j * 2 * a) - a
            ' objects.Add Application.NewGeom(GeomPoint, point) ' centroid
            Set pointSet = Application.NewPointSet
            For k = 0 To sides -1
            Set pt = Application.NewPoint
            ' calculate angle
            angle = (k*2*Pi/sides)' - (360/sides)/2
            ' obtain point on circle
            pt.X = point.X + R*Cos(angle)
            pt.Y = point.Y + R*Sin(angle)
            objects.Add Application.NewGeom(GeomArea, pointSet)
            msgbox "Done!"
            End Sub


        Sub xx()
            Dim startPoint As clsPoint
            Dim Point As clsPoint
            Dim pt As clsPoint
            Dim pts As Collection
            Dim s As String

            '  lat/long (western hemisphere?)

            Dim sides, i, j, k As Integer
            Dim Pi, R, interiorAngle, A, Angle As Double

            sides = 6
            Pi = 3.14159
            R = 0.25 ' radius in degrees
            interiorAngle = (360 / 6) * (Pi / 180) ' in radians
            A = Abs(R * Cos(0.5 * interiorAngle)) ' apothem

            ' pick/make a start point - upper left
            Set startPoint = New clsPoint
            startPoint.X = -121.5
            startPoint.Y = 35.5
            s = "Longitude" & vbTab & "Latitude" & vbCrLf
            s = s & startPoint.X & vbTab & startPoint.Y & vbCrLf

            Set Point = New clsPoint
            Point.X = startPoint.X '+ (i * 3 * R)
            Point.Y = startPoint.Y '- (j * 2 * A)

            Set pts = New Collection
            For k = 0 To sides - 1
                Set pt = New clsPoint
                ' calculate angle
                Angle = (k * 2 * Pi / sides) ' - (360/sides)/2
        '        Debug.Print Angle
                ' obtain point on circle
                pt.X = Point.X + R * Cos(Angle)
                pt.Y = Point.Y + R * Sin(Angle)
                pts.Add pt

            For Each pt In pts
                 s = s & pt.X & vbTab & pt.Y & vbCrLf
            Debug.Print s
        End Sub


Public X As Double
Public Y As Double

Public X As Double
Public Y As Double