Excel 将文件的每一行与第二个文件中的数千行进行比较时,提高速度

Excel 将文件的每一行与第二个文件中的数千行进行比较时,提高速度,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,我有两个Excel文件。在第一个文件中,我有485行,在第二个文件中,有10700行。对于第一个文件中的每一行,我比较第二个文件中每一行的两个值 例如,对于第一个文件的第一行,我将其与第二个文件的10700行进行比较,并对第一个文件的每一行进行比较 我测试了第一个文件的前三行,需要五分钟 如何提高程序的速度 我有一个intel i7-6600U 2.6Ghz的16Go ram Sub test() Dim sht As Worksheet 'Derniere ligne des fichie





我有一个intel i7-6600U 2.6Ghz的16Go ram

Sub test()

Dim sht As Worksheet

'Derniere ligne des fichiers
Dim LastRowPosa As Long
Dim LastRowBio As Long

'Cellules des fichiers
Dim rngPosaSejour As Range
Dim rngPosaDate As Range
Dim rngBioSejour As Range
Dim rngBioDate As Range

'item trouvé
Dim itemFound As Boolean

Dim cheminFichier As String

Dim datesEquals As Boolean
Dim sejourEquals As Boolean
Dim isAlbumine As Boolean

Dim tgo As String

'Variables incrémentielles
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
'Application Excel pour stocker le fichier BIO
Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim WBK As Excel.Workbook

filePath= "C:\Users\me\Downloads\biologie.xls"

'New xl App
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'Loading the two files
Set WBK = XL.Workbooks.Open(filePath)
Set sht = ActiveSheet

'Get last row of each files
LastRowPosa = sht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
LastRowBio = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

tgo = "Albumine"

For i = 2 To 3
    Set rngPosaSejour = Application.Range("B" & i)
    Set rngPosaDate = Application.Range("P" & i)

    For j = 2 To LastRowBio
        If WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("I" & j) = tgo Then    
            Set rngBioSejour = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A" & j)
            Set rngBioDate = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("C" & j)
            sejourEquals = rngPosaSejour.Value = rngBioSejour.Value
            datesEquals = Format(rngBioDate, "dd/mm/yyyy") = Format(rngPosaDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
            isAlbumine = tgo = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("C" & j)
            If sejourEquals And datesEquals Then
                sht.Range("I" & i).Value = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("j" & j)
            End If    
        End If
    Next j
Next i

End Sub


Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

For i = 2 To 3
    valPosaSejour = Application.Range("B" & i).Value2
    valPosaDate = Application.Range("P" & i).Value2

    For j = 2 To LastRowBio
        With WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1")
        If .Range("I" & j) = tgo Then
            valBioSejour = .Range("A" & j).Value2
            valBioDate = .Range("C" & j).Value2
            isAlbumine = tgo = .Range("C" & j).Value2
            If (valPosaSejour = valBioSejour) And (valBioDate = rngPosaDate) Then
                sht.Range("I" & i).Value = .Range("j" & j)
            End If
        End If
        End With
    Next j
Next i

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic



Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

For i = 2 To 3
    valPosaSejour = Application.Range("B" & i).Value2
    valPosaDate = Application.Range("P" & i).Value2

    For j = 2 To LastRowBio
        With WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1")
        If .Range("I" & j) = tgo Then
            valBioSejour = .Range("A" & j).Value2
            valBioDate = .Range("C" & j).Value2
            isAlbumine = tgo = .Range("C" & j).Value2
            If (valPosaSejour = valBioSejour) And (valBioDate = rngPosaDate) Then
                sht.Range("I" & i).Value = .Range("j" & j)
            End If
        End If
        End With
    Next j
Next i

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic



Sub test()

Dim sht As Worksheet

'Derniere ligne des fichiers
Dim LastRowPosa As Long
Dim LastRowBio As Long

'Cellules des fichiers
Dim rngPosaSejour As Range
Dim rngPosaDate As Range
Dim rngBioSejour As Range
Dim rngBioDate As Range

'item trouve
Dim itemFound As Boolean

Dim cheminFichier As String

Dim datesEquals As Boolean
Dim sejourEquals As Boolean
Dim isAlbumine As Boolean

Dim tgo As String

'Variables incrementielles
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
'Application Excel pour stocker le fichier BIO
Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim WBK As Excel.Workbook

Set sht = ActiveSheet '<~ set sht first

filePath = "C:\Users\me\Downloads\biologie.xls"

'New xl App
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'Loading the two files

Set WBK = XL.Workbooks.Open(filePath)

Dim vDB As Variant, vData As Variant
Dim vR() As Variant

'Get last row of each files
'LastRowPosa = sht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
vDB = sht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
'LastRowBio = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
vData = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
ReDim vR(1 To UBound(vDB, 1), 1 To 1)
tgo = "Albumine"

For i = 2 To UBound(vDB, 1) '3
    'Set rngPosaSejour = Application.Range("B" & i)
    'Set rngPosaDate = Application.Range("P" & i)
    For j = 2 To UBound(vData, 1) 'LastRowBio
        'If WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("I" & j) = tgo Then
            If vData(j, 9) = tgo Then
            'Set rngBioSejour = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A" & j)
            'Set rngBioDate = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("C" & j)
                If vDB(i, 2) = vData(j, 1) And vDB(i, 16) = vData(j, 3) Then
                    'sejourEquals = rngPosaSejour.Value = rngBioSejour.Value
                    'datesEquals = Format(rngBioDate, "dd/mm/yyyy") = Format(rngPosaDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
                    'isAlbumine = tgo = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("C" & j)
                    'If sejourEquals And datesEquals Then
                    '    sht.Range("I" & i).Value = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("j" & j)
                    'End If
                    vR(i, 9) = vData(j, 10)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next j
Next i
sht.Range("i1").Resize(UBound(vR, 1)) = vR
End Sub
变暗rngPosaSejour As范围
Dim rngPosaDate作为范围
暗rngBioSejour As范围
Dim datesEquals作为布尔值
作为布尔值的Dim sejourEquals
'Variables incrementieles
作为整数的Dim i
作为整数的Dim j
应用Excel倾倒stocker le fichier BIO


Sub test()

Dim sht As Worksheet

'Derniere ligne des fichiers
Dim LastRowPosa As Long
Dim LastRowBio As Long

'Cellules des fichiers
Dim rngPosaSejour As Range
Dim rngPosaDate As Range
Dim rngBioSejour As Range
Dim rngBioDate As Range

'item trouve
Dim itemFound As Boolean

Dim cheminFichier As String

Dim datesEquals As Boolean
Dim sejourEquals As Boolean
Dim isAlbumine As Boolean

Dim tgo As String

'Variables incrementielles
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
'Application Excel pour stocker le fichier BIO
Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim WBK As Excel.Workbook

Set sht = ActiveSheet '<~ set sht first

filePath = "C:\Users\me\Downloads\biologie.xls"

'New xl App
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'Loading the two files

Set WBK = XL.Workbooks.Open(filePath)

Dim vDB As Variant, vData As Variant
Dim vR() As Variant

'Get last row of each files
'LastRowPosa = sht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
vDB = sht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
'LastRowBio = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
vData = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
ReDim vR(1 To UBound(vDB, 1), 1 To 1)
tgo = "Albumine"

For i = 2 To UBound(vDB, 1) '3
    'Set rngPosaSejour = Application.Range("B" & i)
    'Set rngPosaDate = Application.Range("P" & i)
    For j = 2 To UBound(vData, 1) 'LastRowBio
        'If WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("I" & j) = tgo Then
            If vData(j, 9) = tgo Then
            'Set rngBioSejour = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("A" & j)
            'Set rngBioDate = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("C" & j)
                If vDB(i, 2) = vData(j, 1) And vDB(i, 16) = vData(j, 3) Then
                    'sejourEquals = rngPosaSejour.Value = rngBioSejour.Value
                    'datesEquals = Format(rngBioDate, "dd/mm/yyyy") = Format(rngPosaDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
                    'isAlbumine = tgo = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("C" & j)
                    'If sejourEquals And datesEquals Then
                    '    sht.Range("I" & i).Value = WBK.Sheets("Sheet 1").Range("j" & j)
                    'End If
                    vR(i, 9) = vData(j, 10)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next j
Next i
sht.Range("i1").Resize(UBound(vR, 1)) = vR
End Sub
变暗rngPosaSejour As范围
Dim rngPosaDate作为范围
暗rngBioSejour As范围
Dim datesEquals作为布尔值
作为布尔值的Dim sejourEquals
'Variables incrementieles
作为整数的Dim i
作为整数的Dim j
应用Excel倾倒stocker le fichier BIO
