Generics 如何使用Scalaz标记Generic和使用Generic进行模式匹配

Generics 如何使用Scalaz标记Generic和使用Generic进行模式匹配,generics,tags,pattern-matching,match,scalaz,Generics,Tags,Pattern Matching,Match,Scalaz,我希望能够做到以下几点 sealed trait S trait S1 extends S trait S2 extends S case class A[Z <: S](item: URI @@ Z) class SActor extends Actor { def receive = { case A[Z](item) => val item2: URI @@ Z = //do some sort of operation sende


sealed trait S
trait S1 extends S
trait S2 extends S

case class A[Z <: S](item: URI @@ Z)

class SActor extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case A[Z](item) =>
       val item2: URI @@ Z = //do some sort of operation
       sender ! A[Z](item2)
    case _ =>

EitherT((actor ? A(item)).mapTo[A] 
//assume actor responds back with an A and the same Tag