Git 切换分支的惊喜

Git 切换分支的惊喜,git,branch,Git,Branch,确实,当我即将使用git时,我是新手,但我希望我没有失去太多的工作。我试着切换到主分支,但正如你所看到的,没有成功 Alx@I5-PC /d/workspace/android/tutorialA2 (about_screen) $ git st # On branch about_screen nothing to commit (working directory clean) Alx@I5-PC /d/workspace/android/tutorialA2 (about_screen)


Alx@I5-PC /d/workspace/android/tutorialA2 (about_screen)
$ git st
# On branch about_screen
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

Alx@I5-PC /d/workspace/android/tutorialA2 (about_screen)
$ git br
* about_screen

Alx@I5-PC /d/workspace/android/tutorialA2 (about_screen)
$ git co master
Unlink of file 'res/layout/view_about.xml' failed. Should I try again? (y/n) y
Unlink of file 'res/layout/view_about.xml' failed. Should I try again? (y/n) err
or: unable to unlink old 'res/layout/view_about.xml' (Permission denied)

 $ git co 8759ba
 fatal: Unable to create 'd:/workspace/android/tutorialA2/.git/index.lock': File exists.

 If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a
 git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git
 process is running and remove the file manually to continue.


  • res/layout/view_about.xml存在权限问题。您应该检查并更正该文件的权限

  • Git有一个锁定文件。如果没有其他git进程正在运行,请按照错误消息中的说明删除锁文件

  • 一旦你做了这两件事,你应该回到一个可以自由切换分支的状态

    一旦可以这样做,就可以使用“git reset--hard”将分支重置为上一次提交,其中是要返回的提交的ID。请注意,此命令是破坏性的-它将执行您告诉它的操作,并使您的工作目录看起来像提交时的状态。在你做之前,确保它是你想要的。如果你弄错了,有很多方法可以恢复,但最好不要弄错。

    ls-l res/layout/view\u about.xml