Google apps script 如何将两个Google脚本合并到一个中-Google电子表格插入时间取决于列修改

Google apps script 如何将两个Google脚本合并到一个中-Google电子表格插入时间取决于列修改,google-apps-script,google-sheets,Google Apps Script,Google Sheets,我有这两个脚本,如果结构相同,唯一不同的是: 创建日期:仅当第1(A)列被修改时才插入日期 上次更新:仅当somone修改第5列或第6列时插入日期 我认为简单地添加一些其他或空,但我没有足够的专业知识来做这件事。。。如果有人能帮忙,我会非常感激的 脚本1: 函数创建日期(事件){ //脚本创建日期定时 var actSht=event.source.getActiveSheet(); var activeCell=actSht.getActiveCell();//检测activeCell var




var actSht=event.source.getActiveSheet();
var activeCell=actSht.getActiveCell();//检测activeCell
var column=activeCell.getColumn();//检测activeCell的列
var colNums=[1];//Coulmns,考虑对其进行编辑
var row=activeCell.getRow();//检测ActiveRow
var date=Utilities.formatDate(新日期(),“GMT-3”,“dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM”);//函数日期+格式
var r1=event.source.getActiveRange().getRow();
var actSht=e.source.getActiveSheet();
var activeCell=actSht.getActiveCell();//检测activeCell
var column=activeCell.getColumn();//检测activeCell的列
var colNums=[5,6];//Coulmns,考虑对其进行编辑
var row=activeCell.getRow();//检测ActiveRow
var date=Utilities.formatDate(新日期(),“GMT-3”,“dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM”);//函数日期+格式
var r2=e.source.getActiveRange().getRow();


  • 第一个使用一个元素初始化数组colNums,第二个使用两个元素(第九行)
  • 它们将值输出到不同的列(最后一行,7对8)
  • 一个函数可以轻松完成以下两个任务:

    function setTimeStamp(e){
        // no magic numbers!
        var createdColNums  = [1]; //Columns whose edit is considered a new row
        var updatedColNums  = [5,6]; //Columns whose edit is considered an updated row
        var createdStampColumn = 7;
        var updatedStampColumn = 8;
        var headerRow = 1;
        var actSht = e.source.getActiveSheet();
        var activeCell = actSht.getActiveCell(); //Detect the ActiveCell
        var row = activeCell.getRow(); //Detect the active row
        if(row == headerRow)   
            return; //If header row then return
        var column = activeCell.getColumn(); // Detect the active column
        var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-3", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
        var columnToStamp;
        if(createdColNums.indexOf(column) > -1) 
            columnToStamp = createdStampColumn;
        else if(updatedColNums.indexOf(column) > -1) 
            columnToStamp = updatedStampColumn;
        actSht.getRange(row, columnToStamp).setValue(date);



    function onEdit() {
        // no magic numbers!
        var createdStampColumn = 7;
        var updatedStampColumn = 8;
        var headerRow = 1;
        var actSht = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
        var activeCell = actSht.getActiveCell(); //Detect the ActiveCell
        var row = activeCell.getRow(); //Detect the active row
        if(row == headerRow)   
            return; //If header row then return
        var column = activeCell.getColumn(); // Detect the active column
        var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-3", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
        var columnToStamp;
        if (actSht.getRange(row, createdStampColumn).getValue() == "")
            columnToStamp = createdStampColumn;
            columnToStamp = updatedStampColumn;
        actSht.getRange(row, columnToStamp).setValue(date);


    function combined_function(event){
      var actSht = event.source.getActiveSheet();
      var activeCell = actSht.getActiveCell(); //Detec the ActiveCell
      var column = activeCell.getColumn(); // Detect the Column of the ActiveCell
      var colNums  = [1]; //Coulmns, whose edit is considered
      if(colNums.indexOf(column) > -1) { //If column is the one we want then execute
        var row = activeCell.getRow(); //Detect the ActiveRow
        if(row >= 2){
          var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-3", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); // Function Date + Format
          var r1 = event.source.getActiveRange().getRow();
          //Note: Insert the Date in Create Date Column
          actSht.getRange(r1, 7).setValue(date)
      };// end of first original function
      colNums  = [5,6]; //Coulmns, whose edit is considered
      if(colNums.indexOf(column) > -1){ // same comment, condition inverted
        var row = activeCell.getRow(); //Detect the ActiveRow
        if(row >= 2){
          var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-3", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); // Function Date + Format
          var r2 = e.source.getActiveRange().getRow();
          //Note: Insert the Date in the Column 8
          actSht.getRange(r2, 8).setValue(date);
    function onEdit() {
        // no magic numbers!
        var createdStampColumn = 7;
        var updatedStampColumn = 8;
        var headerRow = 1;
        var actSht = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
        var activeCell = actSht.getActiveCell(); //Detect the ActiveCell
        var row = activeCell.getRow(); //Detect the active row
        if(row == headerRow)   
            return; //If header row then return
        var column = activeCell.getColumn(); // Detect the active column
        var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-3", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
        var columnToStamp;
        if (actSht.getRange(row, createdStampColumn).getValue() == "")
            columnToStamp = createdStampColumn;
            columnToStamp = updatedStampColumn;
        actSht.getRange(row, columnToStamp).setValue(date);
    function combined_function(event){
      var actSht = event.source.getActiveSheet();
      var activeCell = actSht.getActiveCell(); //Detec the ActiveCell
      var column = activeCell.getColumn(); // Detect the Column of the ActiveCell
      var colNums  = [1]; //Coulmns, whose edit is considered
      if(colNums.indexOf(column) > -1) { //If column is the one we want then execute
        var row = activeCell.getRow(); //Detect the ActiveRow
        if(row >= 2){
          var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-3", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); // Function Date + Format
          var r1 = event.source.getActiveRange().getRow();
          //Note: Insert the Date in Create Date Column
          actSht.getRange(r1, 7).setValue(date)
      };// end of first original function
      colNums  = [5,6]; //Coulmns, whose edit is considered
      if(colNums.indexOf(column) > -1){ // same comment, condition inverted
        var row = activeCell.getRow(); //Detect the ActiveRow
        if(row >= 2){
          var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-3", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); // Function Date + Format
          var r2 = e.source.getActiveRange().getRow();
          //Note: Insert the Date in the Column 8
          actSht.getRange(r2, 8).setValue(date);