Html CSS问题:如何对齐<;部门>;元素(<;div>;、页眉、页脚和正文)与响应性网页设计垂直?

Html CSS问题:如何对齐<;部门>;元素(<;div>;、页眉、页脚和正文)与响应性网页设计垂直?,html,css,responsive-design,alignment,vertical-alignment,Html,Css,Responsive Design,Alignment,Vertical Alignment,我试图在一列中垂直对齐页眉、正文、页脚和div,以使web设计具有响应性(在不同的屏幕大小上看起来很好):ConfluenceInfinite.org或参阅下面的dev子域 对于不熟悉html和css(像我一样)的人来说,这是一个纯css/html实现/标记,包括菜单 您可以访问我的开发子域,直接查看问题: 我对此做了很多研究。以下是一些研究: 我不相信这个问题/答案适用于我的问题,因为我的问题是垂直对齐(如果我错了,请纠正我)。它使用固定的px值,这对手机不起作用,我尝试了display





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          <h1 style="font-size:30px; color: black; padding: 10px 0 0 0; margin: 30px 0; line-height: 30px;">Why doesn't the system favor "the good guy"? Let's rig the system in your
          <h1 style="font-size:30px; color: black; padding: 10px 0 0 0; margin: 30px 0; line-height: 30px;">We know how to fund the "unicorn" and tame the "machine" whilst compelling
          people to change how they think, work, and have fun so it benefits good people, without breaking any laws. Truly.</h1>
          <br />
          <p>The world is focused on money, getting people’s attention, and offering goods and service at an equilibrium price
          where both the lowest financial cost and highest financial gain are at. CII is focused on destroying this “machine”
          and system of values in a legal, ethical, and morally sound way. CII has created technology that will facilitate,
          perpetuate, and maintain the new system by optimizing change for the benefit of all that will connect good people,
          produce optimal “humanitarian value” output, and simultaneously destroy the old system over time. CII will facilitate
          this with the help of good people in a way that will protect individuals and their livelihood achieving a better system
          for society.</p>
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<h1>Flexible Boxes</h1>

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我认为你要寻找的恰当表达方式是“响应式网络设计”,你希望你的页面能够“贴身”地安装在手机和桌面上。元素的垂直对齐只是实现该功能所需的几种结构之一。看看我在Codepen上的画笔,它展示了一个适用于各种设备的卡片列表的普通CSS解决方案。它使用CSS Flexbox布局进行定位,使用一些线性方程进行大小调整和字体缩放。显然不是你的网站,但它很容易理解…而且,就像我通常做的那样,大多数代码都是正确的注释,所以它应该是相当自解释的。将代码复制到新文档中,并在浏览器中打开它(在Codepen外部),然后开始调整浏览器窗口的大小以查看发生了什么。请随意询问更多或输入SO chat…通过SO chat:您必须邀请某人到房间。这是最糟糕的访问,但总比什么都没有好。我总是需要搜索“帮助”来找出如何让它运行…@RenevanderLende-提供的答案Pine代码适用于img,所以我就这么做了。我正在看一看你的“卡片”例子,只看页脚,我不知道从哪里开始。如果我需要更多的帮助,我会给你发聊天。如果您有时间,请随时发布答案:)无论哪种方式,谢谢。谢谢!我试过:
.site wrap-img{max-width:100%;max-height:45vh;display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;}footer{display:flex;flex-direction:row;}@media(min-width:500px){footer{flex-direction:column;}footer>a{flex:1;}
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<h1>Flexible Boxes</h1>

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<html lang="en">
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=1">

<title>Example for MadBoy</title>

<style id="ers-globals-default">
/* preferred global rules */
html,body               { box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; height: 100% }
*::before,*::after, *   { box-sizing: inherit }
body                    { margin: 0 }

/* responsive base font size using y = mx + b */
html   { font-size: calc(0.625vmin + 0.75rem) } /* (320,14)(1280,20) */

/* responsive FLEXBOX bands and blocks */
    For use as easy 'landingpage' content containers
    [band]  - horizontal content like a strip
    [block] - vertical content like a list

    - Can both be used interchangeably and nested
      (band of blocks, block of bands, band of blocks holding bands of...)
    - Invert orientation with 'rows'/'cols' parameter ( *= means: contains )
[band],[block]          { display: flex; position: relative; overflow: hidden }
[band],[block]          { justify-content: center; align-content: center }

[band],[band*="cols"]   { flex-flow: row wrap    }  /* a row of columns, default */
       [band*="rows"]   { flex-flow: column wrap }  /* a column of rows */

[block],[block*="rows"] { flex-flow: column wrap }  /* inverse default of [band] */
        [block*="cols"] { flex-flow: row wrap    }

[padded="0"] [band*="padded"],
[padded="0"] [block*="padded"] {
    responsive page padding using y = mx + b
    and responsive band/block padding (same as responsive page padding, but at band/block level)
    p1(320,32) p2(1920, 72) => 0.025x + 24
    p3(320, 8) p4(1920,320) => 0.195x - 54.4 

    'band/block padding' is only active when 'page padding' is off 
    padding: calc( 2.5vh + 24px) calc(19.5vw - 54.4px);
<style id="stl-cards-default">
/* FLEXBOX Card */
/* Everything card related is FBL */
[card],[card]>* { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap }

/* generic 'band' holding 1:N cards */
[band*="cards"]>* {
    flex-basis: auto; /* Workaround, see comment below */   
    /* default width (4 to 6 vp columns, depends on [band] L/R padding) */
    width: calc(1.9375vw + 277.8px); /* (320,284)(1920,315) */

    The preferred rule is flex-basis: calc(1.9375vw + 277.8px), without 'width' defined,
    but I use border-box box model throughout this demo (and anywhere else b.t.w.), so: 
    from MDN:

    "When a non-auto flex-basis is specified, Internet Explorer 10 and 11 
     always use a content-box box model to calculate the size of a flex item,
     even if 'box-sizing: border-box' is applied to the element. See Flexbug #7 for more info."

    Flexbug #7,
    See Flexbug #8 too, why 'flex-grow: 1' has to used for IE11 instead of 'flex: 1'
    flex-grow : 1;                  /* set to 0 for non-stretching cards */
/*    align-self: flex-start;         /* 'stretch' is preferred as 'flex-start' yields jagged heights */
/* TODO: maybe introduce  W/H dependency with MQ 'orientation' */

[card] {
    flex-direction: column;         /* VERTICAL container of header,content,footer */
    justify-content: space-between; /* moves header/footer to top/bottom of card */
    width: 100%; height: 100%;      /* for IE11 */
    flex-wrap: nowrap;

[card]>* { width: 100%; max-width: 100% } /* All card main rows: fill-width */

[card]>item {
    flex-direction: column;         /* COLUMN of 1:N rows */
    flex-grow: 1;                   /* card content, fill max available space */
    overflow: auto;                 /* scroll content in case card max-height set */

<style id="stl-card-demo">
/* [OPTIONAL] Card eye-candy and animation */
[band*="cards"] { background-color: rgba( 75, 84,104,.6);color: rgba(255,255,255,.8) }

[band*="cards"]>* { /* 'height' must have VW too, otherwise ratios will be incorrect */
/*    height    : calc((1.9375vw + 277.8px) * 1.77778);   /* Fixed W/H ratio 16:9 */
/*    max-height: calc((1.9375vw + 277.8px) * 1.77778);
    /* Adjust 'max-height' to choosen ratio or 0 in case of 'auto' (or remove) */

    cursor: pointer; /* It's animated, ok? So, no...clicker-de-click */
    -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none

[card]>header { justify-content: center   }
[card]>footer { justify-content: flex-end }

    minimal padding around cards, but only if not already padded
    (nasty little trick with selector preference => [padded] will not work here
    because of same preference as [band])
[band*="cards"]>*     { padding: calc(0.125vmin + 1.6px)} /* 2,4>1920 */
[card] > :not(.media) { padding: calc(0.5vmin + 14.4px) } /* 16,24>1920 */

[card] {
    background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1);  /* white */
    color: rgba( 89, 89, 89,1);             /* Davy's Grey */

    opacity: .95; /* for a subtle color diffence on :hover */

    /* Google Material Components Web default card elevation */
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0,0,0,.20),
                0px 1px 1px  0px rgba(0,0,0,.14),
                0px 1px 3px  0px rgba(0,0,0,.12); /* elevation 1dp */
[card]:hover {
    opacity: 1; /* ditto */

    box-shadow: 0px 3px  5px -1px rgba(0,0,0,.20),
                0px 5px  8px  0px rgba(0,0,0,.14),
                0px 1px 14px  0px rgba(0,0,0,.12); /* elevation 5dp */
[card]:focus { transform: scale(0.995) }

<style id="ers-utility-default">
/* Utility rules, first so they can be overridden */
body  { cursor: default } /* Plain arrow for everything, but... */
input { cursor: auto    } /* ...use HTML default cursor on inputs, unless it is an: */

a,button,select,keygen   { cursor: pointer } 
[contenteditable="true"] { cursor: text    }

/* Darker/more contrast text (put in <body>)
   => GPU intensive, set default to "0" if document scroll feels too sluggish. */
[cleartype="1"]         { text-shadow: .1px  .1px .2px hsla(0,0%,15%,.35),
                                      -.1px -.1px .2px hsla(0,0%,15%,.25) }
[cleartype="0"],strong  { text-shadow: none } /* exceptions, no need to go even 'bolder' */

/* prohibit user from selecting text (put in <body>) */
.noselect,[select="0"],[noselect] { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none }
.select  ,[select="1"],[select]   { -webkit-user-select: text; -moz-user-select: text; -ms-user-select: text; user-select: text }
/* enable user to select text (put in specific elements) */

[push*="R"] { margin-left  : auto } /* push elements Right/Left/Top/Bottom */
[push*="L"] { margin-right : auto }
[push*="T"] { margin-top   : auto }
[push*="B"] { margin-bottom: auto }

[align*="C"] { text-align: center  } /* text alignment */
[align*="J"] { text-align: justify }
[align*="L"] { text-align: left    }
[align*="R"] { text-align: right   }

[hide], [data-hide="1"] {
    display: none; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
    z-index: -999999; top: -999999px; margin: -1px; padding: 0; border: 0;
    height: 1px; width: 1px; min-height: 0; min-width: 0; max-height: 0; max-width: 0

::-moz-focus-inner { padding: 0; border: 0 } /* Firefox */
:focus { outline: dotted rgba(60,69,78,.5) 2px }
:focus { outline: -webkit-focus-ring-color auto 0; outline-width: 0 } /* for Edge 2020 */

/* show all elements with outlines (put in <body>) */
[outlines="1"] * { outline: 1px dashed }

<body padded="0" cleartype="0" outlines="0">
<div block>
    <header band="header">
    <article band="" class="padded">
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                <header><h3>interactive SVG</h3></header>
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
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                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
            <div card>
               <img class="media" src="">
                    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, exerci dolorem est ad. Sumo rebum prompta vim ad. Legendos expetendis id sed. Ex ius quem accusamus, pri et
                        deleniti copiosae.</p>
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