Ibm mobilefirst 关于worklight 6.1中的JSON存储

Ibm mobilefirst 关于worklight 6.1中的JSON存储,ibm-mobilefirst,jsonstore,Ibm Mobilefirst,Jsonstore,我不熟悉worklight。IBM信息或知识中心讨论了所有API,但没有讨论它们的属性。我需要了解API列表及其属性和选项。请给我一些链接。这在文档中有很好的解释 例如,您询问了WL.JSONStore.init,因此: 你能试着更具体一点吗?比如可以在WL.JSONStore.init(collections,options)内部传递的选项,甚至在collections内部传递的选项OK我正在讨论属性/选项,比如push:false等等。我需要这些属性信息 {string} options.




{string} options.username Optional - Name of the file that is created to store data for the collections, must be an alphanumeric string ([a-z, A-Z, 0-9]) and start with a letter. The default one is 'jsonstore'.
{string} options.password Optional - Password that is used to secure the contents of the store, by default there is no data encryption.
{boolean} options.clear Optional - Clears accessors without removing its contents from the store.
{boolean} options.localKeyGen Optional - Flag that determines if key generation uses a local (false) or remote (true) random number generator.