Java 阵列的新功能(挣扎)

Java 阵列的新功能(挣扎),java,Java,我只是在学习数组。我有一个小程序要写,要求创建2个数组。一个有5个花的名字。一个拿着那5朵花的价格。我问用户他们想要什么样的花和数量。然后我需要创建一个循环来定位花的名称,并使用该索引来查找花的成本。我正在努力学习如何编写代码,如何使用一个数组索引来查找另一个数组索引。示例:玫瑰和0.50美元。我知道我基本上要求很多,但我只是不知道如何从一个数组调用另一个数组。任何帮助都将是惊人的。非常感谢。这是我到目前为止所拥有的 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.i


Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    String [] flowers = new String[] {"petunias", "pansy", "rose", "violet", "carnation"};
    double [] cost = new double[] {.50, .75, 1.50, .50, .80};
    for(int pq = 1; pq <= 5; pq++){
        System.out.print("Enter the name of the flower purchased: ");


        String [] flowers = new String[] {"petunias", "pansy", "rose", "violet", "carnation"};
        double [] cost = new double[] {.50, .75, 1.50, .50, .80};

        System.out.print("Enter the name of the flower purchased: ");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(
        String input = br.readLine();

        for(int i=0;i<flower.length;i++){
            if(input.equals(flowers[i])) {


String [] flowers = new String[] {"petunias", "pansy", "rose", "violet", "carnation"};
double [] cost = new double[] {.50, .75, 1.50, .50, .80};
System.out.print("Enter the name of flower purchased: ");
String key = keyboard.nextLine().trim();
for (int i = 0; i < flower.length(); i++){
String flw = flowers[i].getName();
if ( flw.startswith(key)){ // you don't have to use startswith(key) 
    // you should be able to do the rest.


import java.util.*;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    String [] flowers = new String[] {"petunias", "pansy", "rose", "violet", "carnation"};
    double [] cost = new double[] {.50, .75, 1.50, .50, .80};
    System.out.print("Enter the name of the flower purchased: ");
    String temp= keyboard.nextLine();
    for(int pq = 0; pq <= flowers.length; pq++){
    if (temp==flowers[i]) //compare your input with the array of flowers
    System.out.print(flowers[i]+" costs "+cost[i]; // display name and corresponding price


    String [] flowers = new String[] {"petunias", "pansy", "rose", "violet", "carnation"}; //flower array
    double [] cost = new double[] {.50, .75, 1.50, .50, .80}; //cost array

    System.out.print("Enter the name of the flower purchased: ");
    Scanner in = new Scanner(; //new scanner to read user input
    String input = in.nextLine(); //gets the line from the user

    for(int i=0;i<flowers.length;i++){ //loop through the flower array, checking if the flower's name matches the user input
        if(input.equals(flowers[i])) { //if we have a match...
            System.out.print(cost[i]); //output the price
所以基本上,flowers数组和prices数组是一对一的,这意味着你可以在任何一朵花和它对应的价格之间画一条清晰的线。由于存在此关系,因此在遍历数组时可以使用相同的索引。e、 g:三色堇->0.75




    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    double total = 0;
    String flowerName = "start";
    int quantity = 0;
    System.out.println("Welcome to the Salisbury Flower Boutique");
    String [] flowerNameArray = new String[] {"petunias", "pansy", "rose", "violet",                     "carnation"};
    double [] flowerCostArray = new double[] {.50, .75, 1.50, .50, .80};
    System.out.print("Enter the name of the flower purchased : ");
    flowerName =;
    while (! flowerName.equals("done"));{
        System.out.print("Enter the quantity: ");
        quantity = keyboard.nextInt();
    for(int index = 0; index <5; index++){
        total = total + (flowerCostArray[index] * quantity);
    System.out.println("Enter the name of the flower purchased: ");
    flowerName =;
    System.out.print("Total cost of the flower sale: $" + total);

