Java 使用OneLogin构建SAML SSO

Java 使用OneLogin构建SAML SSO,java,web,single-sign-on,saml,onelogin,Java,Web,Single Sign On,Saml,Onelogin,我已从下载了SAML OneLogin的示例。我按照说明尝试运行web示例,但显然不起作用 我必须填写一个properties.file,但我不知道在哪里可以找到此信息,也不知道如何将其存储在我的webapp中 文件如下: # If 'strict' is True, then the Java Toolkit will reject unsigned # or unencrypted messages if it expects them signed or encrypted # Al

我已从下载了SAML OneLogin的



#  If 'strict' is True, then the Java Toolkit will reject unsigned
#  or unencrypted messages if it expects them signed or encrypted
#  Also will reject the messages if not strictly follow the SAML
onelogin.saml2.strict =  true

# Enable debug mode (to print errors)
onelogin.saml2.debug =  false

#  Service Provider Data that we are deploying
#  Identifier of the SP entity  (must be a URI)
onelogin.saml2.sp.entityid = http://localhost:8080/java-saml-tookit-jspsample/metadata.jsp

# Specifies info about where and how the <AuthnResponse> message MUST be
#  returned to the requester, in this case our SP.
# URL Location where the <Response> from the IdP will be returned
onelogin.saml2.sp.assertion_consumer_service.url = http://localhost:8080/java-saml-tookit-jspsample/acs.jsp

# SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
# message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
# HTTP-POST binding only
onelogin.saml2.sp.assertion_consumer_service.binding = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST

# Specifies info about where and how the <Logout Response> message MUST be
# returned to the requester, in this case our SP.
onelogin.saml2.sp.single_logout_service.url = http://localhost:8080/java-saml-tookit-jspsample/sls.jsp

# SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <LogoutResponse> or sending the <LogoutRequest>
# message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
# HTTP-Redirect binding only
onelogin.saml2.sp.single_logout_service.binding = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect

# Specifies constraints on the name identifier to be used to
# represent the requested subject.
# Take a look on lib/Saml2/Constants.php to see the NameIdFormat supported
onelogin.saml2.sp.nameidformat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified

# Usually x509cert and privateKey of the SP are provided by files placed at
# the certs folder. But we can also provide them with the following parameters

onelogin.saml2.sp.x509cert =

# Requires Format PKCS#8   BEGIN PRIVATE KEY         
# If you have     PKCS#1   BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY  convert it by   openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem - 
nocrypt -in sp.rsa_key -outform pem -out sp.pem
onelogin.saml2.sp.privatekey =

# Identity Provider Data that we want connect with our SP

# Identifier of the IdP entity  (must be a URI)
onelogin.saml2.idp.entityid =

# SSO endpoint info of the IdP. (Authentication Request protocol)
# URL Target of the IdP where the SP will send the Authentication Request Message
onelogin.saml2.idp.single_sign_on_service.url =
# SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
# message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
# HTTP-Redirect binding only
onelogin.saml2.idp.single_sign_on_service.binding = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect

# SLO endpoint info of the IdP.
# URL Location of the IdP where the SP will send the SLO Request
onelogin.saml2.idp.single_logout_service.url =

# Optional SLO Response endpoint info of the IdP.
# URL Location of the IdP where the SP will send the SLO Response. If left blank, same URL as 
onelogin.saml2.idp.single_logout_service.url will be used.
# Some IdPs use a separate URL for sending a logout request and response, use this property to set the separate response url
onelogin.saml2.idp.single_logout_service.response.url =

# SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
# message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
# HTTP-Redirect binding only
onelogin.saml2.idp.single_logout_service.binding = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect

# Public x509 certificate of the IdP
onelogin.saml2.idp.x509cert =

# Instead of use the whole x509cert you can use a fingerprint
# (openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -in "idp.crt" to generate it,
# or add for example the -sha256 , -sha384 or -sha512 parameter)
# If a fingerprint is provided, then the certFingerprintAlgorithm is required in order to
# let the toolkit know which Algorithm was used. Possible values: sha1, sha256, sha384 or sha512
# 'sha1' is the default value.
# onelogin.saml2.idp.certfingerprint = 
# onelogin.saml2.idp.certfingerprint_algorithm = sha1

# Security settings

# Indicates that the nameID of the <samlp:logoutRequest> sent by this SP
# will be encrypted. = false

# Indicates whether the <samlp:AuthnRequest> messages sent by this SP
# will be signed.              [The Metadata of the SP will offer this info] = false

# Indicates whether the <samlp:logoutRequest> messages sent by this SP
# will be signed. = false

# Indicates whether the <samlp:logoutResponse> messages sent by this SP
# will be signed. = false

# Indicates a requirement for the <samlp:Response>, <samlp:LogoutRequest> and
# <samlp:LogoutResponse> elements received by this SP to be signed. = false

# Indicates a requirement for the <saml:Assertion> elements received by this SP to be signed. = false

# Indicates a requirement for the Metadata of this SP to be signed.
# Right now supported null (in order to not sign) or true (sign using SP private key) =

# Indicates a requirement for the Assertions received by this SP to be encrypted = false

# Indicates a requirement for the NameID received by this SP to be encrypted = false

# Authentication context.
# Set Empty and no AuthContext will be sent in the AuthNRequest
# You can set multiple values (comma separated them) = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password

# Allows the authn comparison parameter to be set, defaults to 'exact' = exact

# Indicates if the SP will validate all received xmls.
# (In order to validate the xml, 'strict' and 'wantXMLValidation' must be true). = true

# Algorithm that the toolkit will use on signing process. Options:
#  ''
#  ''
#  ''
#  ''
#  '' =

# Organization = SP Java 
onelogin.saml2.organization.displayname = SP Java Example
onelogin.saml2.organization.url =
onelogin.saml2.organization.lang = 

# Contacts
onelogin.saml2.contacts.technical.given_name = Technical Guy
onelogin.saml2.contacts.technical.email_address = = Support Guy =

#  Identifier of the SP entity  (must be a URI)
onelogin.saml2.sp.entityid = http://localhost:8080/java-saml-tookit-jspsample/metadata.jsp

<%@page import="java.util.*,com.onelogin.saml2.Auth,com.onelogin.saml2.settings.Saml2Settings" 
language="java" contentType="application/xhtml+xml"%><%
Auth auth = new Auth();
Saml2Settings settings = auth.getSettings();
String metadata = settings.getSPMetadata();
List<String> errors = Saml2Settings.validateMetadata(metadata);
if (errors.isEmpty()) {
} else {
   response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

   for (String error : errors) {



<%@page import="java.util.*,com.onelogin.saml2.Auth,com.onelogin.saml2.settings.Saml2Settings" 
language="java" contentType="application/xhtml+xml"%><%
Auth auth = new Auth();
Saml2Settings settings = auth.getSettings();
String metadata = settings.getSPMetadata();
List<String> errors = Saml2Settings.validateMetadata(metadata);
if (errors.isEmpty()) {
} else {
   response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

   for (String error : errors) {
**IdP Issuer URI**: [should be the address where provider redirect if something goes wrong??]
**IdP Single Sign-On URL**: [I don't know what is this]
**IdP Signature Certificate**: [here I load the cert of app]
**Request Binding**: HTTP POST
**Request Signature**: Sign SAML Authentication Requests
**Request Signature Algorithm**: SHA-256
**Response Signature Verification**: Assertion
**Response Signature Algorithm**: SHA-256
**Destination**: [I don't know what value set here]