
使用Java将SQL文件与现有数据库表进行比较,java,jdbc,Java,Jdbc,我正在编写一些Java(1.7)代码来测试给定的数据库表和给定的sql文件。我想要的是一种将我的sql文件转换为java对象的方法,然后测试db字段名和字段类型是否与文件支持的对象相同 示例sql文件如下所示: create table foo ( id int not null auto_increment, term_id varchar(128) not null, term_name varchar(255) not null, parent_id var



create table foo (
    id int not null auto_increment,
    term_id varchar(128) not null,
    term_name varchar(255) not null,
    parent_id varchar(128) not null,
    parent_name varchar(255),
    top_term_flag varchar(5),
    primary key (id)
create index foo_pn on foo ( parent_name );
create index foo_ttf on foo ( top_term_flag );
// Step 1, confirm the table exists

// Database and table tests
DatabaseMetaData dbm = connection.getMetaData();

// check if "this.dbtable" exists.
// The ToUpperCase covers Oracle
ResultSet tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, this.dbtable.toUpperCase(), null);
if (tables.next()) {
    // Table exists
    log.info("Table: {} exists!", this.dbtable);

    // Step 2, get each field and test against the file

    ResultSet columns = dbm.getColumns(null, null, this.dbtable, null);

    while ( columns.next()) {
        String name = columns.getString(4);  // this gets the column name

        -> Now what? <-



create table foo (
    id int not null auto_increment,
    term_id varchar(128) not null,
    term_name varchar(255) not null,
    parent_id varchar(128) not null,
    parent_name varchar(255),
    top_term_flag varchar(5),
    primary key (id)
create index foo_pn on foo ( parent_name );
create index foo_ttf on foo ( top_term_flag );
// Step 1, confirm the table exists

// Database and table tests
DatabaseMetaData dbm = connection.getMetaData();

// check if "this.dbtable" exists.
// The ToUpperCase covers Oracle
ResultSet tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, this.dbtable.toUpperCase(), null);
if (tables.next()) {
    // Table exists
    log.info("Table: {} exists!", this.dbtable);

    // Step 2, get each field and test against the file

    ResultSet columns = dbm.getColumns(null, null, this.dbtable, null);

    while ( columns.next()) {
        String name = columns.getString(4);  // this gets the column name

        -> Now what? <-


DatabaseMetaData dbm=connection.getMetaData();
ResultSet tables=dbm.getTables(null,null,this.dbtable.toUpperCase(),null);
ResultSet columns=dbm.getColumns(null,null,this.dbtable,null);
String name=columns.getString(4);//获取列名


  • “tablename”总是在“create table”之后
  • 字段名和类型总是在后面
  • 之后的索引
或者有可用的解析器: jsqlparser


使用来自的JSqlParser 0.8.8


public class CheckSQLs {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws JSQLParserException {
    String sqls = "create table foo (\n"
            + "    id int not null auto_increment,\n"
            + "    term_id varchar(128) not null,\n"
            + "    term_name varchar(255) not null,\n"
            + "    parent_id varchar(128) not null,\n"
            + "    parent_name varchar(255),\n"
            + "    top_term_flag varchar(5),\n"
            + "    primary key (id)\n"
            + ");\n"
            + "create index foo_pn on foo( parent_name );\n"
            + "create index foo_ttf on foo ( top_term_flag );";

    for (String sql : sqls.split(";")) {
        Statement parse = CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sql);
        if (parse instanceof CreateTable) {
            CreateTable ct = (CreateTable)parse;
            System.out.println("table=" + ct.getTable().getFullyQualifiedName());
            for (ColumnDefinition colDef : ct.getColumnDefinitions()) {
                System.out.println("column=" + colDef.getColumnName() + " " + colDef.getColDataType() + " " + colDef.getColumnSpecStrings());

CREATE TABLE foo (id int not null auto_increment, term_id varchar (128) not null, term_name varchar (255) not null, parent_id varchar (128) not null, parent_name varchar (255), top_term_flag varchar (5), primary key (id))
column=id int [not, null, auto_increment]
column=term_id varchar (128) [not, null]
column=term_name varchar (255) [not, null]
column=parent_id varchar (128) [not, null]
column=parent_name varchar (255) null
column=top_term_flag varchar (5) null


这正是我所需要的!谢谢!在jsqlparser 0.8.9快照中,我包含了简单的脚本解析。因此分割部分将消失。