Java Docker映像阻止VM部署

Java Docker映像阻止VM部署,java,maven,google-app-engine,gcloud,google-managed-vm,Java,Maven,Google App Engine,Gcloud,Google Managed Vm,我中断了一个mvn gcloud:deploy命令,无法重新部署,因为不断出现此错误消息。我已经从GCS中删除了所有自生成的bucket,但仍然没有与此不同的结果 [INFO] If this is your first deployment, this may take a while.../ [INFO] [INFO] If this is your first deplo

mvn gcloud:deploy

[INFO] If this is your first deployment, this may take a while.../
[INFO] If this is your first deployment, this may take a while...done.

[INFO] ERROR: ( There is a Dockerfile in the current directory, 
and the runtime field in /target/appengine-staging/app.yaml is currently set to
[runtime: java]. To use your Dockerfile to build a custom runtime, set the runtime field 
in /target/appengine-staging/app.yaml to [runtime: custom]. To continue using the [java]
runtime, please omit the Dockerfile from this directory. 

[ERROR] Error: gcloud app command with exit code : 1



mvn clean gcloud:deploy

如果删除当前目录中的Dockerfile会发生什么?它可以工作。Eclipse在没有刷新的情况下不向我显示它。睡眠剥夺导致了问题。我没有刷新Eclipse上的appengine暂存文件夹以显示Dockerfile,而是使用gcloud命令行util获取信息。调试了deploy_命令,发现Dockerfile的路径就在我的鼻子下:/target/appengine staging。由于不是开源的,我无法提供更直接的错误消息。有一个选项可以清除任何以前的docker映像,但我相信mvn clean gcloud:deploy比阻止使用自定义docker映像要好。