Java 使用Jsoup,如何获取每个链接中的每个信息?

Java 使用Jsoup,如何获取每个链接中的每个信息?,java,jsoup,Java,Jsoup,如果连接到URL,它将只解析当前页面。但是你可以1.)连接到URL,2.)解析你需要的信息,3.)选择所有其他链接,4.)连接到它们,5.)只要有新链接就继续 注意事项: 您需要一个列表(?)或其他存储已解析链接的位置 您必须决定是否只需要此页面的链接或外部链接 你必须跳过“关于”、“联系”等页面 编辑: (注意:您必须添加一些更改/错误处理代码) 解析下一个链接的方法如下: List<String> visitedUrls = new ArrayList<>();



  • 您需要一个列表(?)或其他存储已解析链接的位置
  • 您必须决定是否只需要此页面的链接或外部链接
  • 你必须跳过“关于”、“联系”等页面



List<String> visitedUrls = new ArrayList<>(); // Store all links you've already visited
Set<String> ignore = new HashSet<>(); // Store all keywords you want ignore

// ...

 * Add keywords to the ignorelist. Each link that contains one of this
 * words will be skipped.
 * Do this in eg. constructor, static block or a init method.

// ...

public void visitUrl(String url) throws IOException
    url = url.toLowerCase(); // Now its case insensitive

    if( !visitedUrls.contains(url) ) // Do this only if not visted yet
        Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get(); // Connect to Url and parse Document

        /* ... Select your Data here ... */

        Elements nextLinks ="a[href]"); // Select next links - add more restriction!

        for( Element next : nextLinks ) // Iterate over all Links
            boolean skip = false; // If false: parse the url, if true: skip it
            final String href = next.absUrl("href"); // Select the 'href' attribute -> next link to parse

            for( String s : ignore ) // Iterate over all ignored keywords - maybe there's a better solution for this
                if( href.contains(s) ) // If the url contains ignored keywords it will be skipped
                    skip = true;

            if( !skip )
                visitUrl(next.absUrl("href")); // Recursive call for all next Links


谢谢ollo。我可以连接URL并获取所有链接名。但是我如何连接所有其他链接并解析链接的信息。。。给我一些建议。。。提前感谢。请参阅“编辑”以获取简短示例。如果我的帖子对你有所帮助,请随意投票。但是,它是否有效,或者您是否需要进一步的帮助?hai ollo,我需要知道如何跳过特定的url,以及如何转到下一个链接…我的问题是,如果我的url包含任何twitter链接,那么它将集中在twitter域上。。。它就像一个循环。我希望这个循环应该中断并进入列表的下一个链接。。。我试了很多。。。但是我卡住了…帮帮我,奥利奥。。。
List<String> visitedUrls = new ArrayList<>(); // Store all links you've already visited

public void visitUrl(String url) throws IOException
    url = url.toLowerCase(); // now its case insensitive

    if( !visitedUrls.contains(url) ) // Do this only if not visted yet
        Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get(); // Connect to Url and parse Document

        /* ... Select your Data here ... */

        Elements nextLinks ="a[href]"); // Select next links - add more restriction!

        for( Element next : nextLinks ) // Iterate over all Links
            visitUrl(next.absUrl("href")); // Recursive call for all next Links
List<String> visitedUrls = new ArrayList<>(); // Store all links you've already visited
Set<String> ignore = new HashSet<>(); // Store all keywords you want ignore

// ...

 * Add keywords to the ignorelist. Each link that contains one of this
 * words will be skipped.
 * Do this in eg. constructor, static block or a init method.

// ...

public void visitUrl(String url) throws IOException
    url = url.toLowerCase(); // Now its case insensitive

    if( !visitedUrls.contains(url) ) // Do this only if not visted yet
        Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get(); // Connect to Url and parse Document

        /* ... Select your Data here ... */

        Elements nextLinks ="a[href]"); // Select next links - add more restriction!

        for( Element next : nextLinks ) // Iterate over all Links
            boolean skip = false; // If false: parse the url, if true: skip it
            final String href = next.absUrl("href"); // Select the 'href' attribute -> next link to parse

            for( String s : ignore ) // Iterate over all ignored keywords - maybe there's a better solution for this
                if( href.contains(s) ) // If the url contains ignored keywords it will be skipped
                    skip = true;

            if( !skip )
                visitUrl(next.absUrl("href")); // Recursive call for all next Links
final String href = next.absUrl("href");
/* ... */