Javascript jssor滑块不响应导航箭头

Javascript jssor滑块不响应导航箭头,javascript,jssor,Javascript,Jssor,我正在使用javascript动态构建jssor滑块。滑块基于jssor“旋转木马”演示。所有内容在显示时看起来都是正确的,包括滑块两端的导航箭头。当我用鼠标向左或向右滑动时,它也会正确响应。但是,滑块不响应导航箭头上的任何单击 我在其他帖子中提到的一个问题是导航箭头的嵌套不当。我认为这不是问题所在。任何帮助都将不胜感激 以下是构建滑块的javascript: var CpxRowSlider = function(callback) { var callback; var indexedImg




var CpxRowSlider = function(callback) {
var callback;
var indexedImgEl = new Array();
var DEFAULT_H = 110;
var DEFAULT_W = 260;
var outerDivEl = document.createElement('div');
var title = true;
var addNavArrows = true;

var sliderDivEl = null;
var sliderId = "slider_SOLO";

 * image set should be an array of key-value pairs where the value is the
 * URL of an image and the key will be used as a tag that identifies the
 * image in any callback functions.
function create(imageSet) {
    /* Slides Container -- */
    var rowDivEl = document.createElement('div');
    $(rowDivEl).attr("u", "slides");
        "cursor" : "move",
        "position" : "absolute",
        "left" : "0px",
        "top" : "0px",
        "width" : "780px",
        "height" : "110px",
        "overflow" : "hidden"
    for ( var key in imageSet) {
        var imgUrl = imageSet[key];
        var imgDivEl = document.createElement('div');
        var imgEl = document.createElement('img');
        imgEl.src = imgUrl;
        $(imgEl).attr("u", "image");
        // add to row
        $(imgEl).data("cpxKey", key);
         * actions associated with the img....
         * click event gets handed off via callback
        if ((callback != undefined) && (callback != null)) {
            imgEl.onclick = function(evt) {
                var targetImg =;
                trace("Click on " + $(targetImg).data("cpxKey"));
    // add slides to a slider...
    sliderDivEl = document.createElement('div'); = sliderId

        "position" : "relative",
        "left" : "0px",
        "top" : "0px",
        "width" : "780px",
        "height" : "110px"
    // add to DOM
    if (addNavArrows) {

function createNavArrow(toLeft) {
    var arrowSpan = document.createElement('span');
    $(arrowSpan).attr("u", "image");
        "top" : "30px",
        "width" : "55px",
        "height" : "55px"
    if (toLeft) {
            "left" : "5px"

    } else {
            "right" : "5px"
    return arrowSpan;

 * Invoked only AFTER the slider has been added to the DOM
function finalize() {
    // add to sliders being controlled by jssor
    var sliderOptions = getSliderOptions();
    var jssor_sliderh = new $JssorSlider$(sliderId, sliderOptions);

function getSliderOptions() {
    var sliderhOptions = {
         * $AutoPlay [Optional] Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow,
         * this option must be set to true, default value is false
        $AutoPlay : false,
         * $PauseOnHover [Optional] Whether to pause when mouse over if a
         * slider is auto playing, 0 no pause, 1 pause for desktop, 2 pause
         * for touch device, 3 pause for desktop and touch device, default
         * value is 1
        $PauseOnHover : 1,
         * $AutoPlaySteps [Optional] Steps to go for each navigation request
         * (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), the default
         * value is 1
        $AutoPlaySteps : 2,
         * $ArrowKeyNavigation [Optional] Allows keyboard (arrow key)
         * navigation or not, default value is false
        // $ArrowKeyNavigation : true,
         * [Optional] Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in
         * milliseconds, default value is 500
        $SlideDuration : 300,
         * [Optional] Minimum drag offset to trigger slide , default value
         * is 20
        $MinDragOffsetToSlide : 20,
         * [Optional] Width of every slide in pixels, default value is width
         * of 'slides' container
        $SlideWidth : DEFAULT_W,
         * [Optional] Height of every slide in pixels, default value is
         * height of 'slides' container
        // $SlideHeight: 150,
         * [Optional] Space between each slide in pixels, default value is 0
        $SlideSpacing : 3,
         * [Optional] Number of pieces to display (the slideshow would be
         * disabled if the value is set to greater than 1), the default
         * value is 1
        $DisplayPieces : 3,
         * [Optional] The offset position to park slide (this options applys
         * only when slideshow disabled), default value is 0.
        $ParkingPosition : 0,
         * [Optional] The way (0 parellel, 1 recursive, default value is 1)
         * to search UI components (slides container, loading screen,
         * navigator container, arrow navigator container, thumbnail
         * navigator container etc).
        $UISearchMode : 0,
        // ...................................
        // [Optional] Options to specify and enable navigator or not
        $BulletNavigatorOptions : {
            $Class : $JssorBulletNavigator$, // [Required] Class to
            // create navigator instance
            $ChanceToShow : 1, // [Required] 0 Never, 1 Mouse Over, 2
            // Always
            $AutoCenter : 0, // [Optional] Auto center navigator in
            // parent container, 0 None, 1 Horizontal, 2
            // Vertical, 3 Both, default value is 0
            $Steps : 1, // [Optional] Steps to go for each navigation
            // request, default value is 1
            $Lanes : 1, // [Optional] Specify lanes to arrange items,
            // default value is 1
            $SpacingX : 0, // [Optional] Horizontal space between each item
            // in pixel, default value is 0
            $SpacingY : 0, // [Optional] Vertical space between each item
            // in pixel, default value is 0
            $Orientation : 1
        // [Optional] The orientation of the navigator, 1 horizontal, 2
        // vertical, default value is 1
    return sliderhOptions;

function trace(msg) {
    console.log("CpxRowSlider: " + msg);

return {
    create : create,
    finalize : finalize,
    getContainer : function() {
        return outerDivEl;
更新: 好吧,一些挖掘发现了“在哪里”,但“为什么”仍然是个谜。生成的HTML应该如下所示(为了清晰起见,减去“样式”):


<div id="slider_SOLO" >     
        <div u="slides"></div>   
        <div u="slides">
                <img u="image" src="../foo1.jpg" />
                <img u="image" src="../foo2.jpg" />
        <span u="arrowleft" class="jssora03l" ></span>
        <span u="arrowright" class="jssora03r"></span>

如果我将类似的div添加到jssor carousel演示HTML中,就会得到相同的行为(即导航箭头不再工作)

var jssor\u sliderh=new$JssorSlider$(sliderId,sliderOptions)




<div id="slider_SOLO" >     
        <div u="slides"></div>   
        <div u="slides">
                <img u="image" src="../foo1.jpg" />
                <img u="image" src="../foo2.jpg" />
        <span u="arrowleft" class="jssora03l" ></span>
        <span u="arrowright" class="jssora03r"></span>