Javascript JSGantt甘特图-如何使用日期变量而不是文本

Javascript JSGantt甘特图-如何使用日期变量而不是文本,javascript,Javascript,我对Javascript比较陌生,一直在我的网站上使用JSGantt.js绘制甘特图。html页面上唯一需要的代码如下所示: <div style="position:relative" class="gantt" id="GanttChartDIV"></div> <script> // here's all the html code neccessary to display the chart object // Future idea


<div style="position:relative" class="gantt" id="GanttChartDIV"></div>
    // here's all the html code neccessary to display the chart object
    // Future idea would be to allow XML file name to be passed in and chart tasks built from file.

    var g = new JSGantt.GanttChart('g',document.getElementById('GanttChartDIV'), 'quarter');

    g.setShowRes(0); // Show/Hide Responsible (0/1)
    g.setShowDur(0); // Show/Hide Duration (0/1)
    g.setShowComp(0); // Show/Hide % Complete(0/1)
    g.setCaptionType('None');  // Set to Show Caption (None,Caption,Resource,Duration,Complete)
    g.setShowStartDate(0); // Show/Hide Start Date(0/1)
    g.setShowEndDate(0); // Show/Hide End Date(0/1)

    //var gr = new Graphics();

    if( g ) {
        // Parameters (pID, pName, pStart, pEnd,  pColor, pLink, pMile, pRes, pComp, pGroup, pParent, pOpen, pDepend, pCaption)
        // You can also use the XML file parser JSGantt.parseXML('project.xml',g)

        g.AddTaskItem(new JSGantt.TaskItem(1, 'Title',     '', '',  '52A3CC', '', 0, 'Team Leader Name', 100, 1, 0, 1));

    else {
        alert("not defined");



function getDate (days) {
     if (typeof days === "undefined") {
       var days = 0;
     var date = new Date();
     return new Date(date.valueOf() + days*86400000).toISOString().substring(0,10);
 g.AddTaskItem(new JSGantt.TaskItem(1, 'Title', getDate(-30), getDate(),  '52A3CC', '', 0, 'Team Leader Name', 100, 1, 0, 1));