Jquery 基础手风琴需要偶尔重新加载页面;不总是在单击时打开

Jquery 基础手风琴需要偶尔重新加载页面;不总是在单击时打开,jquery,css,zurb-foundation,zurb-foundation-5,Jquery,Css,Zurb Foundation,Zurb Foundation 5,我使用基础栏目GEM安装了基础5。我在手风琴方面有一些奇怪的行为,我需要解决。(我没有更改默认安装的任何内容。) 手风琴随机无法打开。发生这种情况时,页面上的任何手风琴都无法工作,即使您导航到其他页面,该页面上的任何手风琴也无法工作。但是,如果使用ctl-r重新加载页面,它们都会重新开始工作 当单击另一个窗口时,Accordion无法关闭窗口,就好像设置了multi\u expand:true 单击手风琴可打开/关闭内容,但不会关闭其他内容 我正在生成嵌套的手风琴。生成的代码示例: <ul


  • 手风琴随机无法打开。发生这种情况时,页面上的任何手风琴都无法工作,即使您导航到其他页面,该页面上的任何手风琴也无法工作。但是,如果使用
  • 当单击另一个窗口时,Accordion无法关闭窗口,就好像设置了
    multi\u expand:true
  • 单击手风琴可打开/关闭内容,但不会关闭其他内容
  • 我正在生成嵌套的手风琴。生成的代码示例:

    <ul class='accordion' data-accordion>
        <!-- :partial => 'accordion' -->
        <li class="accordion-navigation">
            <a href="#panel563">§ 1910.1  Purpose and scope.</a>
            <div id="panel563" class="content">
                <div class="panel callout">
                    <div><a href="/standard/563/letters">Letters of Interpretation (1)</a></div> 
                    <p>§ 1910.1  Purpose and scope.</p>
    <!-- begin recursion -->
                    <ul class='accordion' data-accordion>
                        <!-- :partial => 'accordion' -->
                        <li class="accordion-navigation">
                            <a href="#panel564">§ 1910.1(a) Section 6(a) of the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and...</a>
                            <div id="panel564" class="content">
                                <div class="panel callout">
                                    <p>Section 6(a) of the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1593) provides that “without regard to chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code, or to the other subsections of this section, the Secretary shall, as soon as practicable during the period beginning with the effective date of this Act and ending 2 years after such date, by rule promulgate as an occupational safety or health standard any national concensus standard, and any established Federal standard, unless he determines that the promulgation of such a standard would not result in improved safety or health for specifically designated employees.” The legislative purpose of this provision is to establish, as rapidly as possible and without regard to the rule-making provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, standards with which industries are generally familiar, and on whose adoption interested and affected persons have already had an opportunity to express their views. Such standards are either (1) national concensus standards on whose adoption affected persons have reached substantial agreement, or (2) Federal standards already established by Federal statutes or regulations.</p>
        <!-- begin recursion -->
        <!-- end recursion -->
                        <!-- end partial -->
                    <ul class='accordion' data-accordion>
                        <!-- :partial => 'accordion' -->
                        <li class="accordion-navigation">
                            <a href="#panel565">§ 1910.1(b) This part carries out the directive to the Secretary of Labor...</a>
                            <div id="panel565" class="content">
                                <div class="panel callout">
                                    <p>This part carries out the directive to the Secretary of Labor under section 6(a) of the Act. It contains occupational safety and health standards which have been found to be national consensus standards or established Federal standards.</p>
        <!-- begin recursion -->
        <!-- end recursion -->
                        <!-- end partial -->
    <!-- end recursion -->
        <!-- end partial -->
    • §1910.1目的和范围

      • 1970年《威廉斯·施泰格职业安全与健康法》(84 Stat.1593)第6(a)节规定:“在不考虑《美国法典》第5编第5章或本节其他小节的情况下,部长应在本法案生效之日起至该日期后2年内,尽快通过规则将任何国家共识标准发布为职业安全或健康标准,以及任何既定的联邦标准,除非他确定颁布此类标准不会改善特定指定员工的安全或健康。”这项规定的立法目的是,在不考虑《行政程序法》规则制定规定的情况下,尽快制定行业普遍熟悉的标准,并且相关人士和受影响人士已经有机会表达其意见是(1)受收养影响的人已达成实质性协议的国家共识标准,或(2)联邦法规或条例已制定的联邦标准

      • 本部分根据法案第6(a)节执行向劳工部长发出的指令。该指令包含职业安全和健康标准,这些标准已被认定为国家共识标准或已确立的联邦标准

    这可能是更好地将错误提交给基金会。我放弃了手风琴,并用一个简单的jQuery函数来做同样的事情;但是我也遇到了jQuery依赖于重新加载页面的问题。问题来自TurbLink。我用Geery的jQuery Turb替换了TurBurink的默认安装。奥林克斯和我的javascript现在运行良好。可能是手风琴的问题。