Jquery 无法读取Json文件以使用D3.js代码绘制折线图

Jquery 无法读取Json文件以使用D3.js代码绘制折线图,jquery,css,json,svg,linechart,Jquery,Css,Json,Svg,Linechart,这段代码由js编程,使用D3库绘制一个折线图。我面临一个错误,控制台显示a(TypeError:e未定义))与d3.v3.min.js:1相关,当我点击firefox的Debbuger点击时,它显示了这行数据 !!函数(){function n(n,t){return t>n?-1:n>t1:n>=t0:0/0}function t(n){return null!=n&&!isNaN(n)}函数e(n){return{left:function(t,e,r,u){for(arguments.le


!!函数(){function n(n,t){return t>n?-1:n>t1:n>=t0:0/0}function t(n){return null!=n&&!isNaN(n)}函数e(n){return{left:function(t,e,r,u){for(arguments.length>>1;n(t[i],e)要使用d3.json(),您需要设置一个Web服务器,这很简单。 从windows资源管理器打开文件将显示静态内容,但无法处理通过“HTTP GET”加载更多文件的问题。我想,这可能是由于未加载json文件而导致的“字符串未定义”,因此d3.json中的字符串不仅为空,而且未定义

  • 下载捆绑在一个易于安装的软件包中
  • 将HTML和JSON文件放在“htdocs”文件夹中。在安装路径中查找名为“htdocs”的文件夹(例如C:\xamppfiles\htdocs)
  • 由xampp控制中心启动Web服务器
  • 在Web浏览器中,导航到localhost/nameofthlfile.html
  • 发布回复,你看到了什么,可能会出现什么错误




d3.json(url,callbackFunction) 这只需要两个参数,而不是三个

d3.json( "soD3Question.json", function ( data ) { ... });
解析时间格式 您不能将此函数添加到d3.json。您可以迭代数组并自行替换值

var parse = d3.time.format( "%b %Y" ).parse;
var parseAllDates = function (  ) {
    for ( var i = 0; i < data[0].Occurrences.length; i++ ) {
        data[0].Occurrences[i].OccurrenceDate = parse( data[0].Occurrences[i].OccurrenceDate );

d3.json( "soD3Question.json", function ( jsonData ) {
        data = jsonData;
        parseAllDates( ); // call date parser

var margin={顶部:80,右侧:80,底部:80,左侧:80},
var parse=d3.time.format(“%b%Y”).parse;
var parseAllDates=函数(){
对于(var i=0;i[{
"Id": 2,
"Name": "ukraine",
"Occurrences": [... ]
}] // brackets are important
d3.json( "soD3Question.json", function ( data ) { ... });
var parse = d3.time.format( "%b %Y" ).parse;
var parseAllDates = function (  ) {
    for ( var i = 0; i < data[0].Occurrences.length; i++ ) {
        data[0].Occurrences[i].OccurrenceDate = parse( data[0].Occurrences[i].OccurrenceDate );

d3.json( "soD3Question.json", function ( jsonData ) {
        data = jsonData;
        parseAllDates( ); // call date parser
path.domain{ fill: lightgrey; }
path.line{ fill: white;}
path.area{ fill: grey; }
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
        path.domain {fill: lightgrey;}
        path.line {fill: white;}
        path.area {fill: grey;}
    var margin = { top: 80, right: 80, bottom: 80, left: 80 },
            width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
            height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
    var data;
    var parse = d3.time.format( "%b %Y" ).parse;
    var parseAllDates = function () {
        for ( var i = 0; i < data[0].Occurrences.length; i++ ) {
            data[0].Occurrences[i].OccurrenceDate = parse( data[0].Occurrences[i].OccurrenceDate );
    // Scales and axes. Note the inverted domain for the y-scale: bigger is up!

    var x = d3.time.scale().range( [0, width] ),
            y = d3.scale.linear().range( [height, 0] ),
            xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale( x ).tickSize( -height ).tickSubdivide( true ),
            yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale( y ).ticks( 4 ).orient( "right" );

    // An area generator, for the light fill.

    var area = d3.svg.area()
            .interpolate( "monotone" )
            .x( function ( d ) {
                return x( d.OccurrenceDate );
            } )
            .y0( height )
            .y1( function ( d ) {
                return y( d.OccurrenceFrequency );
            } );

    // A line generator, for the dark stroke.

    var line = d3.svg.line()
            .interpolate( "monotone" )
            .x( function ( d ) {
                return x( d.OccurrenceDate );
            } )
            .y( function ( d ) {
                return y( d.OccurrenceFrequency );
            } );

    //    d3.json( "soD3Question.json", type, function ( error, data ) {
    d3.json( "soD3Question.json", function ( jsonData ) {
        data = jsonData;
        // Filter to one Name; ukraine.

        var values = data.filter( function ( d ) {
            return d.Name == "ukraine";
        } );

        // Compute the minimum and maximum date, and the maximum OccurrenceFrequency.
        values = values[0].Occurrences;
        x.domain( [values[0].OccurrenceDate, values[values.length - 1].OccurrenceDate ] );
        y.domain( [0, d3.max( values, function ( d ) {
            return d.OccurrenceFrequency;
        } )] ).nice();

        // Add an SVG element with the desired dimensions and margin.

        var svg = d3.select( "body" ).append( "svg" )
                .attr( "width", width + margin.left + margin.right )
                .attr( "height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom )
                .append( "g" )
                .attr( "transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")" )
                .on( "click", click );

        // Add the clip path.

        svg.append( "clipPath" )
                .attr( "id", "clip" )
                .append( "rect" )
                .attr( "width", width )
                .attr( "height", height );

        // Add the x-axis.

        svg.append( "g" )
                .attr( "class", "x axis" )
                .attr( "transform", "translate(0," + height + ")" )
                .call( xAxis );

        // Add the y-axis.

        svg.append( "g" )
                .attr( "class", "y axis" )
                .attr( "transform", "translate(" + width + ",0)" )
                .call( yAxis );

        // Add the line path.

        svg.append( "path" )
                .attr( "class", "line" )
                .attr( "clip-path", "url(#clip)" )
                .attr( "d", line( values ) );

        // Add the area path.

        svg.append( "path" )
                .attr( "class", "area" )
//                .attr( "clip-path", "url(#clip)" ) // needs to be defined
                .attr( "d", area( values ) );

        // Add a small label for the name.
        svg.append( "text" )
                .attr( "x", width - 6 )
                .attr( "y", height - 6 )
                .style( "text-anchor", "end" )
                .text( values[0].Name );

        // On click, update the x-axis.

        function click() {
            var n = values.length - 1,
                    i = Math.floor( Math.random() * n / 2 ),
                    j = i + Math.floor( Math.random() * n / 2 ) + 1;
            x.domain( [values[i].OccurrenceDate, values[j].OccurrenceDate] );
            var t = svg.transition().duration( 750 );
            t.select( ".x.axis" ).call( xAxis );
            t.select( ".area" ).attr( "d", area( values ) );
            t.select( ".line" ).attr( "d", line( values ) );
    } );
