Junit 如何使用TestNG和一些模拟框架模拟HTTPSession/FlexSession

Junit 如何使用TestNG和一些模拟框架模拟HTTPSession/FlexSession,junit,mocking,testng,jmockit,Junit,Mocking,Testng,Jmockit,我正在开发一个运行在Tomcat6上的web应用程序,前端是Flex。我正在用TestNG测试我的后端。目前,我正尝试在Java后端测试以下方法: public class UserDAO extends AbstractDAO { (...) public UserPE login(String mail, String password) { UserPE dbuser = findUserByMail(mail); if (dbuser =


public class UserDAO extends AbstractDAO {
    public UserPE login(String mail, String password) {
        UserPE dbuser = findUserByMail(mail); 
        if (dbuser == null || !dbuser.getPassword().equals(password))
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid username and/or password");
        // Save logged in user
        FlexSession session = FlexContext.getFlexSession();
        session.setAttribute("user", dbuser);
        return dbuser;
时,会出现Nullpointer异常。 不幸的是,我无法从外部设置FlexContext,这将使我能够从测试中设置它。它是在方法内部获得的







  • 有能力注入自己的mock,由方法返回
  • 杀死一个寻找正在运行的服务器的构造函数
  • 在没有访问源代码的情况下执行上述操作
  • 代码如下:

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import mockit.Mock;
    import mockit.MockClass;
    import mockit.Mockit;
    import com.ibm.ws.sca.internal.manager.impl.ServiceManagerImpl;
     * This class makes use of JMockit to inject it's own version of the
     * locateService method into the IBM ServiceManager. It can then be used to
     * return mock objects instead of the concrete implementations.
     * <p>
     * This is done because the IBM implementation of SCA hard codes the static
     * methods which provide the component lookups and therefore there is no method
     * (including reflection) that developers can use to use mocks instead.
     * <p>
     * Note: we also override the constructor because the default implementations
     * also go after IBM setup which is not needed and will take a large amount of
     * time.
     * @see AbstractSCAUnitTest
     * @author Derek Clarkson
     * @version ${version}
    // We are going to inject code into the service manager.
    @MockClass(realClass = ServiceManagerImpl.class)
    public class ServiceManagerInterceptor {
         * How we access this interceptor's cache of objects.
        public static final ServiceManagerInterceptor   INSTANCE                = new ServiceManagerInterceptor();
         * Local map to store the registered services.
        private Map<String, Object>                         serviceRegistry = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         * Before runnin your test, make sure you call this method to start
         * intercepting the calls to the service manager.
        public static void interceptServiceManagerCalls() {
         * Call to stop intercepting after your tests.
        public static void restoreServiceManagerCalls() {
         * Mock default constructor to stop extensive initialisation. Note the $init
         * name which is a special JMockit name used to denote a constructor. Do not
         * remove this or your tests will slow down or even crash out.
        public void $init() {
            // Do not remove!
         * Clears all registered mocks from the registry.
        public void clearRegistry() {
         * Override method which is injected into the ServiceManager class by
         * JMockit. It's job is to intercept the call to the serviceManager's
         * locateService() method and to return an object from our cache instead.
         * <p>
         * This is called from the code you are testing.
         * @param referenceName
         *           the reference name of the service you are requesting.
         * @return
        public Object locateService(String referenceName) {
            return serviceRegistry.get(referenceName);
         * Use this to store a reference to a service. usually this will be a
         * reference to a mock object of some sort.
         * @param referenceName
         *           the reference name you want the mocked service to be stored
         *           under. This should match the name used in the code being tested
         *           to request the service.
         * @param serviceImpl
         *           this is the mocked implementation of the service.
        public void registerService(String referenceName, Object serviceImpl) {
            serviceRegistry.put(referenceName, serviceImpl);





  • 有能力注入自己的mock,由方法返回
  • 杀死一个寻找正在运行的服务器的构造函数
  • 在没有访问源代码的情况下执行上述操作
  • 代码如下:

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import mockit.Mock;
    import mockit.MockClass;
    import mockit.Mockit;
    import com.ibm.ws.sca.internal.manager.impl.ServiceManagerImpl;
     * This class makes use of JMockit to inject it's own version of the
     * locateService method into the IBM ServiceManager. It can then be used to
     * return mock objects instead of the concrete implementations.
     * <p>
     * This is done because the IBM implementation of SCA hard codes the static
     * methods which provide the component lookups and therefore there is no method
     * (including reflection) that developers can use to use mocks instead.
     * <p>
     * Note: we also override the constructor because the default implementations
     * also go after IBM setup which is not needed and will take a large amount of
     * time.
     * @see AbstractSCAUnitTest
     * @author Derek Clarkson
     * @version ${version}
    // We are going to inject code into the service manager.
    @MockClass(realClass = ServiceManagerImpl.class)
    public class ServiceManagerInterceptor {
         * How we access this interceptor's cache of objects.
        public static final ServiceManagerInterceptor   INSTANCE                = new ServiceManagerInterceptor();
         * Local map to store the registered services.
        private Map<String, Object>                         serviceRegistry = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         * Before runnin your test, make sure you call this method to start
         * intercepting the calls to the service manager.
        public static void interceptServiceManagerCalls() {
         * Call to stop intercepting after your tests.
        public static void restoreServiceManagerCalls() {
         * Mock default constructor to stop extensive initialisation. Note the $init
         * name which is a special JMockit name used to denote a constructor. Do not
         * remove this or your tests will slow down or even crash out.
        public void $init() {
            // Do not remove!
         * Clears all registered mocks from the registry.
        public void clearRegistry() {
         * Override method which is injected into the ServiceManager class by
         * JMockit. It's job is to intercept the call to the serviceManager's
         * locateService() method and to return an object from our cache instead.
         * <p>
         * This is called from the code you are testing.
         * @param referenceName
         *           the reference name of the service you are requesting.
         * @return
        public Object locateService(String referenceName) {
            return serviceRegistry.get(referenceName);
         * Use this to store a reference to a service. usually this will be a
         * reference to a mock object of some sort.
         * @param referenceName
         *           the reference name you want the mocked service to be stored
         *           under. This should match the name used in the code being tested
         *           to request the service.
         * @param serviceImpl
         *           this is the mocked implementation of the service.
        public void registerService(String referenceName, Object serviceImpl) {
            serviceRegistry.put(referenceName, serviceImpl);

    多亏了Derek Clarkson,我成功地模拟了FlexContext,使登录可以测试。不幸的是,据我所知,只有JUnit才有可能做到这一点(测试了所有版本的TestNG,但没有成功——JMockitJavaAgent不喜欢TestNG,请参阅和发布)


    public class MockTests {
        @MockClass(realClass = FlexContext.class)
        public static class MockFlexContext {
            public FlexSession getFlexSession() {
                System.out.println("I'm a Mock FlexContext.");
                return new FlexSession() {
                    public boolean isPushSupported() {
                        return false;
                    public String getId() {
                        return null;
        public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
            // Test user is registered here
        public void testLoginUser() {
            UserDAO userDAO = new UserDAO();
            assertEquals(userDAO.getUserList().size(), 1);
            // no NPE here 
            userDAO.login("asdf@asdf.de", "asdfasdf");


    多亏了Derek Clarkson,我成功地模拟了FlexContext,使登录可以测试。不幸的是,据我所知,只有JUnit才有可能做到这一点(测试了所有版本的TestNG,但没有成功——JMockitJavaAgent不喜欢TestNG,请参阅和发布)


    public class MockTests {
        @MockClass(realClass = FlexContext.class)
        public static class MockFlexContext {
            public FlexSession getFlexSession() {
                System.out.println("I'm a Mock FlexContext.");
                return new FlexSession() {
                    public boolean isPushSupported() {
                        return false;
                    public String getId() {
                        return null;
        public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
            // Test user is registered here
        public void testLoginUser() {
            UserDAO userDAO = new UserDAO();
            assertEquals(userDAO.getUserList().size(), 1);
            // no NPE here 
            userDAO.login("asdf@asdf.de", "asdfasdf");


    当然,注入会很好,但在我当前的环境中是不可能的。谢谢你的观点,现在我有一个方向要走了!我现在就试试JMockit,糟糕透了。关于JMockit和TestNG似乎存在一些问题:您是如何在测试中解决这些问题的?我猜你在用JUnit?是的,JUnit。当我们做这个项目时,我们使用easymock作为我们的模拟框架。一旦我通过编写抽象的父测试类将jmockit从developers视图中删除,团队中关于如何进行单元测试的困惑就少了很多。我从来没有使用过TestNG,所以我不能把它作为一个测试框架来评论,只能说我遇到了更多使用JUnit Experience的开发人员