Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/1/list/4.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181

Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/6/haskell/8.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
`DList`和`[]`之间的关系与Codensity_List_Haskell_Category Theory - Fatal编程技术网


`DList`和`[]`之间的关系与Codensity,list,haskell,category-theory,List,Haskell,Category Theory,我最近一直在试验Codensity,它应该将DList与[]以及其他东西联系起来。无论如何,我从来没有找到说明这种关系的代码。经过一些实验后,我得出以下结论: {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Codensity where newtype Codensity f a = Codensity { runCodensity :: forall b. (a -> f b) -> f b } type DList a = Codensity []


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Codensity where

newtype Codensity f a = Codensity
  { runCodensity :: forall b. (a -> f b) -> f b }

type DList a = Codensity [] [a]

nil :: DList a
nil = Codensity ($ [])

infixr 5 `cons`
cons :: a -> DList a -> DList a
cons x (Codensity xs) = Codensity ($ (xs (x:)))

append :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
append (Codensity xs) ys = Codensity ($ (xs (++ toList ys)))

toList :: DList a -> [a]
toList xs = runCodensity xs id

fromList :: [a] -> DList a
fromList xs = Codensity (\k -> k xs)





nil :: DList a
nil = return ()

singleton :: a -> DList a
singleton x = liftF (x, ())

append :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
append = (>>)

infixr 5 `snoc`
snoc :: DList a -> a -> DList a
snoc xs x = xs >> singleton x

exec :: Free ((,) a) () -> [a]
exec (Free (x, xs)) = x : exec xs
exec (Pure _) = []

fromList :: [a] -> DList a
fromList = mapM_ singleton

toList :: DList a -> [a]
toList = exec

last . toList . foldl snoc nil $ [1..10000]

type DList a = Codensity (Free ((,) a)) ()

toList = exec . lowerCodensity


,这两种方法都留下了相关的计算 (可以)表现出二次运行时行为

1.全部故事 计划如下:

rightAssoc = toList $ (DL ([1,2] ++)) `append` (bs `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ unDL (DL ([1,2] ++)) . unDL (bs `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (bs `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL ((DL ([3,4] ++)) `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ unDL (DL ([3,4] ++)) . unDL cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ ([3,4] ++) . unDL cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ ([3,4] ++) . unDL (DL ([5,6] ++)))
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ ([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))
           -- definition of toList
           = ($[]) . unDL $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))
           -- unDL . DL == id
           = ($[]) $ (([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++)))
           -- move ($[]) to end
           = (([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))) []
           -- def: (.) g f x = g (f x)
           = (([1,2] ++) ((([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++)) []))
           = (([1,2] ++) (([3,4] ++) (([5,6] ++) [])))
           -- drop unnecessary parens
           = (([1,2] ++) (([3,4] ++) ([5,6] ++ [])))
           = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ ([5,6] ++ [])))
           -- (xs ++ []) == xs
           = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ ([5,6])))
           = (as ++ (bs ++ cs))
  • 我们一步一步地浏览
    的示例, 用关联性来证明这个问题
  • 我们使用CPS来避免使用
  • 善后和奖金(从
2.问题:二次运行时行为 2a。列表
作为示例时,这是 如果它们的工作方式类似于

让我们先看看列表的问题。康卡特手术 对于列表,通常是:

将始终从 从头到尾。要查看这是什么问题,请考虑以下事项 两种计算:

as, bs, cs:: [Int]

rightAssoc :: [Int]
rightAssoc = (as ++ (bs ++ cs))

leftAssoc :: [Int]
leftAssoc = ((as ++ bs) ++ cs)

as = [1,2]
bs = [3,4]
cs = [5,6]
rightAssoc = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ [5,6]))
           -- pattern match gives (1:[2]) for first arg
           = 1 : ([2] ++ ([3,4] ++ [5,6]))
           -- pattern match gives (2:[]) for first arg
           = 1 : 2 : ([] ++ ([3,4] ++ [5,6]))
           -- first case of (++)
           = 1 : 2 : ([3,4] ++ [5,6])
           = 1 : 2 : 3 : ([4] ++ [5,6])
           = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : ([] ++ [5,6])
           = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : [5,6]
           = [1,2,3,4,5,6]


as = [1,2]
bs = [3,4]
cs = [5,6]
leftAssoc = (([1,2] ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : ([2] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : ([] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ([1,2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          -- uh oh
          = 1 : ([2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : ([3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : ([4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : ([] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : [5,6]
          = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
leftAssoc = ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          = ((Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= f) >>= g)
          = (Free ((>>= f) <$> Identity (Pure 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity ((Pure 20) >>= f)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (f 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))) >>= g)
          = Free ((>>= g) <$> (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))))
          -- uh oh
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)) >>= g))
          = Free (Identity (Free ((>>= g) <$> Identity (Pure 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity ((Pure 21) >>= g))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (g 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 42))))))
leftAssoc = toList $ ((as `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (((DL ([1,2]++)) `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL bs)) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL (DL ([3,4]++)))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL cs))
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL (DL ([5,6]++))))
          = toList $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) . unDL $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++))
          = ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          -- expand (f . g) to \x -> f (g x)
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) (([5,6]++) []))
          -- apply lambda
          = ((([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) (([5,6]++) []))))
          = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ [5,6]))
          = as',bs',cs' ~ versions of 2a with no prime
          = (as' ++ (bs' ++ cs'))
rightAssoc = lowerCodensity (x >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- def of x
           = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- (>>=) of codensity
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c)))
           -- run . C == id
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           -- substitute x' for 'Free (Identity (Pure 20))' (same as only x from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) >>= g) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           -- again, substitute f' for '\x -> Free (Identity (Pure (x+1)))' (same as only f from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- one last time, substitute g' (g from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- def of lowerCodensity
           = run (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c)) return
           = (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c) return
           = (x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> run (C (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
           -- m >>= return ~ m
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2))
           -- m >>= (\x -> f x) ~ m >>= f
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>= g'))
           -- rename a to x
           = (x' >>= \x -> (f' x >>= g'))
leftAssoc = lowerCodensity ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          -- def of x
          = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) >>= f) >>= g)
          -- (>>=) from Codensity
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst x'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- def of f
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=)) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst f'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> run (C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          -- def of g
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))
          -- subst g'
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))
          -- def lowerCodensity
          = run (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return
          = (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>= g')
          = (x' >>= (\a -> (f' a >>= g'))
          = (x' >>= (\x -> (f' x >>= g'))
。各自 进一步错误关联的操作数,左侧的列表 每次我们必须完全遍历的
的数量将会增加 每个步骤的时间越长,导致运行时行为二次性

将破坏性能。 这导致我们:

作为示例时,这是 其他单子的情况也是如此,例如


data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))

instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
  return = Pure
  (>>=) (Pure a) f = f a
  (>>=) (Free m) f = Free ((>>= f) <$> m)

rightAssoc = (x >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- definition of x
           = ((Free (Identity (Pure 20))) >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- second case of definition for 'Free's (>>=)
           = Free ((>>= \x -> (f x >>= g)) <$> Identity (Pure 20))
           -- (<$>) for Identity
           = Free (Identity ((Pure 20) >>= \x -> (f x >>= g)))
           -- first case of the definition for 'Free's (>>=)
           = Free (Identity (f 20 >>= g))
           = Free (Identity ((Free (Identity (Pure 21))) >>= g))
           -- second case of definition for 'Free's (>>=)
           = Free (Identity (Free ((>>= g) <$> Identity (Pure 21))))
           = Free (Identity (Free (Identity ((Pure 21) >>= g))))
           = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (g 21))))
           = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 42))))))
的情况一样(也是 标记为

2c。迄今为止的结果 在这两种情况下,
都会导致二次运行时行为, 因为我们多次重新构建第一个参数并将其撕掉 再次右下角进行下一次操作。这意味着在每一步 在评估中,我们必须建立并拆除一个不断增长的 中间结构——不好

。每一个都解决了错误关联的问题 通过使用CPS有效地重新关联到 对

3a。数据列表 首先,我们介绍

newtype DList a = DL { unDL :: [a] -> [a] }

append :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
append xs ys = DL (unDL xs . unDL ys)

fromList :: [a] -> DList a
fromList = DL . (++)

toList :: DList a -> [a]
toList = ($[]) . unDL

as,bs,cs :: DList Int
as = fromList [1,2] = DL ([1,2] ++)
bs = fromList [3,4] = DL ([3,4] ++)
cs = fromList [5,6] = DL ([5,6] ++)

rightAssoc :: [Int]
rightAssoc = toList $ as `append` (bs `append` cs)

leftAssoc :: [Int]
leftAssoc = toList $ ((as `append` bs) `append` cs)

rightAssoc = toList $ (DL ([1,2] ++)) `append` (bs `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ unDL (DL ([1,2] ++)) . unDL (bs `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (bs `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL ((DL ([3,4] ++)) `append` cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ unDL (DL ([3,4] ++)) . unDL cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ ([3,4] ++) . unDL cs)
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ ([3,4] ++) . unDL (DL ([5,6] ++)))
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . unDL (DL $ ([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))
           = toList $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))
           -- definition of toList
           = ($[]) . unDL $ DL $ ([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))
           -- unDL . DL == id
           = ($[]) $ (([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++)))
           -- move ($[]) to end
           = (([1,2] ++) . (([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++))) []
           -- def: (.) g f x = g (f x)
           = (([1,2] ++) ((([3,4] ++) . ([5,6] ++)) []))
           = (([1,2] ++) (([3,4] ++) (([5,6] ++) [])))
           -- drop unnecessary parens
           = (([1,2] ++) (([3,4] ++) ([5,6] ++ [])))
           = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ ([5,6] ++ [])))
           -- (xs ++ []) == xs
           = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ ([5,6])))
           = (as ++ (bs ++ cs))
完全相同。 好了,随着紧张局势的加剧,我们继续看

as = [1,2]
bs = [3,4]
cs = [5,6]
leftAssoc = (([1,2] ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : ([2] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : ([] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ([1,2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          -- uh oh
          = 1 : ([2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : ([3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : ([4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : ([] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : [5,6]
          = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
leftAssoc = ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          = ((Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= f) >>= g)
          = (Free ((>>= f) <$> Identity (Pure 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity ((Pure 20) >>= f)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (f 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))) >>= g)
          = Free ((>>= g) <$> (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))))
          -- uh oh
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)) >>= g))
          = Free (Identity (Free ((>>= g) <$> Identity (Pure 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity ((Pure 21) >>= g))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (g 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 42))))))
leftAssoc = toList $ ((as `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (((DL ([1,2]++)) `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL bs)) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL (DL ([3,4]++)))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL cs))
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL (DL ([5,6]++))))
          = toList $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) . unDL $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++))
          = ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          -- expand (f . g) to \x -> f (g x)
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) (([5,6]++) []))
          -- apply lambda
          = ((([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) (([5,6]++) []))))
          = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ [5,6]))
          = as',bs',cs' ~ versions of 2a with no prime
          = (as' ++ (bs' ++ cs'))
rightAssoc = lowerCodensity (x >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- def of x
           = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- (>>=) of codensity
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c)))
           -- run . C == id
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           -- substitute x' for 'Free (Identity (Pure 20))' (same as only x from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) >>= g) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           -- again, substitute f' for '\x -> Free (Identity (Pure (x+1)))' (same as only f from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- one last time, substitute g' (g from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- def of lowerCodensity
           = run (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c)) return
           = (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c) return
           = (x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> run (C (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
           -- m >>= return ~ m
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2))
           -- m >>= (\x -> f x) ~ m >>= f
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>= g'))
           -- rename a to x
           = (x' >>= \x -> (f' x >>= g'))
leftAssoc = lowerCodensity ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          -- def of x
          = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) >>= f) >>= g)
          -- (>>=) from Codensity
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst x'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- def of f
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=)) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst f'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> run (C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          -- def of g
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))
          -- subst g'
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))
          -- def lowerCodensity
          = run (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return
          = (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>= g')
          = (x' >>= (\a -> (f' a >>= g'))
          = (x' >>= (\x -> (f' x >>= g'))
海瑞卡!结果正确关联(右侧),no 二次减速

3b。共同性 好吧,如果你到了这一点,你一定很感兴趣,那很好, 因为我也是:)。我们从Codensity的定义和


x :: Codensity (Free Identity) Int
x = liftCodensity (Free (Identity (Pure 20)))
  = C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)
  -- note the similarity to (DL (as ++))
  -- with DL ~ Codensity and (++) ~ (>>=) !

f :: Int -> Codensity (Free Identity) Int
f x = liftCodensity (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))))
    = C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)

g :: Int -> Codensity (Free Identity) Int
g x = liftCodensity (Free (Identity (Pure (x*2))))
    = C (Free (Identity (Pure (x*2))) >>=)

rightAssoc :: Free Identity Int
rightAssoc = lowerCodensity (x >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))

leftAssoc :: Free Identity Int
leftAssoc = lowerCodensity ((x >>= f) >>= g)
在我们再次进行评估之前,您可能 有兴趣比较

),如果需要,请继续执行 想要,我会等你


as = [1,2]
bs = [3,4]
cs = [5,6]
leftAssoc = (([1,2] ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : ([2] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : ([] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ([1,2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          -- uh oh
          = 1 : ([2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : ([3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : ([4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : ([] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : [5,6]
          = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
leftAssoc = ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          = ((Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= f) >>= g)
          = (Free ((>>= f) <$> Identity (Pure 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity ((Pure 20) >>= f)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (f 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))) >>= g)
          = Free ((>>= g) <$> (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))))
          -- uh oh
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)) >>= g))
          = Free (Identity (Free ((>>= g) <$> Identity (Pure 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity ((Pure 21) >>= g))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (g 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 42))))))
leftAssoc = toList $ ((as `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (((DL ([1,2]++)) `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL bs)) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL (DL ([3,4]++)))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL cs))
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL (DL ([5,6]++))))
          = toList $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) . unDL $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++))
          = ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          -- expand (f . g) to \x -> f (g x)
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) (([5,6]++) []))
          -- apply lambda
          = ((([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) (([5,6]++) []))))
          = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ [5,6]))
          = as',bs',cs' ~ versions of 2a with no prime
          = (as' ++ (bs' ++ cs'))
rightAssoc = lowerCodensity (x >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- def of x
           = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- (>>=) of codensity
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c)))
           -- run . C == id
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           -- substitute x' for 'Free (Identity (Pure 20))' (same as only x from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) >>= g) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           -- again, substitute f' for '\x -> Free (Identity (Pure (x+1)))' (same as only f from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- one last time, substitute g' (g from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- def of lowerCodensity
           = run (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c)) return
           = (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c) return
           = (x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> run (C (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
           -- m >>= return ~ m
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2))
           -- m >>= (\x -> f x) ~ m >>= f
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>= g'))
           -- rename a to x
           = (x' >>= \x -> (f' x >>= g'))
leftAssoc = lowerCodensity ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          -- def of x
          = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) >>= f) >>= g)
          -- (>>=) from Codensity
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst x'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- def of f
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=)) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst f'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> run (C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          -- def of g
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))
          -- subst g'
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))
          -- def lowerCodensity
          = run (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return
          = (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>= g')
          = (x' >>= (\a -> (f' a >>= g'))
          = (x' >>= (\x -> (f' x >>= g'))
s与右侧关联,这 考虑到情况也是如此,这还不是特别令人惊讶 一开始。因此,满怀期待,我们将注意力转向我们的 最后一次和最后一次评估跟踪,

as = [1,2]
bs = [3,4]
cs = [5,6]
leftAssoc = (([1,2] ++ [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : ([2] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : ([] ++ [3,4])) ++ [5,6])
          = ((1 : 2 : [3,4]) ++ [5,6])
          = ([1,2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          -- uh oh
          = 1 : ([2,3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : ([3,4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : ([4] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : ([] ++ [5,6])
          = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : [5,6]
          = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
leftAssoc = ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          = ((Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= f) >>= g)
          = (Free ((>>= f) <$> Identity (Pure 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity ((Pure 20) >>= f)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (f 20)) >>= g)
          = (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))) >>= g)
          = Free ((>>= g) <$> (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)))))
          -- uh oh
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 21)) >>= g))
          = Free (Identity (Free ((>>= g) <$> Identity (Pure 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity ((Pure 21) >>= g))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (g 21))))
          = Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Free (Identity (Pure 42))))))
leftAssoc = toList $ ((as `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (((DL ([1,2]++)) `append` bs) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL bs)) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (unDL (DL ([1,2]++)) . unDL (DL ([3,4]++)))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ ((DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) `append` cs)
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL cs))
          = toList $ (DL (unDL (DL (([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++))) . unDL (DL ([5,6]++))))
          = toList $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) . unDL $ (DL ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)))
          = ($[]) ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++))
          = ((([1,2]++) . ([3,4]++)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          -- expand (f . g) to \x -> f (g x)
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) . ([5,6]++)) []
          = ((\x -> ([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) x)) (([5,6]++) []))
          -- apply lambda
          = ((([1,2]++) (([3,4]++) (([5,6]++) []))))
          = ([1,2] ++ ([3,4] ++ [5,6]))
          = as',bs',cs' ~ versions of 2a with no prime
          = (as' ++ (bs' ++ cs'))
rightAssoc = lowerCodensity (x >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- def of x
           = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) >>= \x -> (f x >>= g))
           -- (>>=) of codensity
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c)))
           -- run . C == id
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           -- substitute x' for 'Free (Identity (Pure 20))' (same as only x from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (f x >>= g)) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) >>= g) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (x+1))) >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           -- again, substitute f' for '\x -> Free (Identity (Pure (x+1)))' (same as only f from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))) a) c))
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- one last time, substitute g' (g from 2b)
           = lowerCodensity (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c))
           -- def of lowerCodensity
           = run (C (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c)) return
           = (\c -> x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) c) return
           = (x' >>= \a -> run ((\x -> (C (\c2 -> (f' x >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))) a) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> run (C (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (\c2 -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return)
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
           -- m >>= return ~ m
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>=) (\a2 -> g' a2))
           -- m >>= (\x -> f x) ~ m >>= f
           = (x' >>= \a -> (f' a >>= g'))
           -- rename a to x
           = (x' >>= \x -> (f' x >>= g'))
leftAssoc = lowerCodensity ((x >>= f) >>= g)
          -- def of x
          = lowerCodensity ((C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) >>= f) >>= g)
          -- (>>=) from Codensity
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=)) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (Free (Identity (Pure 20)) >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst x'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (f a) c))) >>= g)
          -- def of f
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=)) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a+1))) >>=) c))) >>= g)
          -- subst f'
          = lowerCodensity ((C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) >>= g)
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> run (C (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c))) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (g a2) c2)))
          -- def of g
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> run (C (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=)) c2)))
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (Free (Identity (Pure (a2*2))) >>=) c2)))
          -- subst g'
          = lowerCodensity (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)))
          -- def lowerCodensity
          = run (C (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2))) return
          = (\c2 -> (\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> (g' a2 >>=) c2)) return
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2 >>= return))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) (\a2 -> g' a2))
          = ((\c -> (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) c)) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>=) g')
          = (x' >>=) (\a -> (f' a >>= g')
          = (x' >>= (\a -> (f' a >>= g'))
          = (x' >>= (\x -> (f' x >>= g'))