
mips汇编语言中的位屏蔽/移位?,mips,Mips,该计划的要求与我的解决方案一起发布在下面的代码中。有人能告诉我我做错了什么,并告诉我如何修复它吗?我每次输入的结果都是0。在大多数情况下,我相信我是在掩盖错误,而不是错误地移位 ########################################################################## ############################ # prompt user to enter an integer, read the integer,



# prompt user to enter an integer, read the integer, and display a 0 if the bits at the
# 16 and 256 place value positions of the integer are both 1 and display a 1 otherwise
############################ data segment ################################
outputLegend1:      .asciiz "0 = both bits at 16 & 256 place value positions are 1\n"
outputLegend2:      .asciiz "1 = bits at 16 & 256 place value positions NOT both 1\n\n"
inputPrompt:        .asciiz "Enter integer: "
outputLabel:        .asciiz "Integer entered is of type "
############################ code segment ################################
            .globl main
            li $v0, 4
            la $a0, outputLegend1        
            syscall         # print output legend part 1
            la $a0, outputLegend2        
            syscall         # print output legend part 2
            la $a0, inputPrompt        
            syscall         # print integer prompt
            li $v0, 5
            syscall         # read integer
            move $t0, $v0       # save integer read in $t0
            li $v0, 4
            la $a0, outputLabel        
            syscall         # print output label

            li $v0, 1

            # Insert NO MORE THAN 6 lines of code that involve ONLY 
            #   bit manipulating instructions (ANDing, ORing, XORing,
            #   NORing and shifting - only whatever that are needed)
            # so that the program will work just like the sample runs 
            # shown at the bottom (some blank lines edited out).

#my solution

            sll $t1,$t1,4
            andi $t2,$t1,1
            sll $t2,$t2,4
            andi $t3,$t2,1
            xor $a0, $t2,$t3

            syscall         # display desired output


            li $v0, 10      # exit gracefully

########################## sample test runs ##############################
# 0 = both bits at 16 & 256 place value positions are 1
# 1 = bits at 16 & 256 place value positions NOT both 1
# Enter integer: 0
# Integer entered is of type 1
# -- program is finished running --
# Reset: reset completed.
# 0 = both bits at 16 & 256 place value positions are 1
# 1 = bits at 16 & 256 place value positions NOT both 1
# Enter integer: 16
# Integer entered is of type 1
# -- program is finished running --
# Reset: reset completed.
# 0 = both bits at 16 & 256 place value positions are 1
# 1 = bits at 16 & 256 place value positions NOT both 1
# Enter integer: 256
# Integer entered is of type 1
# -- program is finished running --
# Reset: reset completed.
# 0 = both bits at 16 & 256 place value positions are 1
# 1 = bits at 16 & 256 place value positions NOT both 1
# Enter integer: 272
# Integer entered is of type 0
# -- program is finished running --
# Reset: reset completed.
# 0 = both bits at 16 & 256 place value positions are 1
# 1 = bits at 16 & 256 place value positions NOT both 1
# Enter integer: 12349876
# Integer entered is of type 0
# -- program is finished running --
# Reset: reset completed.
# 0 = both bits at 16 & 256 place value positions are 1
# 1 = bits at 16 & 256 place value positions NOT both 1
# Enter integer: 12346789
# Integer entered is of type 1
# -- program is finished running --
######################## end sample test runs ############################



  • 您需要源代码寄存器,这些寄存器在您的程序中已被锁定
  • 如果以后需要一些原始/源代码值(不要删除仍然需要的值),则需要为目标使用新的/不同的寄存器
  • 当您需要旧的/原始的值时,您不能简单地寻找新的寄存器




