Ms access ms access-从sql存储过程返回记录

Ms access ms access-从sql存储过程返回记录,ms-access,adodb,ms-access-2010,Ms Access,Adodb,Ms Access 2010,我有一个access 2010,我想调用sql 2008服务器上的sql存储过程,并将结果返回到记录集或直接绑定到报表 下面的方法返回错误“feture not available in ADP”或类似的内容-它可以处理表单,但不能处理报表 我该怎么做呢 Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim cm As New ADODB.Command 'Use the ADO connection that Access

我有一个access 2010,我想调用sql 2008服务器上的sql存储过程,并将结果返回到记录集或直接绑定到报表

下面的方法返回错误“feture not available in ADP”或类似的内容-它可以处理表单,但不能处理报表


Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cm As New ADODB.Command

'Use the ADO connection that Access uses
Set cn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
With cn
    .Provider = "Microsoft.Access.OLEDB.10.0"
    .Properties("Data Provider").Value = "SQLOLEDB"
    .Properties("Data Source").Value = "dsidsw923"
    .Properties("Integrated Security").Value = "SSPI"
    .Properties("Initial Catalog").Value = "Promotions_Dev_DSI"
End With

'Create an instance of the ADO Recordset class, and
'set its properties
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

With cm
    .ActiveConnection = cn
    .CommandText = "spCheckProdWkConsist"
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    Set rs = .Execute()
End With

'Set the form's Recordset property to the ADO recordset
Set Me.Recordset = rs

Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
Set cm = Nothing

exec usp\u which

exec usp\u which
