
未知命令';导入密码';,尝试导入Neo4j数据库时,neo4j,Neo4j,我正在使用neo4j 3.1.1,并按照此下载和安装neo4j外壳工具: 但当我在壳中这样做时: `Welcome to the Neo4j Shell! Enter 'help' for a list of commands. Please note that neo4j-shell is deprecated and to be replaced by cypher-shell. NOTE: Remote Neo4j graph database service 'shell' at por

我正在使用neo4j 3.1.1,并按照此下载和安装neo4j外壳工具: 但当我在壳中这样做时:

`Welcome to the Neo4j Shell! Enter 'help' for a list of commands. Please note that neo4j-shell is deprecated and to be replaced by cypher-shell.
NOTE: Remote Neo4j graph database service 'shell' at port 1337

neo4j-sh (?)$ help
Available commands: alias begin call cd commit create cypher dbinfo drop dump env explain export foreach gsh help index jsh load ls man match merge mknode mkrel mv optional paths planner profile pwd return rm rmnode rmrel rollback runtime schema set start trav unwind using with
Use man <command> for info about each command.
Please note that neo4j-shell is deprecated and to be replaced by cypher-shell.
neo4j-sh (?)$ import-cypher
Unknown command 'import-cypher'`
neo4j sh(?)美元帮助
可用命令:别名begin call cd commit create cypher dbinfo drop dump env explain export foreach gsh help index jsh load ls man match merge mknode mkrel mv optional PATH planner profile pwd return rm rmnode rmrel rollback运行时模式集start trav unwind with with
neo4j sh(?)美元进口密码


