Nosql 如何在DynamoDB中查询n:n邻接列表映射而不使用scan

Nosql 如何在DynamoDB中查询n:n邻接列表映射而不使用scan,nosql,amazon-dynamodb,aws-appsync,Nosql,Amazon Dynamodb,Aws Appsync,我正试图在DynamodDB中建立一个编目系统的模型。它有包含集合的目录。每个集合可以由多个标记进行标记 在RDBMS中,我将创建一个与集合具有1:n关系的表目录。集合将具有带标记的n:n,因为集合可以具有多个标记,并且一个标记可以属于多个集合 我要运行的查询包括: 我得到所有目录 2按ID获取目录 3按目录ID获取集合 我在AWS上读到,我可以使用邻接列表地图设计,因为我有带标签的n:n。下面是我的表结构: PK SK name cat-1 c








PK         SK         name    
cat-1      cat-1      Sales Catalog
cat-1      col-1      Sales First Collection
cat-1      col-2      Sales Second Collection
cat-2      cat-2      Finance Catalog 
tag-1      tag-1      Recently Added Tag
col-1      tag-1      (collection, tag relationship)





type Catalog {
  id: ID!
  name: String

  # Use a DynamoDB query on the **Collection** table 
  # where the **catalogId = $**. Use a GSI or make catalogId the PK.
  collections: [Collection]
type Collection {
  id: ID!
  name: String

  # Use a DynamoDB query on the **CollectionTag** table where
  # the **collectionId = $**. Use a GSI or make the collectionId the PK.
  tags: [CollectionTag]
# The "association map" idea as a GraphQL type. The underlying table has a collectionId and tagId.
# Create objects of this type to associate a collection and tag in the many to many relationship.
type CollectionTag {
  # Do a GetItem on the **Collection** table where **id = $ctx.source.collectionId**
  collection: Collection

  # Do a GetItem on the **Tag** table where **id = $ctx.source.tagId**
  tag: Tag
type Tag {
  id: ID!
  name: String

  # Use a DynamoDB query on teh **CollectionTag** table where
  # the **tagId = $**. If collectionId is the PK then make a GSI where this tagId is the PK.
  collections: [CollectionTag]

# Root level queries
type Query {
  # GetItem to **Catalog** table where **id = $**
  getCatalog(id: ID!): Catalog

  # Scan to **Catalog** table. As long as you don't care about ordering on a filed in particular then
  # this will likely be okay at the top level. If you only want all catalogs where "arePublished = 1",
  # for example then we would likely change this.
  allCatalogs: [Catalog]

  # Note: You don't really need a getCollectionsByCatalogId(catalogId: ID!) at the top level because you can
  # use `query { getCatalog(id: "***") { collections { ... } } }` which is effectively the same thing.
  # You could add another field here if having it at the top level was a requirement
  getCollectionsByCatalogId(catalogId: ID!): [Collection]



type Catalog {
  id: ID!
  name: String

  # Use a DynamoDB query on the **Collection** table 
  # where the **catalogId = $**. Use a GSI or make catalogId the PK.
  collections: [Collection]
type Collection {
  id: ID!
  name: String

  # Use a DynamoDB query on the **CollectionTag** table where
  # the **collectionId = $**. Use a GSI or make the collectionId the PK.
  tags: [CollectionTag]
# The "association map" idea as a GraphQL type. The underlying table has a collectionId and tagId.
# Create objects of this type to associate a collection and tag in the many to many relationship.
type CollectionTag {
  # Do a GetItem on the **Collection** table where **id = $ctx.source.collectionId**
  collection: Collection

  # Do a GetItem on the **Tag** table where **id = $ctx.source.tagId**
  tag: Tag
type Tag {
  id: ID!
  name: String

  # Use a DynamoDB query on teh **CollectionTag** table where
  # the **tagId = $**. If collectionId is the PK then make a GSI where this tagId is the PK.
  collections: [CollectionTag]

# Root level queries
type Query {
  # GetItem to **Catalog** table where **id = $**
  getCatalog(id: ID!): Catalog

  # Scan to **Catalog** table. As long as you don't care about ordering on a filed in particular then
  # this will likely be okay at the top level. If you only want all catalogs where "arePublished = 1",
  # for example then we would likely change this.
  allCatalogs: [Catalog]

  # Note: You don't really need a getCollectionsByCatalogId(catalogId: ID!) at the top level because you can
  # use `query { getCatalog(id: "***") { collections { ... } } }` which is effectively the same thing.
  # You could add another field here if having it at the top level was a requirement
  getCollectionsByCatalogId(catalogId: ID!): [Collection]

在这种情况下,可以将PK设置为对象的类型,将SK设置为uuid。记录看起来像{PK:Catalog,SK:uuid,…other Catalog fields}。然后可以通过对PK=Catalog进行查询来获取所有目录



在这种情况下,您可以将PK设置为对象的类型,将SK设置为uuid。记录看起来像{PK:Catalog,SK:uuid,…other Catalog fields}。然后可以通过对PK=Catalog进行查询来获取所有目录



因此,我需要一个n:n关系表,其中所有项都存储在一个表中。在根查询中,您有所有目录,您提到了我现在正在进行的扫描,但我知道在dynamo db中扫描效率很低,最好使用querySo基本上,我如何通过在相邻列表中查询dynamodb中的哈希键来获取所有目录n:n映射表在新的回答中响应所以我想要一个n:n关系表所有项目都存储在一个表中。在根查询中,您有所有目录,您提到了我现在正在进行的扫描,但我知道在dynamo db中扫描效率很低,最好使用querySo,基本上我如何通过在相邻列表中查询dynamodb中的哈希键来获得所有目录n:n映射表在新答案中响应OK我也在想同样的问题,添加一个类型列并在该列上创建一个GSI。好的,我的想法是一样的,添加一个类型列并在该列上创建一个GSI。