Oauth 2.0 缺少易趣浏览API上授权的访问令牌

Oauth 2.0 缺少易趣浏览API上授权的访问令牌,oauth-2.0,apollo,ebay-api,apollo-server,Oauth 2.0,Apollo,Ebay Api,Apollo Server,我尝试从eBay API中搜索项目。在my的server.js文件中,我在实例化s时通过上下文属性传递令牌字符串。Doku:。因此,每个请求都包含身份验证HTTP头属性。作为试用,目前我只使用固定令牌字符串。如果我为客户工作,这将在以后更改 server.js 从'apollo server'导入{apollo server} 从“./schema”导入架构 const server=新服务器{ 模式, 上下文:{req}=>{ const token='Bearer v^1.1i^1i^3f^

我尝试从eBay API中搜索项目。在my的server.js文件中,我在实例化s时通过上下文属性传递令牌字符串。Doku:。因此,每个请求都包含身份验证HTTP头属性。作为试用,目前我只使用固定令牌字符串。如果我为客户工作,这将在以后更改


从'apollo server'导入{apollo server} 从“./schema”导入架构 const server=新服务器{ 模式, 上下文:{req}=>{ const token='Bearer v^1.1i^1i^3f^0p^1r^0t^H4sIAAA…'//我的令牌 返回{ …请求, 标题:{ …请求标头, //使用oauth令牌充实头部 授权:令牌, }, } }, }


import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server'
import schema from './schema'

const server = new ApolloServer({
   context: ({ req }) => {
        const token = 'Bearer v^1.1#i^1#I^3#f^0#p^1#r^0#t^H4sIAAA...' // my token

        return {
             headers: {        
                 // enrich the header with oauth token
                 authorization: token,

server.listen().then(({ url }) => console.log(`The headers you see are the ones being sent in the request to your GraphQL server. All you've done is modified them to include the Authorization header and then included your entire request object as your context -- you're not passing any header information to the 
call actually getting the data from eBay. Minimally, you want to do something like this:

fetch(`https://api.ebay.com/buy/browse/v1/item_summary/?q=${keyword}`, {
  headers: {
    Authorization: context.headers.authorization,