Php 如何最好地循环一个阵列,同时维护另一个阵列

Php 如何最好地循环一个阵列,同时维护另一个阵列,php,Php,我有一个包含4个元素的数组。此数组中的这些类别位于一个层次结构中,这样category2可以在category1中有多个实例,category3可以在category2中有多个实例,等等 我有一个web scrape函数,它有一个数组参数,我为每个类别调用它。该函数返回一个名为data的数组,该数组还包含类别的实际实例数组以及在后续类别的scrap调用中必须使用的数量不等的字符串元素。为了深入到我正在寻找的数据,我必须对类别1进行分类,将输出输入类别2,将输出输入类别3,等等,直到我最终在类别4


我有一个web scrape函数,它有一个数组参数,我为每个类别调用它。该函数返回一个名为data的数组,该数组还包含类别的实际实例数组以及在后续类别的scrap调用中必须使用的数量不等的字符串元素。为了深入到我正在寻找的数据,我必须对类别1进行分类,将输出输入类别2,将输出输入类别3,等等,直到我最终在类别4的末尾得到了一个大数据集


随着循环的进行,我还必须为每个实例维护各种各样的面包屑线索。例如,scrape category1,category1有3个实例,category2有10个实例,category3有25个实例。我搜索了category1,发现它有3个实例。然后,我获取这三个实例中每个实例的值,并将它们分别输入到category2的每个scrape中。如果这是成功的,那么我必须使用原始的3个category1实例值以及category2的10个实例的值,并将它们提供给category3


$aCategoryOrder = array('category1','category2','category3','category4');

## First category web scrape ONLY needs the category name as a param
$aCatInput['category'] = $aCategoryOrder[0];

for ($i = 0; $i < count($aCategoryOrder); $i++) {
    $sThisCat = $aCatInput['category'];
    $sNextCat = $aCategoryOrder[$i + 1];

    if ($i == 0) {
        $aCatInput['category'] = $sThisCat;
    } else {
        $aCatInput['category'] = $sNextCat;

    $aScrape = webScrape($aCatInput);

    ## Capture the dataset out into another array to display later labeled 
    ## with the category name.
    $aOutput[$sThisCat]['data'] = $aScrape['data'];

    ## If this isn't category4 then we have to capture some of the output of the 
    ## web scrape to use for the next category's web scrape input.
    if ($aCatInput['category'] <> end($aCategoryOrder)) {

        ## Assign the name of the next category
        $aCatInput['category'] = $sNextCat;

        ## Assign the view state to the next category
        $sNextViewState = $aScrape['view_state'];
        $aCatInput['view_state'] = $sNextViewState;

        $sValName = $sThisCat . '_val';

        ## Separate out the actual data we're going to loop through
        $aCatData = $aScrape['data'];

        ## This is where my problem is.  Using this webScrape function again drives me
        ## nuts here.  To loop through all of these instances is the exact same code 
        ## above.  However, I have to pass 1 to many different instances through it.
        ## There could be 40 or more elements in $aCatData that I need to run through
        ## the webScrape function.  I'm trying to get away from having nested loops.
        foreach ($aCatData as $sVal) {
            $aCatInput[$sValName] = $sVal;          
            $aScrape = scrapeBookstore($aCatInput);
            $aOutput[$sNextCat]['data'][] = $aScrape['data'];
            $aCatInput['view_state'] = $aScrape['view_state'];
##第一个类别web scrape只需要类别名称作为参数

