Php 按行号替换文本文件行

Php 按行号替换文本文件行,php,Php,如何根据行号从文本文件中删除一行并替换为新行? 例如,使用php编辑file.txt: 运行脚本之前: Line 1: replace Line 2: line Line 3: with Line 4: script Line 1: replace Line 2: line Line 3: with Line 4: PHP script 运行后脚本: Line 1: replace Line 2: line Line 3: with Line 4: script Line 1: repla

如何根据行号从文本文件中删除一行并替换为新行? 例如,使用php编辑file.txt: 运行脚本之前:

Line 1: replace
Line 2: line
Line 3: with
Line 4: script
Line 1: replace
Line 2: line
Line 3: with
Line 4: PHP script

Line 1: replace
Line 2: line
Line 3: with
Line 4: script
Line 1: replace
Line 2: line
Line 3: with
Line 4: PHP script

$arr = file('file.txt'); // text to array

$content = "";
$needle = 3; // the line number you want to edit
$replace = 'PHP script'; // the replacement text

foreach($arr as $key => $line) {
    if($line[0] == $needle) {
        $arr[$key] = $needle . " $replace" . PHP_EOL;
    $content .= $arr[$key]; // rebuild your text file

echo 'The new text file contents:' . PHP_EOL;
echo $content;
// overwrite text file with edited content
file_put_contents('file.txt', $content);


// Please note that starting index in a file, array is ZERO not ONE as in your example

$edited_file_data = file('file.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES ); // text to array which ommits new lines (thanks Nigel)

$line_to_replace     = 3;            // the line number you want to edit
$replacement_content = 'PHP script'; // the replacement text

$edited_file_data[$line_to_replace] = $replacement_content;

echo 'The new text file contents:' . PHP_EOL;

$new_file_data_as_string = implode("\r\n", $edited_file_data);
echo $new_file_data_as_string;

// overwrite text file with edited content
file_put_contents('file.txt', $new_file_data_as_string);



    $file=__DIR__ . '/srctext.txt';

    $replace = 'Banana';

    $lines=file( $file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES );
    array_splice( $lines, $line, 1, $replace );

如果您使用file\u put\u contents可以获取一个数组并将其写出的事实,那么有一个更简单的版本,它只获取文件的原始内容,包括它将自动加载的新行,然后使用数组符号[$needle]替换相应的行,但在数据PHP\u EOL上添加一个新行作为通用。然后写下这个数组

$arr = file('file.txt'); // text to array

$content = "";
$needle = 3; // the line number you want to edit
$replace = 'PHP script'; // the replacement text

$arr[$needle] = $replace . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents('file.txt', $arr);
