Plsql 搜索符合多个条件的数据

Plsql 搜索符合多个条件的数据,plsql,Plsql,试图提取数据库中符合特定条件的人员。他们需要x&y、x&z或x&w 我尝试过使用“in”和“or”,但我得到了错误或糟糕的结果(有些只显示x,而不是其中的两个) 我得到了一份每个人的名单,似乎很多人只有X的代码,而不是X&这是其他因素之一。像这样的吗 SQL> with part (name, code) as 2 (select 'Mike', 'x' from dual union all -- Mike is OK, has X and Y 3 select





SQL> with part (name, code) as
  2    (select 'Mike', 'x' from dual union all   -- Mike is OK, has X and Y
  3     select 'Mike', 'y' from dual union all
  4     select 'Mike', 'a' from dual union all
  5     --
  6     select 'Rita', 'a' from dual union all   -- Rita is not OK, has only X
  7     select 'Rita', 'x' from dual union all
  8     --
  9     select 'John', 'x' from dual union all   -- John is OK, has X and W
 10     select 'John', 'w' from dual union all
 11     --
 12     select 'Anna', 'z' from dual             -- Anna is not OK, has only Z
 13    )
 14  select name
 15  From part
 16  where code in ('x', 'y', 'z', 'w')
 17  group by name
 18  having count(*) = 2;



SQL> with part (name, code) as
  2    (select 'Mike', 'x' from dual union all   -- Mike is OK, has X and Y
  3     select 'Mike', 'y' from dual union all
  4     select 'Mike', 'a' from dual union all
  5     --
  6     select 'Rita', 'a' from dual union all   -- Rita is not OK, has only X
  7     select 'Rita', 'x' from dual union all
  8     --
  9     select 'John', 'x' from dual union all   -- John is OK, has X and W
 10     select 'John', 'w' from dual union all
 11     --
 12     select 'Anna', 'z' from dual             -- Anna is not OK, has only Z
 13    )
 14  select name
 15  From part
 16  where code in ('x', 'y', 'z', 'w')
 17  group by name
 18  having count(*) = 2;



@Littlefoot的替代品。它使用EXISTS for代替group和having子句。我增加了两个额外的测试:朱迪和所有的“w”、“x”和“y”以及缺少x的彼得。根据这些条件是合格还是不合格,查询会有所不同

with part (name, code) as
     ( select 'Mike', 'x' from dual union all   -- Mike is OK, has X and Y
       select 'Mike', 'y' from dual union all
       select 'Mike', 'a' from dual union all
       select 'Rita', 'a' from dual union all   -- Rita is not OK, has only X
       select 'Rita', 'x' from dual union all
       select 'Judy', 'x' from dual union all   -- Judy is OK, has W, X and Y
       select 'Judy', 'y' from dual union all
       select 'Judy', 'w' from dual union all  
       select 'Peter', 'y' from dual union all   --Peter is not OK, does not have X 
       select 'Peter', 'w' from dual union all  
       select 'John', 'x' from dual union all    -- John is OK, has X and W
       select 'John', 'w' from dual union all
       select 'Anna', 'z' from dual             -- Anna is not OK, has only Z

  from part p1
 where 1=1
   and p1.code = 'x'
   and exists (select null 
                from part p2
               where 1=1
                 and =
                 and p2.code in ('y', 'z', 'w')

@Littlefoot的替代品。它使用EXISTS for代替group和having子句。我增加了两个额外的测试:朱迪和所有的“w”、“x”和“y”以及缺少x的彼得。根据这些条件是合格还是不合格,查询会有所不同

with part (name, code) as
     ( select 'Mike', 'x' from dual union all   -- Mike is OK, has X and Y
       select 'Mike', 'y' from dual union all
       select 'Mike', 'a' from dual union all
       select 'Rita', 'a' from dual union all   -- Rita is not OK, has only X
       select 'Rita', 'x' from dual union all
       select 'Judy', 'x' from dual union all   -- Judy is OK, has W, X and Y
       select 'Judy', 'y' from dual union all
       select 'Judy', 'w' from dual union all  
       select 'Peter', 'y' from dual union all   --Peter is not OK, does not have X 
       select 'Peter', 'w' from dual union all  
       select 'John', 'x' from dual union all    -- John is OK, has X and W
       select 'John', 'w' from dual union all
       select 'Anna', 'z' from dual             -- Anna is not OK, has only Z

  from part p1
 where 1=1
   and p1.code = 'x'
   and exists (select null 
                from part p2
               where 1=1
                 and =
                 and p2.code in ('y', 'z', 'w')
