
在postgresql的with语句中使用insert返回的id,postgresql,Postgresql,假设您具有以下表结构,您喜欢wikipedia,并且页面的标识和状态存储在不同的表中: create table endUsers ( uuid UUID primary key, created timestamptz default now() ); create table endUserRevisions ( id bigserial primary key, endUser


create table endUsers (
  uuid             UUID         primary key,
  created          timestamptz  default now()

create table endUserRevisions (
  id               bigserial    primary key,
  endUser          UUID         not null        references endUsers,
  modified         timestamptz  default now(),
  modifiedBy       UUID         not null        references portalUsers,
  name             text         not null,
  company          text         not null,
  email            text         not null

alter table endUsers add column
  latestRevision  bigint        not null        references endUserRevisions;

with lastID as (
  insert into  endUserRevisions (endUser, name, company, email)
    values ('08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-69f855210d72', 'a', 'b', 'c') returning id)
insert into endUsers (uuid, latestRevision)
  values ('08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-69f855210d72', lastID);

-- or

with revision as (
  insert into  endUserRevisions (endUser, name, company, email)
    values ('08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-69f855210d72', 'a', 'b', 'c') returning *)
insert into endUsers (uuid, latestRevision)
  values ('08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-69f855210d72', revision.id);




with revision as (
  insert into  endUserRevisions (endUser, name, company, email)
    values ('08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-79f855210d76', 'a', 'b', 'c') returning id)
insert into endUsers (uuid, latestRevision)
 values ('08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-79f855210d76', (select id from revision));

-- or

with revision as (                                                                                                    
  insert into  endUserRevisions (endUser, name, company, email)                                                       
    values ('08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-79f855210d74', 'a', 'b', 'c') returning id)                                      
insert into endUsers (uuid, latestRevision)                                                                           
  select '08e7882c-7596-43d1-b4cc-79f855210d74', revision.id from revision;