Powershell 从共享位置提取日志文件中的内容,并将表格格式的电子邮件以及新标题发送到电子邮件

Powershell 从共享位置提取日志文件中的内容,并将表格格式的电子邮件以及新标题发送到电子邮件,powershell,powershell-3.0,Powershell,Powershell 3.0,我正在尝试使用PowerShell自动化一些日常健康检查任务 我希望(一步一步地)实现以下目标,尽管我在少数几个方面取得了部分成功 通过定义$Path=Set location…等,提取位于共享位置(我已成功)的文本(日志)文件的内容 通过定义将电子邮件(成功)发送到邮箱 我需要的真正帮助就在这里 我想在电子邮件中添加标题,以及从步骤1中提取的原始文本 例如 原始文本如下所示(从共享位置的文本文件中提取): 01-01-2018成功对象数量-1 我想在电子邮件中添加此标题,如 date



  • 通过定义
    $Path=Set location…

  • 通过定义将电子邮件(成功)发送到邮箱

  • 我需要的真正帮助就在这里




    01-01-2018成功对象数量-1 我想在电子邮件中添加此标题,如

    date Description Number of Objects 01-01-2018 Successful objects 1 日期描述对象数 01-01-2018成功对象1

  • 假设步骤1中收集的日志文件的内容是日志条目的字符串数组,其中每个字符串的格式类似于


    # create an array to store the results objects in
    $result = @()
    # loop through this array of log entries
    $logEntries | ForEach-Object {
        # Here every text line is represented by the special variable $_
        # From your question I gather they all have this format:
        # '01-01-2018 Number of Successful object - 1 '
        if ($_ -match '(?<date>\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4})\s+(?<description>[^\-\d]+)[\s\-]+(?<number>\d+)\s*$') {
            # Try to get the 'Succesful' or 'Failed' (??) text part out of the description
            $description = ($matches['description'] -replace 'Number of|object[s]?', '').Trim() + ' object'
            if ([int]$matches['number'] -ne 1) { $description += 's' }
            # add to the result array
            $result += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                'Date'              = $matches['date']
                'Description'       = $description
                'Number of Objects' = $matches['number']
    # now decide on the format of this result
    # 1) as plain text in tabular form. 
    # This looks best when used with a MonoSpaced font like Courier or Consolas.
    $result | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String
    # or 2) as HTML table. You will have to style this table in your email.
    # You may include a stylesheet using the '-CssUri' parameter, but inserting
    # it in a nicely drawn-up HTML template will give you more creative freedom.
    $result | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment
    $logEntries | ForEach对象{
    $description=($matches['description']-替换'Number of | object[s]?','').Trim()+'object'
    如果([int]$matches['number']-ne 1){$description+='s'}
    $result+=新对象-TypeName PSObject-Property([ordered]@{
    $result |格式表-自动调整大小|输出字符串
    $result |转换为Html-作为表-片段

    p、 由于PSObject具有
    属性,因此需要PowerShell 3.0或更高版本。

    | Format Table | Out String
    (请参阅)。如果您仍然需要PowerShell v3,只需使用
    # create an array to store the results objects in
    $result = @()
    # loop through this array of log entries
    $logEntries | ForEach-Object {
        # Here every text line is represented by the special variable $_
        # From your question I gather they all have this format:
        # '01-01-2018 Number of Successful object - 1 '
        if ($_ -match '(?<date>\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4})\s+(?<description>[^\-\d]+)[\s\-]+(?<number>\d+)\s*$') {
            # Try to get the 'Succesful' or 'Failed' (??) text part out of the description
            $description = ($matches['description'] -replace 'Number of|object[s]?', '').Trim() + ' object'
            if ([int]$matches['number'] -ne 1) { $description += 's' }
            # add to the result array
            $result += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                'Date'              = $matches['date']
                'Description'       = $description
                'Number of Objects' = $matches['number']
    # now decide on the format of this result
    # 1) as plain text in tabular form. 
    # This looks best when used with a MonoSpaced font like Courier or Consolas.
    $result | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String
    # or 2) as HTML table. You will have to style this table in your email.
    # You may include a stylesheet using the '-CssUri' parameter, but inserting
    # it in a nicely drawn-up HTML template will give you more creative freedom.
    $result | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment