Python 草拟租车账单脚本数学问题

Python 草拟租车账单脚本数学问题,python,Python,我的任务是为我的python初学者课程创建一个租车计费脚本。然而,当我运行我的程序时,“最终总数”是远远不够的,有人看到我没有注意到的错误吗 这是我的消息来源 import sys ''' Section 1: Collect customer input ''' ##Collect Customer Data - Part 1 ##1) Request Rental code: #Prompt --> "(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental?



import sys
Section 1: Collect customer input
##Collect Customer Data - Part 1

##1)    Request Rental code:
#Prompt --> "(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental?"
#rentalCode = ?

#Ask a question
#Get an answer

rentalCode = input("(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental?\n")
#2) Request time period the car was rented.
daysRented = 0
weeksRented = 0
if rentalCode == 'B' or rentalCode == 'D':
  rentalPeriod = input("Number of Days Rented:\n")
  rentalPeriod = input("Number of Weeks Rented:\n")

budget_charge = (40.00)
daily_charge = (60.00)
weekly_charge = (190.00)

if rentalCode == "B":
  baseCharge = int(rentalPeriod) * int(budget_charge)
elif rentalCode == "D":
  baseCharge = int(rentalPeriod) * int(daily_charge)
elif rentalCode == "W":
  baseCharge = int(rentalPeriod) * int(weekly_charge)

 #this block prompts the user to input the starting and ending mileage and assigns them to the variable odoStart and odoEnd. 
odoStart = input("Starting Odometer Reading:\n")
odoEnd = input("Ending Odometer Reading:\n")

#this block of code calculates the number of miles driven while the vehicle was rented
#and assigns the number to the variable totalMiles.
totalMiles = int(odoEnd) - int(odoStart)

if rentalCode == "B":
  mileCharge = float(totalMiles) * 0.25;

#this block of code states if the user inputs D as the rental code, then the average 
#day miles is calculated. if the average day miles is less than or equal to 100, then the #mile charge is 0. if it is more, 
#than 100 is subtracted from it, and the calculation of 
#.25 cents per mile times the number of days is calculated an assigned to the variable. 
elif rentalCode == "D":
  averageDayMiles = float(totalMiles)/float(rentalPeriod);
  if float(averageDayMiles) <= 100:
      extraMiles = 0;
      extraMiles = float(averageDayMiles) - 100;
  mileCharge = (.25 * float(extraMiles)) * float(rentalPeriod);

#this block of code states that if the user inputed W for the rental code, then the 
#average weekly miles is calculated. if the average weekly miles is less than or equal 
#to 900, the mile chwrge is 0.if it is more, the calculation of 100 times the number of #weeks rented is computed and assigned
# to the variable mile charge.
elif rentalCode == "W":
  averageWeekMiles = float(totalMiles)/ float(rentalPeriod);  
  if averageWeekMiles <= 900:
    mileCharge = 0;
    mileCharge = 100 * float(rentalPeriod);

#this code calculates the base charge + the mile charge and assigns it to the variable
#amtdue for the cost.
amtDue = float(baseCharge) + float(mileCharge)

print("Rental Summary")
print("Rental Code:        " + str(rentalCode))
print("Rental Period:      " + str(rentalPeriod)) 
print("Starting Odometer:  " + str(odoStart))
print("Ending Odometer:    " + str(odoEnd))
print("Miles Driven:       " + str(totalMiles))
print("Amount Due:         " + "$" + str(amtDue))


Check 1 failed
(B)udget, (D)aily, or (W)eekly rental?
Number of Days Rented:
Starting Odometer Reading:
Ending Odometer Reading:
Rental Summary
Rental Code:        D
Rental Period:        5
Starting Odometer:  1234
Ending Odometer:    2222
Miles Driven:       988
Amount Due:         $324.40