
我打算编写一个测验程序,当答案正确时,将分数相加,当用python给出错误答案时,将分数扣除,python,Python,这就是我想出来的,我不明白为什么会这样,因为我的期望是每一个正确的答案都要加分,每一个错误的答案都要扣分 name = str(input("What is your name?: ")) score = 0 answer1 = str(input("(1) What is the name of the first president of Nigeria? \n(a) Amadu Bello \n(b) Shehu Shagari \n(c) Olusegun Obasanjo \n(d)


name = str(input("What is your name?: "))
score = 0

answer1 = str(input("(1) What is the name of the first president of Nigeria? \n(a) Amadu Bello \n(b) Shehu Shagari \n(c) Olusegun Obasanjo \n(d) Nnamdi Azikwe\n:Your answer: "))

if answer1 == "d" or "D" or "Nnamdi" or "Nnamdi Azikwe" and "Azikwe":
    score = score+5
    print ( "Weldone", name, "you've scored", score, "points")
    score = score - 5
    print( "ouch!!!", name, "you missed that, you've scored, ", score, "points")

answer2 = str(input("(2) What is the name of the capital of Lagos state? \n(a) Ikorodu\n(b) Ikeja\n(c) Surulere\n(d) Victoria Island\nYour answer: "))

if answer2 == "a" or "A" or "Ikeja":
    score = score+5
    print ( "Weldone", name, "you've scored", score, "points")
    score = score - 5
    print( "ouch!!!", name, "you missed that, you've scored, ", score, "points")

answer3 = str(input("(3) What is the name of the first capital of Nigeria?\n(a) Kano \n(b) Abuja\n(c) Lagos\n(d) Calabar\nYour Answer: "))

if answer3 == "c" or "C" or "lagos" and "Lagos":
    score = score+5
    print ( "Weldone", name, "you've scored", score, "points")
    score = score - 5
    print( "ouch!!!", name, "you missed that, you've scored, ", score, "points")

answer4 = str(input("(4) What is the name of the governor of Lagos when Code-Lagos was first implemented? \n(a)Raji Fashola\n(b)Akinwunmi Ambode\n(c) Ahmed Tinubu\n (d) Lateef Jakande\nYour answer: "))

if answer4 == "b" or "B" or "Ambode" or "Akinwunmi Ambode" or "akinwunmi ambode":
    score = score+5
    print ( "Weldone", name, "you've scored", score, "points")
    score = score - 5
    print( "ouch!!!", name, "you missed that, you've scored, ", score, "points")

answer5 = str(input("(5) Which of the following is indigenous Nigerian content? \n(a) Etisalat\n(b) Airtel\n(c) MTN\n(d) Globacoms\n Your Answer: "))

if answer5 == "d" or "D" or "glo" or "Glo" or "GLO":
    score = score+5
    print ( "Weldone", name, "you've scored", score, "points")
    score = score - 5
    print( "ouch!!!", name, "you missed that, you've scored, ", score, "points")




if a == B or a == C:

if a == B or C


if a in [B, C, D, ...]:

if answer1 == "d" or "D" or "Nnamdi" or "Nnamdi Azikwe" and "Azikwe":

if answer1 in ["d", "D", "Nnamdi", "Nnamdi Azikwe", "Azikwe"]:


questions = [
        "question": "What is the name of the first president of Nigeria?",
        "options": ["Amadu Bello", "Shehu Shagari", "Olusegun Obasanjo", "Nnamdi Azikwe"],
        "answers": ["d", "nnamdi", "nnamdi azikwe", "azikwe"]
# add more questions here in the same format as above

name = str(input("What is your name?: "))
score = 0

for q_number, q in enumerate(questions):
    question_text = '({}) {}\n'.format(q_number + 1, q["question"])
    options_text = '\n'.join("({}) {}".format(chr(i + 65), qsn) for i, qsn in enumerate(q["options"])) + "\n"
    display_text = question_text + options_text

    # answer is converted to lower case to make comparison with options easier
    answer = str(input(display_text)).lower()

    if answer in q["answers"]:
        score += 5
        print ("Well done", name, "you've scored", score, "points")
        score -= 5
        print("ouch!!!", name, "you missed that, you've scored, ", score, "points")
