Python 包含引号的文本的句子标记化

Python 包含引号的文本的句子标记化,python,nlp,nltk,tokenize,Python,Nlp,Nltk,Tokenize,代码: 输出: from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize pprint(sent_tokenize(unidecode(text))) 输入: 杜因窒息而死后,她的男朋友发表了一篇令人心碎的文章 网上留言:“失去知觉在我的手臂,你的呼吸和呼吸 心跳越来越弱,最后他们把你推出了房间 冰冷的急诊室,我没能保护你。” 23岁的李娜(音译)来自江西省一个农家,是一名农民工, 我期待着2015年结婚 在前面的句子中应该加上引号。而不是“Li.



from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize           

杜因窒息而死后,她的男朋友发表了一篇令人心碎的文章 网上留言:“失去知觉在我的手臂,你的呼吸和呼吸 心跳越来越弱,最后他们把你推出了房间 冰冷的急诊室,我没能保护你。”

23岁的李娜(音译)来自江西省一个农家,是一名农民工, 我期待着2015年结婚



编辑: 解释文本的提取

[After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker.',
 'Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room.',
 'I failed to protect you.',
 '"Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.',]


html = open(path, "r").read()                           #reads html code
article = extractor.extract(raw_html=html)              #extracts content
text = unidecode(article.cleaned_text)                  #changes encoding 
Edit2: (更新)nltk和python版本

['After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker.',
 'Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room.',
 'I failed to protect you.',
 'Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.'

nltk.sent\u tokenize

python -c "import nltk; print nltk.__version__"
python -V
Python 2.7.9

>>> text = """After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you."
... Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015."""
>>> from nltk import sent_tokenize
>>> paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
>>> for pg in paragraphs:
...     for sent in sent_tokenize(pg):
...             print sent
After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker.
Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room.
I failed to protect you."
Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.

>>> import re
>>> str_in_doublequotes = r'"([^"]*)"'
>>> re.findall(str_in_doublequotes, text)
['Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you.']


alvas@ubi:~$ echo -e """After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: \"Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you.\"\n\nLi Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.""" > in.txt
alvas@ubi:~$ cat in.txt 
After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you."

Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.
alvas@ubi:~$ python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import io
>>> from nltk import sent_tokenize
>>> text ='in.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8').read()
>>> print text
After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you."

Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.

>>> for sent in sent_tokenize(text):
...     print sent
After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker.
Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room.
I failed to protect you."
Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.


杜因窒息而死后,她的男朋友发表了一篇令人心碎的文章 网上留言:“失去知觉在我的手臂,你的呼吸和呼吸 心跳越来越弱,最后他们把你推出了房间 冰冷的急诊室,我没能保护你。”


“在我的臂弯里失去知觉,你的呼吸和心跳变得 越来越弱。最后他们把你从寒冷的紧急状态中推了出来 “我没能保护你,”她的男朋友发了一条令人心碎的帖子 杜因窒息死亡后的在线消息


>>> import io, re
>>> from nltk import sent_tokenize
>>> str_in_doublequotes = r'"([^"]*)"'
>>> paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
>>> for pg in paragraphs:
...     # Collects the quotes inside the paragraph 
...     in_quotes = re.findall(str_in_doublequotes, pg)
...     for q in in_quotes:
...             # Keep track of the quotes with tabs.
...             pg = pg.replace('"{}"'.format(q), '\t')
...     for _pg in pg.split('\t'):
...             for sent in sent_tokenize(_pg):
...                     print sent,
...             try:
...                     print '"{}"'.format(in_quotes.pop(0))
...             except IndexError: # Nothing to pop.
...                     pass
After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online:  "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you."
Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.



啊杜窒息死亡后,男友在网上发了令人心碎的消息: "..."


杜因窒息而死后,她的男朋友发表了一篇令人心碎的文章 联机消息,“…”


她的男朋友在杜后在网上发布了一条令人心碎的消息 死于窒息

>>> import io, re
>>> from nltk import sent_tokenize
>>> str_in_doublequotes = r'"([^"]*)"'
>>> paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
>>> for pg in paragraphs:
...     # Collects the quotes inside the paragraph 
...     in_quotes = re.findall(str_in_doublequotes, pg)
...     for q in in_quotes:
...             # Keep track of the quotes with tabs.
...             pg = pg.replace('"{}"'.format(q), '\t')
...     for _pg in pg.split('\t'):
...             for sent in sent_tokenize(_pg):
...                     print sent
...             try:
...                     print '"{}"'.format(in_quotes.pop(0))
...             except IndexError: # Nothing to pop.
...                     pass
After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online: 
"Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you."
Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.
>>> import io, re
>>> from nltk import sent_tokenize
>>> str_in_doublequotes = r'"([^"]*)"'
>>> paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
>>> for pg in paragraphs:
...     # Collects the quotes inside the paragraph 
...     in_quotes = re.findall(str_in_doublequotes, pg)
...     for q in in_quotes:
...             # Keep track of the quotes with tabs.
...             pg = pg.replace('"{}"'.format(q), '\t')
...     for _pg in pg.split('\t'):
...             for sent in sent_tokenize(_pg):
...                     print sent,
...             try:
...                     print '"{}"'.format(in_quotes.pop(0))
...             except IndexError: # Nothing to pop.
...                     pass
After Du died of suffocation, her boyfriend posted a heartbreaking message online:  "Losing consciousness in my arms, your breath and heartbeat became weaker and weaker. Finally they pushed you out of the cold emergency room. I failed to protect you."
Li Na, 23, a migrant worker from a farming family in Jiangxi province, was looking forward to getting married in 2015.
$ python -c "import nltk; print nltk.__version__"
$ python -V
Python 2.7.6