
由R打印警告,r,warnings,R,Warnings,我有一个在矩阵上工作的文件上的代码,我使用 源代码(“filecode.r”) 由于代码使用的矩阵必须具有一些特定的特征,因此我想打印一条消息,提醒用户输入矩阵必须使用这些特征进行格式化 代码如下: n<- nrow(aa) d_ply(aa, 1, function(row){ cu<- dist(as.numeric(row[-1])) cucu<- as.matrix(cu) saveRDS(cucu, file = paste0(row$ID, ".rds")) },





n<- nrow(aa)
d_ply(aa, 1, function(row){
cu<- dist(as.numeric(row[-1]))
cucu<- as.matrix(cu)
saveRDS(cucu, file = paste0(row$ID, ".rds"))
}, .progress='text', .print = TRUE)
还有一个问题,比如“你想继续吗?”。 提前感谢您的所有建议!


check <- readline(prompt="Warning!\n(1) did you write 'ID' in position [1,1] of the input matrix? \n(2) is your matrix saved as a .txt?\n(3) ensure that the matrix file does not have empty rows at the end\n\n Do you wish to continue? (y/n)")
if(check == "n") stop("Aborted.")
print(check)  #Here would follow your code instead

check <- readline(prompt="Warning!\n(1) did you write 'ID' in position [1,1] of the input matrix? \n(2) is your matrix saved as a .txt?\n(3) ensure that the matrix file does not have empty rows at the end\n\n Do you wish to continue? (y/n)")
if(check == "n") stop("Aborted.")
print(check)  #Here would follow your code instead
check <- NA
while(!(check %in% c('y','n'))) {
  check <- readline(prompt="Warning!\n(1) did you write 'ID' in position [1,1] of the input matrix? \n(2) is your matrix saved as a .txt?\n(3) ensure that the matrix file does not have empty rows at the end\n\n Do you wish to continue? (y/n)")
if(check == "n") stop("Aborted.")